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Sitchin is wrong, no Nibiru - interview with Micheal S.Heiser

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posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 07:09 PM

Michael S. Heiser - Zecharia Sitchin is Wrong, Sumerian Writings & Nibiru August 29, 2010 Zecharia Sitchin is a well known name when it comes to “Ancient Astronaut” or “Ancient Aliens” theories. Sitchin has written about the Sumerian and Mesopotamian cultures and given us books on the Annunaki, The Twelfth Planet, Planet X or Nibiru and the return of this planet and “the gods.” It been said that that the Annunaki created humanity as a slave race to do their bidding. How much of this is true? Have there been any further analysis of the writing and of Sitchin’s work? Are there any corroborating sources for these claims? We have Michael S. Heiser with us to share some of his finding with us in regards to cuneiform script, the Sumerian culture, the Annunaki, Nephilim, Nibiru and the quality of Sitchin’s work and research

Red Rice radio - Sitchin is wrong

I find this a very interesting interview. The website also provides many links for self-research. Perhaps I am handing out old information, if that were the case, I apologize.
Micheal Heiser says that Sitchin simply invented his theories about Niburu and the Annunaki theory. He says that nothing on the tablets really describes anything Sitchin claims.

Instead it might be possible that this is a Rockefeller false flag.
edit on 31-3-2011 by Sanjur0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by Sanjur0
I have been reading some of your information and thank you posting it. I just posted the Rockefeller Agenda concerning Disclosure Project on another thread. I was told by a neighbor that Stitchen was a fake, but never researched. I did read some of the other tranlations and they are totally different. We are lied to so much and have been for so long nothing surprises me anymore. Will continue reading.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Sanjur0
I want now to thank you again. I wrote a book a few years ago and the summerian seals were telling me something totally different than what Stitchen, but since he claimed to be able to translate the seals and cuniform language I figured I was wrong, and I could still very well be wrong. As the Story of Gilgamesh was a big part of an entire chapter. To me the seal of the heavenly bodies in the upper left hand corner was the earth and Sun depicting 7 large Asteroids that hit the earth causing the earth to [bow down, as the Bible states it] move off of it's correct axis. In many acient texts it says the Sun did not raise where it did before. My date for this event was 2354 BC, +5/-5 years, this was reached by tree rings showing the event at that line, also Dr. de Jonge, found the date about the same time I did from rock gylphs and stone circles. Someone even in the 1700's came up with that same date. I am going to really go over this and maybe it will help me or not, but it is so interesting and glad you found it.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Sanjur0
Oh, I just found the mentioning of Draco, it was from the Constelation Draco that the 7 asteroid came from a large comet coming it from Draco. That was the birth of the Fire from the mouth of the Dragon, in many different text around the world, China had a great text for it. I guess I am dominating your thread, but this is getting exciting for me. Wish I could Flag again, where is your star thing.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by coolottie

To me the seal of the heavenly bodies in the upper left hand corner was the earth and Sun depicting 7 large Asteroids that hit the earth causing the earth to [bow down, as the Bible states it] move off of it's correct axis. In many acient texts it says the Sun did not raise where it did before. My date for this event was 2354 BC, +5/-5 years, this was reached by tree rings showing the event at that line, also Dr. de Jonge, found the date about the same time I did from rock gylphs and stone circles. /quote]

Are you seriously claiming that the ancients knew about asteroids?
Are you also claiming that the impacts altered the Earth's rotational axis?
What sort of evidence are tree rings going to tell you about the orientation of the Earth?

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by stereologist
Asteriods have been hitting the earth for millions of years. The word star in ancient Greek meant "wandering planet" There are still trees on this planet over 5,000 years old. They are out west USA, They are not allowing anyone near them since one idiot cut one down a few years ago. Tree rings can tell you a lot about a lot of things. Scientist here in Arkansas can date a violin from the rings on it and tell you where and when the tree was cut. Tree rings also tell when there are mass extiction periods, drought, floods etc. Also I first got close to the date from the fact that Stonehenge was realigned around 2200 BC. There is a new Science that has emerged called Astroarchaeology, it studies the ancient temples and site they all show their aligned to the Star Thurban it was the North Star, even the Pyramids are aligned to Thruban in the Draconous Constellation. Many Ancient sites aligned to this north star are now 23.2 degrees off of their alignment, the Pole Star Polairis was suddenly the New Pole star in a matter of just 4 years. Either all the stars in the heavens move or the earth move. New Temple rebuilt over old temples were realigned.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by coolottie

Your write up is a bit off in places. Some of the issues are:

There are still trees on this planet over 5,000 years old.

