posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 08:18 PM
I would have to say I liked reddit. I used to look at it once a day. I never look at it now. I look at ATS 3, 4, 5+ times a day and on up into the
I have never been on a website that I loved so much that I took a risk at my anonymity because I feel I need to be as open and honest, even candid
you might say, with a similar group of individuals. On social media websites i say i like everything from granny panies to Barak Obama. But on ATS and
on the street I am me. My avatar is like my car...I don't have one. But my research and insight is shared along with my opinion and concern. Alot of
times what I get back im my threads or posts are just one or two more tidbits that make me feel good or enlighten me just a notch. Try and talk to
someone who knows not of ATS. Yeah you better stick to the weather, and I don't mean HAARP or chemtrails. I mean, "well the sky is blue today." Then
again on occasion you recognize a fellow and man its like winning a lottery ticket but better. My Dad just texted me and said Jesse Ventura is on CNN
right now. Just like that.
Even those I do not agree with I recognize the like thinking and insight and pay respect to. The Mods keep it well manicured so you have not many
wasted repeat threads. The knowledge and depth is vast and deep. The care for others is of the utmost virtue. Trolls are little to none. The smell of
BS is quickly contained. We all know who For instance, 90% of us agree Sorcha FAAL really is and how many times "she" reports from below the desk of
Mendeyev or Putin. The other 10% are newbies and learn our ways very quickly or just go back to those other silly websites wear fear is celebrated and
ignorance is embraced.
We have so much here and to be thankful for- ATS from really above to general chit chat it is top notch and awesome.
Solomon said, "Knowledge increases sorrow." In the beginning this is true, but then there is knowledge obtained at ATS and that knowledge becomes
power; and as this site grows so grows that power, its of knowledge over ignorance.
WE DENY IGNORANCE. Someday the whole world will deny ignorance and TPTB be will be exposed for.who they really are--Little bitty inbred people
wearing little velvet jackets behind big velvet curtains pulling little levers that don't work anymore. I guess then we @ ATS will become historical
archivist reminding the world of what must never happen again. Or we could just leave with the ETs in chariots of fire.
PS. WHAT DOES 2nd line mean? And who was the guy in the memorial when I joined 5 or 6 months ago. It was up in the left hand corner. Who was
edit on 4-4-2011 by sirjunlegun because: PS