With all the doom and gloom going about, I feel like we at ATS should take a break to recognize the important things in life - mostly, playing pranks
on everyone you see. In celebration of possibly the best holiday ever concocted by Hallmark and Company, I want to hear some good pranks you've
played (or that have been played on you, don't be shy) for a little bit of mischievous brainstorming!
Please, nothing that causes permanent damage or injury - that's no fun for anyone.
Here are a couple that I've done...
1. Toilet Volcano!!
Recommended for any bathroom but the one you're likely to use
For this prank, you need a box of dryer sheets (I used Bounce sheets), an empty
plastic soda bottle, and something to poke holes in the bottle with. Poke a bunch of small holes in the bottom of the bottle, then cram all of the
Bounce sheets one by one into the bottle. Screw on the cap, then put this little device inside the toilet tank of your unsuspecting victim.
When they flush, here comes the fun!
Easy cleanup, don't worry
2. Cup Trap
My roommate and I in university did this to our RA's room - we had free reign of our floor for most of the day! You're going to need a couple
packages of plastic beer cups, and a buttload of water for this, and preferably a partner in crime to cut setup time. Just fill up tons of cups with
water and clog the hallway in front of whatever door your victim is behind with them to trap them for a good little while behind your cup fortress!
The people in this pic may have went a little overboard...
3. The classic spidah!
Oldie but goodie, guarantees great results
You can use any "scary" animal for this, but I used a rubber tarantula from my Halloween stuff. I
taped a short piece of string to the spider, and taped the other end of the string to the inside of our cupboard door (of course, testing the
contraption to assure maximum efficiency
), and waited for my girlfriend to get a plate.
Results: I got a few whacks for that one, but it was totally worth it
So, ATS, how mischievous are you?? Pass along your favourite pranks!