Ok i have some data that some may find interesting. First off the guy on the link is saying because of these alignments he is predicting a EQ 8+. I
decided to find the top five strongest earthquakes and corelate that with where the planets were on that day. The 5 strongest EQ were found
I used this website here
www.solarsystemscope.com... to map out where the plants were. Here is what i discovered.
-Earth alligned with sun only-
-Earth alligned with sun only-
-Earth alligned with sun early-
-Earth alligned with Jupiter and sun
-Earth alligned with sun only.
The Earth,Jupiter and sun allign fairly often, but only once during the time of one of these earthquakes. Even though i do not understand much on how
planet allignments affect Earth, I do not think they are predictors of earthquakes. If they were then there would have been allignments during these
major ones.
The website I linked for the solarsystem is free to use, and rather interesting. All my results are reproducable if you want to try them out for
Sorry some of pictures came out chopped off. Before anyone jumps on me and says you cant see the full picture how do you know there is no other
allignments hiding. Go to the website and put the dates in from the wikipedia link of the earthquakes and you will see the same picture i saw, except
in its entirety.
edit on 2-4-2011 by lcbjr1979 because: (no reason given)