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Fmr. CIA Analyst Laughs at CNN Host - You're Just Carrying the Water for Mr. Obama

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posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by spikey

You're right if anybody knows the CIA knows he isn't eligible for president because. Obama used to work for the CIA. Maybe they didn't get along at work

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by jdub297

CNN and NBC and a MSNBC Have for a long time now have been The Liberals propaganda machine. It's pathetic the other MSM's aren't any better but those three are the worst. I would love to see them both lose their licenses because most Americans are too stupid to know how biased they are. I wonder how everybody likes their change?
edit on 4/2/2011 by JerryB08 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by monkeySEEmonkeyDO
It's jaw-dropping to see how the media has COMPLETELY flipped on the matter of further militray actions.. It was WRONG when Bush did it, and it's STILL WRONG that Obama is doing it.

We're trillions of dollars in debt.. What the HELL are we doing spending more money on Libya?! Lets focus on getting the hell out of Iraq and Afghanistan before we commit to any other rediculous and much un-needed wars.

I love how there is so much talk about handing this off to NATO but guess who gives to most in funds and militray soldiers to that organization?! WE DO!!! Ugh.

Not so jaw dropping. Who is it that benefits the most by the US buying bombs and other supplies to fund an insurgency? Big corporations like the ones who own the media.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by JerryB08
reply to post by jdub297

CNN and NBC and a MSNBC Have for a long time now have been The Liberals propaganda machine. It's pathetic the other MSM's aren't any better but those three are the worst. I would love to see them both lose their licenses because most Americans are too stupid to know how biased they are. I wonder how everybody likes their change?
edit on 4/2/2011 by JerryB08 because: (no reason given)

Sorry I disagree. This isn't a liberal/conservative issue. Don't let them use that to divide us. It's all about that basic human need, money. (sarcasm). The media is owned by corporations who profit from war. They went along with bush as well when we went to Iraq. Follow the money....

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by Pha3drus

Loved this interview, and especially enjoyed the smile on the guys face watching the two women liberals squirm as they got their sorry hind-ends handed to them.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by XRaDiiX
reply to post by spikey

You're right if anybody knows the CIA knows he isn't eligible for president because. Obama used to work for the CIA. Maybe they didn't get along at work

Reason that theory out. The republicans who had the CIA at there disposal during the elections knew that Obama wasn't a citizen? I think that they would have outted him so that their party could have stayed in control. No?

Unless that is, you are willing to stretch even farther and say that the CIA kept it a secret so that Obama should win. Not likely in my mind as that disrupts other party politic theories.

Party politics is a sham. Don't be suckered into their arguments. That's what is useful to corporations who buy our leaders.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:35 AM
Everything in the mainstream media is put there for a reason. There is a reason that they let this interview play on air. It is obvious to me.

The CIA wants to act like it cares....Then we get to "play" in "theater."
I believe that this is where the "psy-ops" term comes into play.

These cats run the show. They know what they are doing. If tptb or a media station doesn't want you to be heard, then you will not be heard. This is what I believe.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by liejunkie01

Yes i believe you are right this is a Psy-OP to make it seem like the CIA is on our Side when really. They are the ones who initiated the unrest in these countries probably just like they did back in IRAN

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by Mike.Ockizard

I never said i believed in Party politics the system is setup it doesn't matter which side wins the election the status quo is still there. Different party. Same Agenda

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by General.Lee
This is rich! LOL. When Bush went into Iraq, a country where it's leader had killed thousands upon thousands of his own people, the left went nuts. They were vile with hatred, calling Bush everything from a baby killer to a war criminal, but now, it's a different story.

All we listened to from the left for 9 years was how we shouldn't be in Iraq or Afghanistan. The left was ready to lynch GW. The truth is, Ghadaffi has done NOTHING to us. This is a civil war and is none of our business. This is another example of the push for NWO. The more the UN flexes its muscles, the more we will become conditioned to the idea of "world laws". That's all this is. Did anybody count the number of times Obama referred to "the mess he inherited, including two wars"? So now, starting another war is suddenly okay.

I'm just amazed at how these two ditzes are almost giddy about backing this criminal administration. Carrying their water is an understatement. If he were in the room, they'd be, um, well, I don't want to be vulgar.

Our leadership in this country only acts in ways we allow them to. Our leaders are literally bought for us by corporations as a result of us all failing to stand up to the campaign financing perversion by the Supreme Court. In other countries there would Have been riots.

Don't be brainwashed by party politics and words like liberal and conservative. Both parties, if you remember, favored going into Iraq and both favored getting involved in Libya.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:47 AM
Interview Issue: US & Libya economic interconnectedness.....about as separate as having a cut and then getting a blood infection. Yea, two separate issues (right.....).

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:47 AM
Are we at War with Lybia.....I am pretty sure it only lasted for a couple of days.....This is not an Iraq nor would the people have another Iraq.....

Obama knows if he screwed this up he could screw up his election so he kicked ass and left....I kinda think its smart......

Also, Gaddafi, has apparently asked around if any countries will take him, things are looking well for Obama.......Fox news wouldn't let you know though

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by XRaDiiX

Sorry if I got the wrong impression but when I see the birther issue raised it triggers the reaction I had. While you don't mention party politics, the whole birther issue is one created by partisan politics.

