Big Pharmaceuticals is most definitely behind this bill. I'm really really sick of these guys. The drugs they put on the market have not been
suitably tested which they don't care because the pay-off far exceeds the lawsuit. When the drug hits Wall-Street it makes a killing until it starts
to kill and then they kill the stock.
I used the key words, *Pharmaceutical lawsuits* and these are all the hits. And that's just using 1 term.
3,890,000 results for
Pharmaceuticals Laws…
Yahoo search results for Pharm Lawsuits
I have *Pain Management* issues so I see a Dr. on a regular basis. 3-4yrs ago my Dr. was on a ti-raid to get me off a low-grade narcotic, *Lortab 10*
140 pills @ 60.00$ without Ins. (I want to give without INS cost to prove a point) He insisted that I go on *Oxycontin* which is a high-grade
Narcotic and can be dangerous. 60 pills @ 860.00$. He said the DEA were pushing them into doing this. They wanted people on the Oxy because it was
a longer acting drug and they felt the Lortab was a shorter acting drug and therefore???? Since when did DEA start taking Medical class's to
prescribe drugs? In my opinion the DEA, Federal Govn't, are legal Street thugs.
Here in Montana we passed Medical Mary-Jane. We, the Majority of the People, voted to have medical Marijuana legalized for an assortment of issues
and one being... Instead of taking Narcotic after Narcotic mix the 2 and you're not putting as much crap into you're system. I would much rather
smoke a joint at nite before bed then taking a Pain Killer or a sleeping pill.
Anyways, the few that were against this bill are managing to over-turn what the majority voted for. Before the ruling was even over-turned the Feds
and the DEA came in to legal business's that followed all the rules according to the State, and confiscated everything. In a lot of cases these
people lost everything. Our local cops babysat outside the premises of these places while these *MF'er's* ruined peoples lives and went against the
Majority of the People!!
Side Note** I tried to warn these people not to get their cards because until this fight is won for our benefit the DEA, FEDS, LOCAL POLICE, will use
it against you. I've been smoking for over 20yrs. I even turned a cop on to and I have never been busted for being a casual smoker.
Our Country is now a dictatorship. When we called the White House and demanded that they NOT bail out the banks and the car industry they turned the
phones off and threatened Congress with Congressional Martial Law if they did NOT comply to and sign the bill. When the Majority of Montanans vote to
legalize Medical Mary-Jane and a few select turn the bill over and blatantly get the law over-turned... that's a dictatorship!
I despise the pharmaceutical companies. They've been killing people for years and now look what they're doing...Evil Evil has taken over. Grass
Roots no longer run this Country... Big Business, Big Banks and Wall Street own us now. They've been slowly developing and sneaking their people in
to take over and when people started waking up it was to late. They're just like cockroaches...if you let them go and fester they over-ride you're
whole living space and eventually will kill you if not taken care of!
edit on 5-4-2011 by tracehd1 because: (no reason given)