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Whoa...Anyone seen this Fallout Model?

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posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by okiecowboy

First country to be bombed with one.

2nd line.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 04:39 AM
Viewing the time line they are representing, I'd say its an April fools joke as it just happens to engulf the world on April 1.

Coincidence.. I think not.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 04:54 AM
Does anyone think this ties into the global depopulation agenda, i.e. Agenda 21?

We live such gilded, comfortable lifestyles, that invisible radioactive particles in our air, food, and water isn't a particular concern because it isn't readily apparent we are being poisoned. This is the ultimate stealth "soft kill" weapon because it can all be blamed on an accident.
edit on 2-4-2011 by northexpedition because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:07 AM
So, you think the Herder kills them self to depopulate the sheep. Pure Logic!

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:42 AM
Watch the TPTB anyone one with the power or knowledge to have an inside line on this situation.

Watch for any modifications of their behaviour / movement, particularly that of their children.

Whatever they tell us, it's not what they say, it's what they do, that counts.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by cushycrux
So, you think the Herder kills them self to depopulate the sheep. Pure Logic!

Couldn't have said it better. Same goes for chemtrails.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by roswell1
reply to post by artistpoet

Point is it only exists where we use it, in reactors. There are very few nuclear reactors in the world when compared to the amount of coal burning genorators(sp?).

I'd also like to point out that radiation can only penetrate a certain distance and cannot be blown by wind, it's like the field of a magnet, after a point it stops, and gets stronger as you get closer to it. The only way for radiation to travel is following an explosion, in which case the particles that give off radiation are thrown into the air and then are blown around. The small explosions at Fukishima(sp?) threw up some radioactive particles, but most of it had an incredibly short halflife and settled in the immediate area, which is why japanese officials have warned citizens not to drink milk for a while, as cows place all their excess iodine (being a beta emitter, through alpha is worse) into their milk for the calf, since no organism (including humans) can differentiate between isotopes of an atom when processing them after consumption. (If you're worried, take Iodine tablets so your body passed through any excess, but be sparing, as too much iodine has it's own effects. As always, see your doctor before taking any kind of advice from a random online post

I'd say this graph shows the low levels of caesium that made it into the atmosphere from this explosion, and the estimated position of it based on weather patterns, as it is incredibly hard to detect the position as accurately as this graph/map shows.


I know you have your opinion yet you come across as underplaying the situation so I am not adressing you but those who wish to know the truth.
We - Humanity does use it (Putonium)- it was present in Unit 3 reactor and has been detected FACT
Radio Active Fallout is taken up into the jet stream which encircles the Earth FACT
Small explosions - by what definition?
Heavier elements fall first ie into the Pacific - the Pacific spans continents FACT
No one has yet come up with definitive answers as to the levels of radiation now released and still being released.
The main stream media and government and corporations are all downplaying the truth of the Tragedy.
The point being that most everyone is concerned for self and how it will affect them -
Yes Iodine based foods and supplements such as Kelp for example - do help protect the Thyriod Gland which usually is the first thing to be affected.
Yes make sure you seek expert advice as Iodine (Tincture of Iodine) can kill you if you take the medical version which is intended for the skin only.
Research reputable sources for other forms of protection.
Regarding Plutonium - One particle can kill you.
I have had radiation sickness I know what I am talking about.
Main Point is Let us say with a loud united voice NO MORE NUCLEUR POWER

edit on 2-4-2011 by artistpoet because: change text

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 11:50 AM
Regarding fallout:

The water has been leaking into the sea from a 20-centimeter crack detected at a pit in the reactor where power cables are stored, the government's nuclear safety agency said.


The utility, known as TEPCO, said the pit is connected to the No. 2 reactor's turbine building and a tunnel-like underground trench, in which highly radioactive water has been spotted so far.

In case you don't know, there is only ONE loop for the water in this particular plant. In other words the water that flows over the fuel rods is the very same water that turns the turbines. There is no heat exchange mechanism the acts as a barrier between the highly radioactiy core water and the outside world other than the pipes and ducts between the reactor and turbine.


Hidehiko Nishiyama, a spokesman for the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, said the government believes the water found in the No. 2 reactor's turbine building and in its pit is ''almost the same.''

