Australian families should be restricted to having just two children in an effort to curb population growth, says controversial millionaire Dick
The former Australian of the Year likened the ever-increasing population to a "plague of locusts" burdening the country's resources, the Daily
Telegraph reports.
Population growth has to slow down in order for housing to become affordable again, Smith argued.
He wants to see the population of Australia stabilised at 24 to 25 million, with an immigration intake of 70,000 people per year.
For those of you who dont know, Dick Smith is a very influentual icon in Australia.
Australias population is currently at around 22 million, which is nothing compared to countries like india, china and the US. I live in Australia and
i can easily say that we are definately NOT overpopulated. People complain of immigration and the like but Australia has the potential to hold
millions more at the very least having one of the biggest land masses in the world.
I will give you a better view of how bizzare this is with a few statistics.
land mass: 7686850 square km
Population density per sq. km: 2.7
Population: roughly 22 million
Population growth: 5.39%
Land mass: 9596960 square km
Population density: 138.6
Population: 1357686043
Population growth: 3.56%
(ive linked the graph)
You can see that Australia is in no way near of a situation like Chinas, you could kinda understand if we were in similar shoes and the standard of
living had deteriorated because of over population. But concidering the fact that it is evident that australia can house many more people than what it
currently is the motive of this is obviously not lowering the population for better standards of living which is what is hinted at in the original
article as we are reffered to as a "plague of locusts"
Chinas has more land mass than Australia, so it is fair to say that you could assume that China would naturally have a higher population than
Australias, but when you look at the difference of their population density it is quite evident that we are not in the same situation at all. So its
obviously not needed.
Australias population growth, again is bigger than chinas (because of the one child policy). But when you compare its population growth to other
countries its actually lower than average, so that kind of rules out the immigration argument and rules out the notion that we are a "plague of
Now, seeing that its just an influentual person putting this argument across not a political party would make you a bit more comfortable.
Unfortunetly that isnt the case.
AUSTRALIAN governments should encourage a two-child limit for families and slash immigration to halt population growth, a new aspiring political
party says.
The Stop Population Growth Now party formed this week to put pressure on state and federal governments to slow population growth to zero in a bid to
protect the environment.
South Australia-based spokesman Bob Couch told The Advertiser the party's philosophy was not motivated by racism but concerns about depleting
resources, under-pressure public services and land shortages.
Firstly i think this statement is completely ridiculous.
Dick Smith wants to keep the population at 24 million. A rate of 2.1 at the very least is needed to sustain a nation, this new political party wants
population growth to be at 0. So we wont be steadied, we will be DECREASING in number.
Also put immigration into the mix, you can make the 2 child policy all you want. But immigrants are still going to want to find residence in
Australia, if our pop growth is still above zero after (if) they enforce this how is it going to affect them? are they going to start to reject
immigrants and asylum seekers?
This is definately not fair, as Australia is marketed as a open multicultral country and to now deny this for population control is morally wrong. Its
opening doors for discrimination and predjudice.
Protecting the environment? No matter what number of people you have 20 million is still going to make a massive impact on the environment if people
dont know how to protect the environment which the majority dont. Encouraging people to protect the environment as a life choice (not just one day
dedicated to it, plant a tree day) would be way more effective. Because even though you have more carbon emmissions waste ect people actually know how
to live in the most environmentally friendly manner. This would be more efficient then having a less populated Australia who still dont know how to
care for the environment, doing this would just be like giving yourself panadol when you have a headache. Its fixing the symptom not the cause.
Australia definately has more resources than other countries concidering it is a very agricultural country, so i think this statement is rubbish. Food
is becoming more expensive but this is because of all the natural disasters that have hit the country recently, not because of increasing
Under pressure social services. If social services are already under pressure now and we havent hit the 24 million mark that they want us to stay at
then obviously this is going to be a problem anyway.
instead of decreasing population, how bout INCREASING the amount of social workers and making them actually more efficient by having some sort of
government incentive to encourage people to become social workers.
I can safely say DOCS (child services) in Australia is a joke. I know this from stories of friends who have had to deal with them, i understand that
they are stressed but lowering the population isnt the answer.
besides that, we have centerlink. Which actually works pretty well as far as im concerned as i myself are involved with them, to the best of my
knowledge they have no stresses whatsoever and Australias government help programs are pretty good compared to other countries. So i think this is
Land shortages. Dont make me laugh. Australia has SOOO much land that you could easily live on.
Areas like sydney and melbourne are pretty crowded, but this is nothing compared to cities in china and other densely populated countries.
Now, this could easily fit into the depopulation agenda. It makes it seem all that bit more true when people are talking about stopping the growth of
a country that is not overpopulated.
Also, speculate that a woman becomes pregnant with a third child.
Will she be forced to abort?
In china, woman often abort their female babies because they are no use to them and are seen as a burden.
Even though in Australia this kind of sexism is no way near as prevalent in China, it is possible that specific gender abortions could occour causing
a unbalanced ratio of male/female babies
Now that we have concluded that whole political parties argument about the 2 child policy is bs. We can speculate about what this could potentially
LOWER population.
Turn away migrants and asulym seekers causing prejudice.
Open doors to other countries to follow suit.
Forced abortion.
Unbalanced ratio of male/female babies.
So overall, i think this is a really really bad idea.
End of rant
Please feel free to state opionions, I would like to see if anyone is for it and why.
Additional sources
sourceedit on 1-4-2011 by littlecloud because: fixed up a little
edit on 1-4-2011 by littlecloud because: (no reason given)