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Addictions..What's yours??

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posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 04:21 PM
kinda screwed myself up and it took a lotta guts to clean myself up:


depression dont help..but one day at a time'

enough of my boring life tho...good luck with those addictions

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Gryffen

depression dont help..but one day at a time'

I totally understand, depression is a pain.
Im still trying to kick it, but i can't

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 05:31 PM
I gave up my big addiction (cigarettes) on Dec. 31 2002. However, I am still addicted to nicotine gum.
Other addictions (besides ATS)
thrift shopping
Not necessarily in that order.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 05:55 PM
My other addictions besides tobacco:

online posting at interesting sites like this one

PC gaming (The Sims, more particularly)
writing(log or journal, short stories, my book I wrote)
developing one for chocolate, now that I've been conquering cigarettes

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 05:58 PM
I am almost always depressed and hurting a lot so I have self medicated with pot. I'm over smoking and haven't done so in days, maybe this time I can stay off it long enough to pass the test.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 01:30 AM
Addictions? I can stop any time I want to! It's just that I don't want to.

If you are going to bother to take the time to do anything then drive it into the ground.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 03:31 AM
i am addicted to ever ything i enjoy.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 11:21 AM
I was addicted to pot but i gave it up for the sake of my own freedom which is more important to me, giving it up saddened me deeply and i will always feel bitter towards the authority�s for it. I smoke tobacco because i enjoy it, im a light smoker and would enjoy it even more if the authority�s didn�t badger me day in day out with negative advertising regarding how bad it is for you. I don�t want to give up smoking but i believe that all the negative suggestion might cause me to be at even higher risk from cigarettes. I don�t drink.

Originally posted by TrueLies
Also i'm addicted to ats even though sometimes I want to take time out from it it just pulls me back in.

Originally posted by mrmonsoon
rerading and posting at ATS.

I am addicted to ats, its hard to imagine in a way how, but its true. I guess its just a good feeling to be around people that share the same interest, that else were in society if your heard talking about such things your immediately labelled a weirdo or having your head up in the clouds. I honestly mean this, when i click on to ats i feel like im home.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 12:47 PM
I'm not addicted to anything but at the rate i'm going it dosent look good

I think i am coming close to an addiction to nicotine. I smoke about 1-10 times a week and do it just out of pure bordom.
I still do it in spite of all the health problem but theres a certain point where you stop caring.

[edit on 25-7-2004 by Eternal]

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Eternal
I'm not addicted to anything but at the rate i'm going it dosent look good

I think i am coming close to an addiction to nicotine. I smoke about 1-10 times a week and do it just out of pure bordom.
I still do it in spite of all the health problem but theres a certain point where you stop caring.

There is also the possibility of me becoming addicted to opiates, most preferably in the codeine form.

[edit on 25-7-2004 by Eternal]

There's also a certain point where you get mild chest pains, the onset of angina. That's the reason I'm quitting today. After decades of smoking, I'm listening to my body. Just hope I can do it. Dude, quit while you can, before you're REALLY hooked.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 12:58 PM
Maybe someone can clear up a question I have. I have read several posts regarding a depressed person �self medicating� or treating their depression with the use of marijuana. If you are depressed why would you use a depressant (marijuana) to treat depression? It just doesn�t make any sense. Maybe the reason you can�t shake your depression is because of your constant marijuana use.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 12:58 PM
I smoke a lot of pot, but was always told that its not physically addictive, only mentally.... still not quite sure about that one.

I think I have to add sleeping to my addictions... I enjoy the dream world...

My dad always told me never be a quitter.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

There's also a certain point where you get mild chest pains, the onset of angina. That's the reason I'm quitting today. After decades of smoking, I'm listening to my body. Just hope I can do it. Dude, quit while you can, before you're REALLY hooked.

Good luck intrepid! Wish I could join you, but alas, as my boss puts it, the reason I can't quit is because I'm no quitter (he was referring to me)-

What's your game plan?

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 01:05 PM
The patch, stay busy, toothpicks for the oral fixation and lots of water to flush the system. If I get snippy, I apologize in advance.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 01:17 PM
Try wellbutrin it not only dulls the cravings it makes the cigs taste like #.

The gum helped my wife more than the patch.

I myself used lemon drops and sheer muleheaded stubruness

The main thing is not to give up it took me 4 tries and my wife 3 to get it

Good luck

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 02:04 PM
I'm addicted to beautiful woman....seriously

I'm addicted to exercise...I have to get my daily hike, biking and hour at the gym. I can't just sit at home. I'm on ats when I'm at work or late at night at home.

Was addicted to cigs but now am addicted to the longes and gum.

I smoke kind buds but occasionally for the relaxation of it. Only the great stuff. Won't smoke it unless it's kind.

I don't know if any of these things are really addictions except for the woman but it's my daily routine and could live without if I had to.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 07:40 PM
I am deffently addicted to Mt. Dew, Coke (the drink),and candy. The rest are obsessions.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 08:06 PM
It seems quite a bit of people are addicted to nicotine, in one form or another, be it cigarettes, patch, gum, ect.

Well folks, i'm no different, I'll enjoy a smoke occasionally, however I have a confession to make.

When my brother came back from Europe he had quite a wonder for me, no not the cuban cigar, something popular with the Swiss, Snuff.

Not American snuff that is moist, but the true, original type of snuff, dry snuff.

Damn McChrystal's! It's a cheap alternative to the patch, or gum i'll tell everyone that.

However, people who don't know what your doing often look at you as if your a crackhead.

Well good day all. *takes another pinch*

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 02:35 AM
I'm addicted to marijuana, food, wrestling, internet, music

posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 03:31 AM
sex (like everyone else)
Shooting my guns
football (till I got injured)
Mac & cheese
pot was up there when I was in HS....

ohhhhh - and I bite my fingernails sometimes

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