In other words from the moment they've started spraying down everything with hundrs of tons water.

Three weeks ago.

Dilution is an ugly solution.

Correction. Make that THOUSANDS of tons:

The utility expects the artificial floating island, which will be provided by the city of Shizuoka, can store about 10,000 tons of water, company officials said, while the amount of water detected in the plant has reached around 13,000 tons.


A drop in the ocean as they say, but never has there been such a vile and poisonous drop.

edit on 2-4-2011 by jadedANDcynical because: Sourced

edit on 2-4-2011 by jadedANDcynical because: Typos, darn proofreading skills obviously lacking.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Willbert
Viewing the time line they are representing, I'd say its an April fools joke as it just happens to engulf the world on April 1.

Coincidence.. I think not.

You really think the official French government's body on nuclear power would release a prank of any kind ever, let alone one like this?

What would the prank be, exactly? "Ha ha, you believed us when we said there was absolutely nothing to worry about"? You do understand this model, right? You understand that what it says is 'There is nothing wrong because the levels are incredibly low'? I don't know if I believe that, but I really have no idea why people keep freaking out like this says something scary. If you think the dispersement is scary, why choose to believe that half of it but discard the other half?

edit on 2-4-2011 by sepermeru because: crazy

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Konah
What makes that model seem bad is that between March 11th and today, the entire world has been covered with radiation from the Fukushima incident.

However, if you read the legend, the colors covering the United States and most of the world are in the 1/10 millionth to 1/1 millionth of "max". I can't read French, so I don't know what is said on the right-hand side of the projection, but it clearly gives a value for "max".

Just make sure you read the legend before you freak out.

I did read the legend. But - No matter how little, as said elsewhere, it's more than I was getting yesterday.

Is not the effects of radiation exposure cumulative? Isn't that why I can't have too many chest x-rays or CT scans, etc. per year? Isn't it? So for the forseeable future, aren't the Japanese nuclear plants going to continue to issue forth this radiation and possibly more on a daily basis, adding to my cumulative radioactive intake in unpleasant ways until it is stopped or goes China Syndrome?

And if it goes China Syndrome, won't that be a virtual unending volcano of radiation spewing god knows how much radioactive nasties into the jetstream?

What's not to worry at the beginning of an avalanche or a Japanese tsunami, for that matter?

I'm just saying.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 11:55 PM
You have to understand that it isn't cumulative, there's just a certain point where you have to stop pushing your luck.

Like I said before, hold your hand over a match too long and you'll get burnt. Some people just burn easier than others.

Edit to say: if it calms anyone, alpha radiation is stopped by a single sheet of A4 paper, Beta wouldn't make it very far through air, let alone your walls and though gamma will go through anything (aside from a few metres of lead) it's insanely unlikely to interact with even a single atom in your body.

In case anyone want's to say that whoever told me this is lying, I conducted this test myself and I know it to be true.

edit on 3/4/2011 by roswell1 because: read the bloody post

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by schuyler

The radiation levels you see right here are no different than they were before the tsunami. They are well within historical ranges. Think about it. If radiation could kill you so readily our parents would all have been dead from WW II and the atomic testing in the fifties in places as close as Nevada.

TOTALLY AGREE~!!! and that's my question this a model or is it real data ~!! ?? I sent an email to the radiationnetwork last night as soon as I saw this, but have not heard from them yet.......

hmmm... i need to start looking for a gieger myself..

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by roswell1
You have to understand that it isn't cumulative, there's just a certain point where you have to stop pushing your luck.
Like I said before, hold your hand over a match too long and you'll get burnt. Some people just burn easier than others.

G'day Roswell -

I may just be a yank, wank and a septic tank, but it seems to me your analogy of the match is off a degree. It is cumulative. If I am holding my hand over a match, I have control over when I remove my hand from the flame when it gets too hot from the heat building and building and burning and burning. Ouch!!

Then I blow out the flame just to show it who's boss.

Here in the real world, I can't remove my hand from the radioactive flame even if I knew when it's getting too hot and I don't.The flame is burning stronger and hotter, worser and worser, day after day after day. And before I know it, my hand's a bloody radioactive stump 8,000 miles from the flame and bob's your uncle.

And unless you are Bruce Banner, he's the only one I know of who has survived exposure to gamma rays.