I truly think that corporations understand party politics and use them to thier advantage. The more they can keep us pre-occupied the more we don't take them on for their greed and corruption.

edit on 2-4-2011 by Mike.Ockizard because: Reviewed what I was responding to and clarified

edit on 2-4-2011 by Mike.Ockizard because: None given

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Mike.Ockizard

I still think he wasn't born in the United states its proven by the fact he won't release his birth certificate. It has no effect on how i view the corruption in politics just a fact id like to point out that hes hiding.

Doesn't matter which party wins i care for neither its the same in Canada. Doesn't matter if Liberals or conservatives win their in it for the corporations and their selves not the interest of the people.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 09:10 AM
I just got a chance to finally watch this entire I'm not sure I've ever seen and individual ever be so straight forward and well spoken. I LOVE his smile at the end. You can tell he's been wanting to have his point heard and put SOMEONE in their place for a while. I highly doubt we'll be seeing him in anymore interviews though, haha. Hey maybe we should campaign to get him on a show with a large audience that doesn't normally hear stuff like this. Maybe Conan

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 09:48 AM
Scheuer was right and any GOOD journalist would have known that.It takes arming these people and then haveing them turn the weapon's on us for idiots like these two woman to get it even though it has happen so many times before.

I really like these rare moments when someone like Scheuer steps up and say's what he is thinking.You could tell that the woman were shocked by there stuttering ignorant reply.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:03 AM
awsome awsome...sorta funny how the, well i was gunna call them 'reporters' but, they definatly seemed to be just repeating what the govt has said about this situation...watching thier bodly language, hand wringing, bold outward gestures while spewing forth govt rehash. very obvious not what they expected from a former cia guy...betcha they thought he would be stumpping for the govt position...ha ha ha gotcha

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:04 AM
He hit the nail right on the head, Obama is trying to play world leader without a clue of what he is doing. America is almost bankrupt like he said. We can't take care of our own country why are we trying to fix everyone elses? It is refreshing to have someone speak their mind instead of the politically correct nonsense thay are paid to speak. I think he caught the two women off guard by telling the truth. I'll bet he don't get called back to be on CNN anymore.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:20 AM
He identified himself as a "Paul" guy. Libertarian. He will not get anymore CNN money for his opinions. He won't get much on FOX either. For an analyst, he bottled his opinions on a small time frame. Not what one would call a thinker. Good theater for those who think it was important. A close look at his words shows a very limited understanding of what is taking place in Islamic societies but also what is taking place in his own country, from which he is standing apart from.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by dude69

I sometimes wonder whether these ex-CIA guys are secret ATS lurkers, or had privately turned against the 'real rulers' behind the governmental facade years ago...

Imagine back to the time he was working full-time, too busy and caught up in the politik-machine to question much of anything.. He'd have spent years standing up and spinning the temporally acceptable party line to all and sundry, himself running through the brutally efficient intelligence gauntlet - all the while suspicious that something at the uppermost echelons wasn't quite right; that perhaps, just perhaps, a secretive iron fist was operational inside that velvet glove, the trappings of government and civil service.

You'd have to be slightly 'morally flexible' to work at a high level in the intelligence community, so if you (quietly, secretly) fear the motivations of the people at the top of the pyramid, it could be quite a worrying position to find yourself in.

When you near retirement you realise that lots of other people have ideas about why and how this feeling of suspicion against the Elite is justified... Carefully working your way around the internet, and real-life contacts - knowing that you are forever on the radar of the 'men in the know' - you would learn more about what's going on (not that you wouldn't already know most of what's going on). Pretty soon you have to make a decision about what you want to do with all that knowledge, before it drives you crazy (mainly through sheer awe at how glaring the BS is which is being spoonfed to the masses)...

*** *** *** *** *** ***

I guess some of these ex-CIA guys feel they have some kind of obligation to crack some of the most insulting layers of the facade, to give the rest of us a heads up about why things aren't as they seem...

Kudos to anyone who will drop this sort of suckerpunch on the mouthpiece of the Elite, in full view of everyone! I guess he might not be invited back on to speak for some time yet...

Everyone in the public needs to have the choice to know the truth about what's going on 'on the inside'. People like this can prove invaluable to the conspiracy community, and can really help the rest of humanity to 'wake up' at least partially, so long as he isn't kept quiet by the PTB (there's any number of non-lethal means to do this, some very simple and non-intrusive techniques that won't cost or draw attention). Depending on how much you reveal in that moment of 'cracking the facade', the consequences would range from not being invited back to speak, to death threats against family etc.

Hopefully he will continue to take little steps in support of Truth, using any and all opportunities to reveal whatever he can, without getting himself blacklisted from publication / appearances...

*** *** *** *** *** ***

Even a partially awake/aware public is better than a sleepwalking group of sheeple - people who are waking up are less likely to march like clockwork toys when the drums of the puppetmaster begin to sound - when the Elite controllers are finally forced to reduce obfuscation to a minimal, trying to con everyone into the FEMA camps:

"It's for your own protection Ma'am..."..."You can trust your government... Everyone knows that."

With all these HAARP-induced earthquakes around the globe, I'm starting to be a bit concerned that we're getting closer to that day.

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