posted on May, 4 2011 @ 01:44 AM
It is rather unbelievable to me that people are not finding out about the HAARP-related facility in Norway that generated the Blue Spiral Over Norway
in December 2009. Obviously, similar (illegal, "black ops") testing is now being carried out in New Zealand, as well as Africa ("Virgin Mary on
Ivory Coast"), Russia (Cross / Christ in the Sky), etc. Why is it we would rather believe in Aliens and DNA Awakening Dimensional Shifts versus the
ugly reality that our planet is being played with in ways that may be irreversible, and in ways that may be intentionally destructive to our planet,
as well as to humanity - Even deadly.
This blog (link below) that I found is organized really well, with the most veracious video and evidence out there right now. The below link is one
such example: It talks about the Blue Spiral and explains the science behind it. Guess its time for me to start my own thread. Although, I do notice
that when anyone gets close to the truth about Project Blue Beam on these threads, the mods suddenly declare the discussion "off topic" and the
thread is shut down. Lends some credence to some of the reports I hear from others about who really is the brains behind ATS. - Ande