posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 08:41 PM
I am a retired nurse and have taken care of people that had a stem
cell transplant to cure Leukemia. The closer the donor is related
to the person having the transplant the better. The donor has stem
cells extracted to give, say his brother or sister. It doesn't come
from embryos and those days I believe are just about over as now
there is a national data base for donors and a system for matching.
I have heard that umbilical cords are being used in research and I think
thats fine - we don't need those after we are born. As for myself
I am happy with the results of stem cell research (at least the part
that I know about) and I haven't heard anything negative from other
sources. I am in the US so I cannot say with any verification what
stem cell research is like in other countries.
edit on 4-4-2011 by crazydaisy because: (no reason given)