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'I had an abortion' T Shirts for Sale

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posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 07:50 AM
Wasn't sure if this was medical or religion.
If it belongs in religion... Mods please move it.

Planned Parenthood is now selling 'I Had An Abortion'
T-Shirts. They are calling for 'Abortion Pride'.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 07:52 AM
The "LifeSite" link smacks of Operation Rescue Lite. How is this any different that the messages that the anti-abortion crowd puts forth.???

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 07:56 AM
How is this different?

I don't think I'd want to be wearing a T Shirt
about any medical procedure I had done. Would anyone
want to go around with 'appendectomy pride' or 'vasectomy pride'
or 'hysterectomy pride' T Shirts?

It's kinda' dumb.

Planned Parenthood will make some more $$$ on the sorrows
of families and women who have had this happen to them.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 08:23 AM
First off, Im Pro-Choice, but this is going to far. Killing humans is not something that should be used in fashion or pop culture, or even to make a statement. The death of these children is very sad indeed, and should not be used as a promotional device. I believe a woman has the choice if she wants to have an abortion or not, but the only point of these t-shirts is to gain money off of the event, and I doubt anyone with sense would buy one (I hope)!

[edit on 24-7-2004 by Jazzerman]

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 08:25 AM
I am predicting this T-shirt will be as popular as the "I have syphillis" one, but not as popular as "I had Diarhoea".

I don't think whether you are pro choice or pro-life that you would want to advertise the fact that you had an abortion.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 08:32 AM
I think these shirts are in poor taste, not because of this article. It is pure propaganda.

"The world's leading abortion-promoting organization has long striven to undo the stigma attached to women killing their unborn children."

That has no politics attatched to it?

Thing is, if you feel fine about your abortion, great. Maybe passers-by had been in this similar situation and aren't dealing with it that well, they don't need a reminder coming at them.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 08:41 AM
Media campaign on pro-abortion has powerful figures and money backing behind it, and it has done relatively good job brainwashing masses.
Women should go to jail for having an abortion.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Megaquad
Media campaign on pro-abortion has powerful figures and money backing behind it, and it has done relatively good job brainwashing masses.
Women should go to jail for having an abortion.

You so need to get a grip. Why should they go to jail? Last time I checked Abortion was still legal. If anything the Pro Life crowd has not only forced thier message on the public, but has killed to get thier point across. The only brainwashing seems to be on the Pro Life side.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 08:45 AM
Thanks for saying that FredT, as I just about was. Choice is what makes freedom, not being told you cannot do something even though it may be potentially harmful to the mother.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 09:09 AM
I am not for prison sentences, however I do believe that life starts at conception. If anybody wants to debate this issue I am willing to take that on. I also believe that nobody has the right to take away life from any being - all the provisos of deformity and incest taken into consideration. Having said that there are so many products on the market to prevent conception from condoms to the morning after pill. I do believe that people who have more than one abortion have larger issues to deal with than merely contraception. Abortion can and will never be a means of birth control.

"All those in favor of abortion have already been born."

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 09:15 AM
You will find this topic beaten into the ground at:

BTW, if you choose to revive it, know that no ones views were changed. Therefore pretty pointless.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 09:24 AM
In principle, I am pro-choice. I believe that a woman's body is her own to do with as she pleases.

That being said, I can speak from personal experience that abortion is a bad choice. Over 20 years ago, I encouraged my then girl-friend to abort our child. Not a single day has gone by since that I have not regreted and paid an heavy emotional price for that mistake.

Anyone who would wear or promote such a t-shirt either has no personal experience or has already lost so much of their humanity that the incredably bad karma just doesn't matter to them anymore.


posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 10:02 AM
Does anyone here honestly think that there is any woman anywhere who is actually proud of having found herself in the position of having had an abortion rather than considering it a mournful affair?

Jeez - just think about it and give humanity some credit please.

Proud? There is nothing to be proud of.

No-one, but no-one, with even the faintest glimmer of intellect would wear such a thing. Any person who would must be considered the intellectual equivalent to those who stand outside clinics and scream at already traumatised young girls.

This is just sickening transparent rhetoric.

If this is true then those who envisaged this ignorant stunt are to be pitied. Surely as well, rather than jump about screaming such pathetically transparent emotive trash as,

...the stigma attached to women killing their unborn children.


