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HAARP Magnetometer data shows Japan earthquake was induced

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+37 more 
posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:23 PM

HAARP Magnetometer data shows Japan earthquake was induced

The United States Air Force and Navy has provided a visual insight into what caused the 9.0 magnitude off of Japan on March 11, 2011 at 05:46:23 UTC. The image above was downloaded from the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) website. It is a time-frequency spectrogram, which shows the frequency content of signals recorded by the HAARP Induction Magnetometer. This instrument, provided by the University of Tokyo, measures temporal variations in the geomagnetic field (Earth’s magnetosphere) in the ULF (ultra-low frequency) range of 0-5 Hz. Notions have been added to the i
(visit the link for the full news article)

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Mod edit: Please use the exact headline as your original source states it.
edit on 4/3/2011 by AshleyD because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:23 PM
This is TESLA technology.... remember the experiment where he started a low-frequency thrumming against the base of a skyscraper... and within a short period of time, the building was shaking so violently it threatened to fall.
This technology was apparently applied 100km away from the fault line, on SOLID GROUND WHERE NO EARTHQUAKE COULD OCCUR

Subject: HAARP Magnetometer data shows Japan earthquake was induced.

The United States Air Force and Navy has provided a visual insight into what caused the 9.0 magnitude off of Japan on March 11, 2011 at 05:46:23 UTC. The image above was downloaded from the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) website. It is a time-frequency spectrogram, which shows the frequency content of signals recorded by the HAARP Induction Magnetometer.

By looking at the accompanying HAARP spectrum chart above you can see when the 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck - red line drawn vertically - and what was happening before and after the earthquake. What you can also see is a constant ULF frequency of 2.5 Hz being recorded by the magnetometer. The ULF 2.5 Hz frequency is evidence of an induced earthquake. The chart recorded this constant before, during and after the 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck. On March 11, 2011 the 2.5 Hz ULF frequency was being emitted and recorded from 0:00 hours to about 10:00 hours - or for 10 hours. We know for a fact that the Japan earthquake lasted only a few minutes so why was the earthquake signature frequency (2.5 Hz) being recorded for 10 hours on the morning of March 11, 2011? Because a HAARP phased array antenna system was broadcasting (transmitting) the 2.5Hz ULF frequency and it triggered the Japan earthquake and ensuing tsunami.

If you go to HAARP's official website you can see for yourself that the 2.5 Hz ULF frequency wasn't only being broadcated for 10 hours, it was constantly being broadcasted for 2 days prior to the earthquake.

...'The induction magnetometer detects temporal variation of the geomagnetic field based on Faraday's law of magnetic induction.'...

...'installed at the HAARP site is designed to detect a signal level of a few picoTesla (pT) at 1 Hz.'...

...'Magnetic field variations of interest in this program are those induced by electric currents in the ionosphere.'...


A look at the induction magnetometer charts from last year's earthquake in Haiti as well as from the recent earthquake measuring 9.1 on the Richter scale that triggered a tsunami and destruction on the Japanese east coast show surprising similarities that point to an artificial cause and the use of HAARP technology.
In the case of Haiti, low frequency signals of 2,1 Hz were detected for 40 hours before the earthquake occurred while in the case of Japan something similar happened. Low frequency signals of 2,5 Hz were detected for about 55 hours before the earthquake occurred off the coast of Japan as well as for 4 hours afterwards.

Check out the time-frequency spectrograms at this link for actual

Viewing these charts, it is reasonable to ask if the low frequency (LF) or more specifically extreme/ultra low frequency (ELF/ULF) magnetic flux induced signals of about 2 to 2,5 Hz really emanated from solar activity and other such natural sources or whether they were, in fact, caused by HAARP activities either in Gakona or Poker Flats facilities.

"The potential exists for generating such waves by ground-based heating of the ionosphere. The heater is used to modulate the conductivity of the lower ionosphere, which in turn modulates ionospheric currents. This modulated current, in effect, produces a virtual antenna in the ionosphere for the radiation of radio waves. The technique has already been used to generate ELF/VLF signals at a number of vertical HF heating facilities in the West and the Soviet Union. To date, however, these efforts have been confined to essentially basic research studies, and few attempts have been made to investigate ways to increase the efficiency of such ELF/VLF generation to make it attractive for communications applications. In this regard, heater generated ELF would be attractive if it could provide significantly stronger signals than those available from the Navy's existing antenna systems in Wisconsin and Michigan."

