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APRIL FOOLS!! Show Me Your Best and Favourite Pranks

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posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 12:36 AM
With all the doom and gloom going about, I feel like we at ATS should take a break to recognize the important things in life - mostly, playing pranks on everyone you see. In celebration of possibly the best holiday ever concocted by Hallmark and Company, I want to hear some good pranks you've played (or that have been played on you, don't be shy) for a little bit of mischievous brainstorming!

Please, nothing that causes permanent damage or injury - that's no fun for anyone.

Here are a couple that I've done...

1. Toilet Volcano!!

Recommended for any bathroom but the one you're likely to use
For this prank, you need a box of dryer sheets (I used Bounce sheets), an empty plastic soda bottle, and something to poke holes in the bottle with. Poke a bunch of small holes in the bottom of the bottle, then cram all of the Bounce sheets one by one into the bottle. Screw on the cap, then put this little device inside the toilet tank of your unsuspecting victim.

When they flush, here comes the fun!

Easy cleanup, don't worry

2. Cup Trap

My roommate and I in university did this to our RA's room - we had free reign of our floor for most of the day! You're going to need a couple packages of plastic beer cups, and a buttload of water for this, and preferably a partner in crime to cut setup time. Just fill up tons of cups with water and clog the hallway in front of whatever door your victim is behind with them to trap them for a good little while behind your cup fortress!

The people in this pic may have went a little overboard...

3. The classic spidah!

Oldie but goodie, guarantees great results
You can use any "scary" animal for this, but I used a rubber tarantula from my Halloween stuff. I taped a short piece of string to the spider, and taped the other end of the string to the inside of our cupboard door (of course, testing the contraption to assure maximum efficiency
), and waited for my girlfriend to get a plate.

Results: I got a few whacks for that one, but it was totally worth it

So, ATS, how mischievous are you?? Pass along your favourite pranks!

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 12:38 AM
well tommorow im going to tell my mothe ri am a homosexual XD then tell her it was ajoke just to see her reaction

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by tamenie

Be sure to tell her you're bringing home your new boyfriend - Tyrome, your penpal that just got out of prison.

Reminds me of a prank my mom played on me when I was a kid, scarred me for life (although it's unrelated to what you're planning on doing). A little precursor, my sister was training to be a beautician, so she had a whole bunch of practice mannequins to practice hairstyles and makeup on. Anyways, the morning of April 1st, I went to the kitchen, bleary eyed and groggy, to grab some cereal. I opened the cupboard, and BAM! A human-sized mannequin head stared me straight in the face with its cold, dead eyes and crazy hair! I got shocked into a karate position after knocking over a chair in a terrified frenzy
Man, I swear my mom laughed for days over that little gem.
edit on 1-4-2011 by pforkp because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 12:53 AM
I stupidly didn't take pictures but one year my coworkers and I gift wrapped every items in someones cube...every pencil, the sticky notes, everything. Another year there was taping plastic wrap in front of the entry to the cube and filling it with balloons...because it was cheaper than packing peanuts.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by pforkp

Well, as a matter of fact, just yesterday, I pulled a great one on my husband.

My kids and I were at an intersection and saw my husband pull into the local drugstore across the way. At first we were all just going to go in and harass him...but then an even more devious scheme came to me. So I hopped out of my van very quickly, which I parked around the corner of the building from where he had parked and then proceeded to move his car way out in the lot on the side of the building where my car was. Worst part was, when I got into his truck, which was unlocked, the keys were in the ignition!!!

I ran back to my car and parked for a bird's eye view of his facial expression as he returned to an empty parking spot where his truck should've been. PRICELESS!!

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 01:10 AM
well imma tell everyone (friends) that my parents arent my real parents lol

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 01:31 AM
A couple great ones:

A few times I hole punched dozens of sheets of paper and funneled all of the paper dots into the air conditioning vents of my girlfriends (as well as others through the years) car and put the air-conditioning on "high." Of course, you MUST position ALL of the vents in a nice, strategic, way.

Then, obviously, when she started her car the air-conditioning blasted on High and it snowed and snowed like an actual blizzard inside as the temperature outside reached 60, lol. There was paper dots everywhere and even 8 months or so afterwards she was STILL finding paper dots!

It's an awesome gag to do and film if you can.

She got even with me though. She married me.

Another one was my next door neighbor had a driveway (obviously). But, the part of the driveway between the house and garage was pretty tight as it was. Well, one of my friends and I stood at the front and one at the back of his car and we bounced his car up and down until we positioned it JUST right within that tight spot --the front of the car approx. 2-3 inches facing the house and the rear of the car the same facing the garage. There's NO WAY you can "park" the car like this. The only way was to bounce the car and carefully position it in that tight spot. The look on his face was priceless!

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