The idea of an abortion pride fashion statement...

those who oppose this course of action would be better served by standing by with dignity and letting such an idea cause the offence it would in all right thinking adults. By lowering themsleves to the level of commenting on such actions, let alone in such an hysterical manner, the opposition only detracts from its position.

The outcome - in a situation where, sadly, 'one-upmanship' appears to be the game at hand, neither emerges the victor.


[edit on 24/7/04 by JAK]

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 10:13 AM
Just because it's legal it doesn't make it right. Slavery was legal too, and there are countries where you can legally kill your wife if you suspect she is cheating on you. If your sense of right and wrong is based on what government declares than that's just pathetic.

Women doesn't have the right to decide about the baby inside of her because baby is not her own body, it is a separate sentient entity, human being with potential to become a grown person just like you and me.

I wish those pro-murder people that go to marches were aborted...

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 10:18 AM
It's a great idea!!! Why make Bush go through all these legal avenues stomping on our rights trying to get our names....heck, let's put on T shirts and stand outside the white house...they can take the names....and save us alot of money....
of course, when they go for the records, and find that most of their list is not accurate well....what are they going to do, prosecute us for wearing a t shirt?

I'd just about be willing to bet if people are wearing these things....they are probably lying.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 10:24 AM
Megaquad...the child is not officially a seperate entity until it is cut from the womb. If the mother does something to harm herself then the baby feels it as well, therefore there is a strong link between mother and child.

Let me be perfectly clear on one is "Pro-abortion"! However, there are people that are "Pro-Choice" and that is a right we have not only under the constitution, but because we are free.

If a woman was raped I would think she has the right to decide if she wants to bear that child knowing all the while that what is growing inside of her is not wanted.

Before you spout off statements like "the baby inside of her because baby is not her own body, it is a separate sentient entity, human being with potential to become a grown person just like you and me." If you know even rudimentary biology you will know that the child cannot survive without the mother in the early stages...its a part of life...learn to respect that bond!!!!

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 10:26 AM
Here we go again. I thought this thread was about T-shirts, not abortion.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 10:28 AM
As I sit here with a full can of mouse in my hair in my oversized white T-Shirt with the giant "CHOOSE LIFE" lettering I've worn in silent protest since Wham! first "made it big"... I find myself not giving a damn about this.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 11:19 AM
This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen and I am pro-choice! In fact, I doubted the story so much I had to check out planned parenthoods website. And there they were.

Why would you celebrate the fact that you had an abortion? The few women I know that have had them were very young and made the decision reluctantly. It is something that neither of them have any pride in.

What is planned parenthood thinking?
T Shirt

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by Jazzerman
Megaquad...the child is not officially a seperate entity until it is cut from the womb. If the mother does something to harm herself then the baby feels it as well, therefore there is a strong link between mother and child.

Let me be perfectly clear on one is "Pro-abortion"! However, there are people that are "Pro-Choice" and that is a right we have not only under the constitution, but because we are free.

If a woman was raped I would think she has the right to decide if she wants to bear that child knowing all the while that what is growing inside of her is not wanted.

Before you spout off statements like "the baby inside of her because baby is not her own body, it is a separate sentient entity, human being with potential to become a grown person just like you and me." If you know even rudimentary biology you will know that the child cannot survive without the mother in the early stages...its a part of life...learn to respect that bond!!!!

> no one is "Pro-abortion"! However, there are people that are "Pro-Choice"....

What is that supposed to mean? You think that child that is being aborted would care about such nonsense? Sure, it doesn't have a brain enough developed yet but it gets one in just a few months.

And what about child's freedom to live? Who is there to protect the life of powerless being?
There are over 60 million children exterminated yearly in the world, that is more than victims in WW2.
Sadly, intellect of brainwashed masses is incapable of realizing that murder is a murder, regardless whether it's caused by visible explosions of weapons or brought upon a fully developed human.

Some of them were raped (and I suspect it's not a big percentage)... well killing a baby is worst crime than that.

There have been some cases of grown up siamese twins, lets say doctors had the ability to split them knowing that only one would survive. How would you decide which one of them has the right to live? Weaker one?

[edit on 24-7-2004 by Megaquad]

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