"Recent theoretical research suggests that this may be possible, provided the appropriate HF heating facility was available. Because this area of research appears especially promising, and because of existing Department of Defense requirements for ELF and VLF, it is already a primary driver of the proposed research program."
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on Sun Apr 3 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: IMPORTANT: Using Content From Other Websites on ATS

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:30 PM
I do feel this was used and is still being used targetting Japan and the ring of fire, including California.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:35 PM
i know that the japanese secretly thought this....but to come out upright and say it! lol...

i knew that they are famous for recording haarps activities...i wonder why it took them this long...maybe they feel abandoned by the US and others...i say help them...and quick

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:36 PM
I been waiting for them to tickle the earth and cause floods and quakes in Lybia.. Been watching the activity across the waters on the event maps. HAARP freaks..And use our money to pay for it,,

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:44 PM
As sad and enraging as it is, I can't say I didn't suspect as much already.

Benjamin Fulford said in 2008 that the US had already caused earthquakes in Japan under a nuclear plant, on two days in a row, but fortunately it did not cause a nuclear disaster at that time.

Fulford also says that Western elitists who profit from war are currently struggling against Asian (specifically Chinese) secret societies who are demanding change just like the rest of us. I hope this is true but at the same time I feel like these disasters are a result of the Asian effort.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:45 PM
This is what I have been following for 2 weeks now.

Alaska is getting ready to rock...

This is the last 24 hours

edit on 3-4-2011 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-4-2011 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by RapTek
This morning I sent a friend the IRIS map, it showed huge earthquakes all the way around the Pacific Rim, until it got to the United States, Nothing, Nada. Now that just does not look right. From Alaska to Mexico 4 little 3-4mag quakes. From Mexico all the other way around to Alaska, looks like the earth is coming apart. Mother nature is not just on the side of the US. HAARP is really looking guilty, especially after Japan was threatened with an earthquake just a couple of years ago.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by hbarker
I been waiting for them to tickle the earth and cause floods and quakes in Lybia.. Been watching the activity across the waters on the event maps. HAARP freaks..And use our money to pay for it,,

for some reason. I thought of the Federal reserve and the missing 9trillion dollars.

I don't know why I made that connection, it just simply popped into my head.

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:48 PM
Uh oh...


If the above doesn't make sense, it's the magnetometer showing the fabled 2.5Hz on the 17th March 2010

The USGS link is showing earthquakes above magnitude 6 for 2 days after the 2.5Hz readout out on the magnetometer.

And there were none.

Oh yeah they also seem to be contradicting themselves...Firstly claiming that 2.5Hz is the frequency being used to create an earthquake, then later stating this:

which together can transmit a total of 3600kW of RF power at frequencies from 2.8 – 10 MHz (HF, high frequency range).


And finally, this has been copied virtually word for word from here:
UFO Blogger

And posted in this thread as well:

edit on 3/4/11 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by thePharaoh
i know that the japanese secretly thought this....but to come out upright and say it! lol...

i knew that they are famous for recording haarps activities...i wonder why it took them this long...maybe they feel abandoned by the US and others...i say help them...and quick

where did Japan say this?
edit on 3-4-2011 by infojunkie2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:54 PM
Unfortunatly, if true it will put stress on all faults world wide and effect us all eventualy.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:56 PM
Wow. This is huge. This will have far, far reaching repercussions. Just who in the hell do these people think they are? The entire world should be nothing less than infuriated by this and those resposible should be held accountable.

We all suspected it, but for them to actually confirm it is just shocking. I am absolutely disgusted by this.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by RisenAngel77
The only way we can make them do anything is stop the taxes. We are letting the kill thousands if not millions of inoccent people, We need to cut off the money.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:58 PM
I have a bad feeling about this. If HAARP is funded by the U.S and they did target japan and evidence surfaces that it was used in other countries. WW3 may become a reality later this year. For all we know, there could be plots getting ready to strike against the UN. Not only that, a war like this could very well become nuclear.

Meanwhile the elite will hide inside their bunkers.

How convenient...

+28 more 
posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 09:03 PM
There is NOTHING official about this, so on that basis alone the thread title is a lie.

And still no one has shown an effective scientific mechanism for HAARP creating earthquakes. :shk:

Beware readers, don't get fooled by this total BS.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 09:16 PM
lol, ummm.... NOPE. Thread title is STILL a lie after edit.


posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 09:16 PM
Here is a website talking about HAARP and the truth, posted on March 31, 2011

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 09:17 PM
Did anyone want to check the source to the OP's post or was everyone just going to jump on the bandwagon?

Bandwagon it is...

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 09:19 PM
While I'm pretty familiar with people saying all manner of things regarding HAARP, I have question regarding this....

The ULF 2.5 Hz frequency is evidence of an induced earthquake.

Is this the only time they have ever used/broadcasted/emitted (I'm unsure of the term to use) this frequency?

Have other earthquakes happened when they used* this frequency?

If not, does it matter? I mean were there some other special circumstances that made this broadcast* special?

I guess my point is I see no correlation between the 2 events, other than they happened on the same day. I actually kind of thought that I caused the earthquake, because I talked on my cellphone for like 6 hours that day and I've never done that before. Suddenly there's a massive earthquake, they had to be related somehow, right?

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