posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by CrashRetrieval
I hadn't seen this before, thanks for posting. I definitely think Wales is a UFO hotspot. I came to this conclusion as in 2008 I saw two star like
objects performing various turns and variations of speed etc. on one June night in north Wales. At first they just looked like stars but one was a
very bright white/orange and the second was a bright blueish white, as I say they began to move independently of each other. After a couple of minutes
these two silent objects, slowly at first, moved off out of sight towards the direction of the sea.
I saw this with one other person but all the rest that didn't see it came up with the usual jokes and ridiculed the whole thing. The weird thing
was that the person who's land it was admitted months later that he 'sees them all the time', he just doesn't like to talk about it, there had
been reports of orbs following cars in the local papers in the weeks before.
When I got home after that weekend I was shocked to see the story about the welsh police helicopter following a UFO in the news! When I did further
research, it turns out there are reports of similar things all the time and the area has had reports over many, many years.
As if this wasn't enough to convince me that North Wales is a hotspot, I stayed in exactly the same place last year and three (sceptical
friends had a day light sighting of a dark orb like object that just hovered and then disappeared as they watched!
I was actually asleep in the shade whilst this happened
This year I am going to be more prepared so I can film anything I might see. If you have a search on the web you'll find tons of sightings from Wales
that happen year in year out. I don't think people bother to report them to the police as they see these things regularly and know nothing will be
gained through reporting to them. So the police reports are just the tip of the iceberg.