Thanks for being a sport, having a little fun with you, so I'll buy you two beers next time I see you.

IF - they manage to blow out this match.

And for the record - I understand what your Dad is saying and it's good advice, but I'm not worrying. I just like to be informed with the best information and be well prepared. As Gene Hackman said in "The Poseidon Adventure" - God helps those who help themselves.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by roswell1

You have to understand that it isn't cumulative

ok I am willing to listen to you, I will listen to any ideas, theories etc.. you have, If you think elvis came back and caused the earthquakes with a hand held HAARP ray..I will listen to you....

BUT first prove to me it isn't Cumulative!

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:25 PM
I just read cs-137 has a half life of 30 years meaning those particles will be a long time in the environment. Which I guess isn't good, but I'm no expert at all.

I'm just wondering how extremely weird it would be when a species makes it this far (in evolution), then creates a new element for a powerful bomb (cs-137 didn't naturally occur) which is the same element that apparently goes around the world poisoning the masses. Ofcourse the latter remains to be seen but comparing this disaster to Tsjernobyl, other countries measured the fallout then heard about the accident lateron, people were silenced and effects downplayed, no mass hysteria which should have happened imho. In some countries it appears most people didn't have a clue about the effects which remain debated to this day (would you expect radioactive pigs in German forests? read on

Point being, no one wants to believe people might get cancer or there might be birth defects because of this since there is not much anyone can do. I doubt any politician or even news agency wants to incite mass hysteria over something like this.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by okiecowboy
reply to post by roswell1

You have to understand that it isn't cumulative

ok I am willing to listen to you, I will listen to any ideas, theories etc.. you have, If you think elvis came back and caused the earthquakes with a hand held HAARP ray..I will listen to you....

BUT first prove to me it isn't Cumulative!

Add this idea into the mix:

Bioaccumulation refers to the accumulation of substances, such as pesticides, or other organic chemicals in an organism. [1] Bioaccumulation occurs when an organism absorbs a toxic substance at a rate greater than that at which the substance is lost. Thus, the longer the biological half-life of the substance the greater the risk of chronic poisoning, even if environmental levels of the toxin are not very high.[2]


You can see it at work here:

In the early months after the accident, the levels radioactivity of agricultural plants and plant-consuming animals was dominated by surface deposits of radionuclides. The deposition of radio iodine caused the most immediate concern, but the problem was confined to the first two months after the accident because of fast decay of the most important isotope, 131I.

But animals aren't the only route for the radioactive fallout to enter into the food-chain. Further reading yields this:

After the early phase of direct deposit, uptake of radionuclides through plant roots from soil became increasingly important. Radioisotopes of caesium (137Cs and 134Cs) were the nuclides which led to the largest problems, and even after decay of 134Cs (half-life of 2.1 years) by the mid-1990s the levels of longer lived 137Cs in agricultural products from highly affected areas still may require environmental remediation

There is a bit of good news, and it follows from what I've said here in this thread as well as the main nuclear emergency thread, which others have indicated as well, and that is that we are separated by many thousands of miles of ocean so affects here should be minimal.

This is what the report says regarding this:

In addition, 90Sr could cause problems in areas close to the reactor, but at greater distances its deposition levels were low.

Distance being equivalent to safety being taken for granted, it still does not mitigate the toxicity level of many of the isotopes which are still being emitted into the atmosphere.

This is a candy coating:

Other radionuclides such as plutonium isotopes and 241Am did not cause real problems in agriculture, either because they were present at low deposition levels, or were poorly available for root uptake from soil.

Remember kids, NO safe level of internal exposure for plutonium. And probably a few others along with that one.

Source for above quotes

The contaminants have half lives ranging from tiny fractions of a second to time spans we associate with geological or even celestial activities. So some of them will be around for quite some time.

See the chart here for a nice long list of this.

Let's watch how this is portrayed and see what we can filter from the smoke screens that are continuing to be thrown up to disguise a lot of ugliness on many levels.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by jadedANDcynical

Originally posted by NowanKenubi
reply to post by aching_knuckles

Then we should all go die in piles on top of their air exchangers... That'll teach them something for next time!

