posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC
Its funny to see how much progress we have made as a race, yet we still believe it is justified to kill simply because we wear uniforms and do so in
the name of freedom.
Soldiers do (regrettably) have to pull that trigger sometimes, sacrificing their own humanity so the rest of us can leave in relative safety from
outside influences. However there has not been a war since WW2 that has been fought to
protect this nation. The military actions that have been
implemented by this country since that war have been glorified as humanitarian efforts and police actions, when in fact those are just labels meant
captivate the populace of the US and attempt to reach them on an emotional level to sway them in to support. They use false ideology like patriotism
and duty to do this.
These brutal dictators that we have fought throughout the years deserved to be removed from power. But we have consistently made a bad situation worse
by intervening on sovereign affairs. In some countries people are more afraid of the US coming into their countries and starting war then the
dictators that control their lives. Civilian casualties have increased exponentially in the last 60 years growing every war. This has caused the
juking of civilian death toll stats on both sides of any conflict (especially on the US side), and the increased implantation of vastly destructive
weapons such as the cruise missile, artillery, and aerial bombardment all which cause devastation to the civilian population, and infastructure. We
might free these people from their opressors, however we leave behind smoldering ashes.
These weapons that are being used today that I mention above, also have the tendency to remove the soldier firing them from any emotional attachment
they could have with their enemy or civilians they kill, due to the fact they don't always actually see the results of the action.
My point is this. I can understand how this man feels. If he does not wish to kill, then the branch of the military that he serves should respond
immediately by putting him in a non combat position, or discharging him from service. It is not criminal to not want to kill.
edit on 1-4-2011 by Openeye because: Spelling