The oldest living tree is a bristlecone pine at 4600 years. The oldest I've personally seen was 4300 years old.

Tree rings also tell when there are mass extiction periods, drought, floods etc.

I am well aware of dendrochronology. I know that complete sequences go back 10k years in Europe and in the US. That time frame does not cover mass extinctions unless you want to consider the cichlid extinction in Africa.

Star Thurban

The star in Draco is Thuban. I'm well aware of it.

even the Pyramids are aligned to Thruban in the Draconous Constellation.

That's no longer true. They are now aligned with Polaris.

the Pole Star Polairis was suddenly the New Pole star in a matter of just 4 years.

That's completely false. It has been a slow process and took thousands of years, like 5000 years to happen.

Many Ancient sites aligned to this north star are now 23.2 degrees off of their alignment

That's really misleading. The places are still aligned with North. The problem is that the point in the sky appears to change due to precession of the axes. This is a wobble of the Earth.

The idea of precession was noticed in ancient times. The ancients noticed that over the course of a century their star coordinates were off just a bit. This was noticed from Sumer to the Mayan culture to China and everywhere astronomers recorded the heavens. The cause was not always worked out by the ancients. For example, the Maya did not figure out why over time their records were wrong.

Nothing I pointed out has been answered:
1. Are you seriously claiming that the ancients knew about asteroids?
2. Are you also claiming that the impacts altered the Earth's rotational axis?
3. What sort of evidence are tree rings going to tell you about the orientation of the Earth?

edit on 3-4-2011 by stereologist because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:35 PM
i wonder if this is the same Heiser that resides in the Lebanon, Palmyra Pennsylvania area
(well at least 3 years ago) when i had his old web site on my favorites menu...
if this is the same person...he's changed from doing interpetations of NNostradamus quatrains
in relation to contemporary news & events....into this deep and academic treatment of old
and Biblical languages...
(the May 1st programs of research for the prospective student looks inviting) MERMA or something !

i always liked Red Ice...thanks for the link

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by stereologist
You get an A for the Bristlecone is a little less than 5000, but if you read over it I didn't even say that is where I got my date. I just wanted to let people know we have some very old trees in the US that most people don't know about. The oldest Tree on the Planet is 9,550 years old.

Here is dendrochronology first part notice the word ecology


Here is Dr. de Jonge on Dr. Barry Warmkessel 's site both friends of mine that respect my work and opinion.

Glad you know Thuban is in the Draco, The Pyramids were aligned to the Pyramids in their construction

We do know that about 5,000 years ago, around the time the Great Pyramid at Giza and Stonehenge were being constructed, the Earth's north pole pointed near the star Thuban, in Draco.

In the case of the Egyptian pyramids, it has been shown they were aligned towards Thuban, a faint star in the constellation of Draco. The effect can be substanstial over relatively short lengths of time, historically speaking.

Polaris was not the pole star in 2500 BC when the pyramids were constructed.

Some 12,000 years from now"nearly halfway through one cycle of precession"Earth's axis will point toward a star called Vega, which will then be the "North Star." Five thousand years ago, the North Star was a star named Thuban in the constellation Draco


That is as far as I got, If you wish to say I am wrong about anything else I would appreciate it if you did the searching and researching to prove I am wrong. Just cause you say it don't make it so

""I wish when I signed up for ATS I had used a male name, and avatar. Some men really have a problem if a woman might know something. I live in Arkansas, so I get that reaction all the time.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by stereologist
And it takes 26,000 years for the earth to align to a new pole star. That is why when Thuban was the pole star when the pyramids were built 2500 BC and then in 1700 BC suddenly Polairs was the pole star the earth had to move and did 23.7 degrees off of it's Axis. It is now 23.5 degrees off as it has corrected itself 0.2 degrees.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by coolottie

The oldest Tree on the Planet is 9,550 years old.

Yes, but you cannot get a 9550 tree ring chronology from the tree since it has formed multiple trunks that have disappeared over time. The bristlecones have formed a single trunk of that age.

Polaris was not the pole star in 2500 BC when the pyramids were constructed.

Of course not, but that has nothing to do with the alignment to true north. The pyramids were aligned to true north, not a particular star. True north has not changed. The Earth wobbles so that true North marks out a circle on the sky.

That is as far as I got, If you wish to say I am wrong about anything else I would appreciate it if you did the searching and researching to prove I am wrong. Just cause you say it don't make it so

You're wrong because you don't seem to understand what you are reading.

