posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 11:11 PM
yep made me mad as hell too since after i saw the explosions on tv a day or two after the event, i was pretty much sure that place was a gonner, and
only paid attention to the media to see how long it took them to admit the meltdown.
as the situation played out i came to realize that the delays were structured for a reason or reasons and i would like to highlight some possible
reasons for why the delays, and why now disclose the truth?
before i list the reasons understand that the elite of japan knew from day one that the meltdown was going to occur and there was no way to save the
plants from meltdown and no way to contain the damage
first, the initial delay was to allow all of the elite and corporate rulers to vacate the northern area and japan too. the first order was to remain
in place and do not clog the broken roads with refugees...this lasted about 2 or 3 days.
second, the delays of truth telling were structured to save the nuclear power industry, and tepco from lawsuits. if you recall, day two the japanese
central bank flooded their markets with about 220 billion dollars, now up to about 330 billion or so, and they are still buying all available stocks
for sale to maintain their markets as long as they can.
third, the nuclear power industry GE and others manufacturing such facilities is a very large business employing millions and paying huge salaries,
not to mention stock and bond admit to a meltdown would erode any confidence in these stocks, so japan had to buy some time for the media
to spin the story that radiation is actually good for us, rather than a killer.
forth, after the first week or so, maybe ten days out, suddenly the media went silent and banished the 'meltdown' word from any reports on
mainstream media and this was to buy time for a solution to be found to keep up the value of nuclear stocks and bonds, but it was too much to save
germany and their government which was voted out last week in favor of the green party movement.
so... in conclusion it is my opinion that the true effects and affects of this meltdown was known from day one and the truth was deliberately hidden
from us to keep and maintain an agenda of corporate rulers on top and common man on the bottom...the irony is that the japanese were always held to a
higher standard, but in the end, we common men and folks are all expendable and the corporate rulers and elite will save their sorry asses first
before anyone else...and it don't matter which country you are from.
imagine the church opening their doors for radiation victims...isn't that the fellow man thing the church is so proud won't ever happen, in
fact, the vatican is suspiciously silent on the entire incident...preferring to concentrate on donations and easter too
...after two or three days when these folks left