Hey, the bible DOES say survivors will wish to be dead!... ( Or is it from a prophecy of sorts?!? )

Seriously, I read on a previous post it was about the dispersion of Cesium-137? Man, how many types of radio particles can these Japanese reactors generate?

Take the periodic table and multiply it by at least 3.

Radioactivity is "spread" by energetic neutrons. As these neutrons are continually emitted from a nuclear reaction, eventually everything in the immediate vicinity of a reaction becomes energized and radioactive.

Depending on the amount of neutrons absorbed and how energetic they are will vary the isotope you end up with. This in turn break down (decay) over a specified period of time (half-life) sometimes to other unstable particles (each with it's own half-life) until eventually a stable state is reached.

That's all off the top of my head and VERY rough but it should give you an idea of what we are dealing with.
edit on 1-4-2011 by jadedANDcynical because: Typo: more idiocy.

Don't get confused by the difference between radioisotopes, the constituent sub-atomic particles that make up the radioisotopes, and the decay products.
Radiation is spread", for lack of a better word by whatever is emitted during decay of a radioisotope. Nuclear reactors for the most part, use uranium and/or plutonium as a fuel. Actually, you don't really want to use the pure metal, since it will burn, so commonly you would use an oxide of the metal, like uranium dioxide in a salt form. Burning is just a different way to describe oxidation, and if something is already oxidized, it has already "burned."
Both uranium and plutonium are what are called actinide metals, and both are unstable, decaying through various processes into other isotopes or elements. Let's take uranium first. A uranium atom has 92 protons, 92 electrons and between 141 and 146 neutrons. How many neutrons determines the particular isotope. If it has 146 neutrons, you add that 146 to 92 representing the protons, and you get Uranium 238, the most common isotope. Now if you bombard U-238 with free neutrons, one can be absorbed and you now have uranium 239, but not for long. U-239 decays by beta decay, into neptunium 239, which in turn, through more beta decay, decays into plutonium 239. Beta decay is when a neutron turns into a proton, and spitting out an antineutrino and an electron, or a proton turns into a neutron, spitting out a neutrino and a positron, the antimatter version of an electron. Other elements are created, not as natural decay products, but as fission products. When a neutron, which is not in itself radioactive, hits a fissile fuel, it can split the element into other atoms, releasing heat. The Cesium 137 and Iodine 129 and 131 in the news are such fission products, as are Strontium-90, and various radioisotopes of Selenium, Tin, and a few others. Not every element has an unstable (radioactive) isotope and something doesn't become radioactive by being irradiated. It becomes radioactive by becoming or containing a radioisotope.
There is another kind of radioactive decay, this time having nothing to do with neutrons. Alpha decay, which is a decay process turning U-238 into Thorium 234, and in the process spitting out an alpha particle, which is the same as a Helium 4 nucleus.
A third form of radioactive decay is gamma decay where a gamma ray (high energy photon) is emitted. You can get gamma radiation from fusion, fission, matter-antimatter annihilation, pion0 decay, and some other ways irrelevant to nuclear reactors.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by jadedANDcynical

Good work and good information! Much appreciated.

And to you as well "4nsicphd" in the post following about radioactive decay and isotopes.

Here is one of my most pressing questions - Is there a chart that tells us when to take the potassium iodide? Or is that just a pointless exercise considering the multitudinous radiation being created in what appears to possibly be an endless source?

I definitely won't be listening to the recommendations of the local authorities. The non-local authorities are another matter entirely. They seem to make the most sense -

"The recommendation by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority that all Swedes who are staying within a radius of 250 km from the Fukushima No. 1 power plant to take iodide tablets every three days is still valid," the embassy's website, last updated Saturday, says. "Best protection against radioactive iodine is to take iodide tablets before the exposure, as doing so afterward will prove too late."

ATS Post

How soon is too soon? How late is too late?


posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:45 AM
I have said all that I care to say, and that I know to be true from my classes in physics, not from some stupid reporter on a MSM website who hasn't the slightest idea what they're talking about.

Believe what you want beause to be honest I simply don't care anymore.

'Deny Ignorance' clearly means nothing to that stubborn minority who love to spread their baseless distrust.

edit on 4/4/2011 by roswell1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Can't generate more fear than you can with radiation.

What do you want to bet nothing comes of this?

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