posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 04:59 PM
I believed I was doing it in 1972-4.
I had just become a Christian, and the charismatic movement was beginning to flourish.
Nothing very dramatic about it. Just something happening quietly, when I was on my own. I wasn't controlling it, but I was allowing it to happen.
It seemed to be an "unknown language", which is what we were being taught to expect. The sound of it was very similar on different occasions. There
seemed to be definite patterns, and the words seemed to be of the same type of sound. In other words, what you might expect if it really was a
consistent language. I did notice more than once that it would end and tail off with repetitions of the word "mana".
One reason why it might have stopped is that I neglected to encourage it.
edit on 5-4-2011 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)