Nothing posted so far tells us what dendrochronology has to do with orientation of the Earth's axes.
Nothing tells us why you suggest the ancient knew about asteroids.
Nothings tells us why you claim that impacts changed the Earth's orientation.

This Jonge has a little problem with his web page. He claims a comet caused the biblical flood. Not possible since there was no worldwide flood. There is not evidence for such an event.

People pick all sorts of dates for this nonexistent event. What does Jonge pick:

The date of this Flood is accurately known, c.2344 BC (tree-ring dating, uncertainty of 5 years).

So what was happening back the in history?
The ruler of Egypt is Teti
No flood wiping out Teti's reign. He ruled and his place was there to rule. He even built a pyramid. That would be hard to do if everyone drowned in a flood.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by coolottie

And it takes 26,000 years for the earth to align to a new pole star.

NO. NO. NO. Aren't you reading the links you post? How could you get this so mixed up.

Procession of the equinoxes
Thuban was the pole star some 5K years ago. Was the pole pointed directly at the star? No. Just like Polaris is 0.5 degree off of the true position of North, so was Thuban off. In 21,000 years Thuban is again the North star. That's 5K plus 21K to make the 26K cycle.

That is why when Thuban was the pole star when the pyramids were built 2500 BC and then in 1700 BC suddenly Polairs was the pole star the earth had to move and did 23.7 degrees off of it's Axis. It is now 23.5 degrees off as it has corrected itself 0.2 degrees.

Since ancient times the drift has been known to be a steady 1 degree per 72 years. There was no and will be no sudden jumps in the orientation of the Earth's axis. Polaris has never been exactly at true North either and it will never be at True North.

As you can see in the following image, currently true North points towards Polaris and the blue line shows it going by Thuban.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by stereologist
I bet you didn't go to one site or even read or google and try to find the truth, if you did you would find that you are the one that is wrong, I started not to even answer you the first time, a lot of people on this site think that telling someone they are wrong makes them sound smart. You look up the evidence. then we will talk, I will even help you but you will have to read them yourself. Googled "Pole Star 5000 years ago"

Draco [Lat.,=the dragon], northern constellation lying SE of Ursa Minor and N of Lyra and Hercules. It is traditionally depicted as a dragon. Draco contains the bright star Eltanin (Gamma Draconis). Thuban (Alpha Draconis) was the polestar 5,000 years ago, i.e., it was the star nearest the celestial pole, but because of the precession of the equinoxes , the polestar is now Polaris . Draco reaches its highest point in the evening sky in July, and is visible throughout the year for observers north of 40°N lat.

The Pharaoh Khufu ruled ancient Egypt around 2550 BC and was buried in the largest of the Giza pyramids when he died. During his time, Thuban was the pole star, (because of Earth's precession) around which all other stars revolved. Khufu's burial chamber was fashioned deep inside the Great Pyramid. Two skinny shafts bore outward from the chamber.

Here are enough referrences to Thuban being the pole star 5000 years ago. Email all of them and tell them they are wrong.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by coolottie

I bet you didn't go to one site or even read or google and try to find the truth, if you did you would find that you are the one that is wrong, I started not to even answer you the first time, a lot of people on this site think that telling someone they are wrong makes them sound smart. You look up the evidence. then we will talk, I will even help you but you will have to read them yourself. Googled "Pole Star 5000 years ago"

Sorry. You don't seem to understand these simple issues such as the circle traced in the sky my true north over a 26,000 year period of time. Not sure where you come up with this crazy idea that this happens in fits and starts. For over 2000 years it has been known to be a slow steady change of 1 degree every 72 years.

Here are enough referrences to Thuban being the pole star 5000 years ago. Email all of them and tell them they are wrong.

You are the one that is greatly confused because I agree that this was the case. I've already agreed to that in this thread. But you are wrong in suggesting that this slow 1 degree in 72 years process moves in fits and starts.

The "" link you posted agrees with me that this is a slow steady process.

Another mistake you are making is thinking that the ancients aligned to Thuban. They actually aligned to true North. The closest star to true North today is Polaris. You do understand how you align to true north right? You do not align to a pole star. That doesn't work too well. Pole stars are never actually at true north. They are rough approximations. Polaris is 1/2 a degree off right now.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by stereologist
All you want to do is argue, but evidently you have not read anything I posted or went to any of the links. This is not my thread and I am not going to keep responding to someone that can't except that a female might be smart. I gave you site that are by astronomers and physics if you are not going to read them then I am pushing my "ignor button". If you think I am wrong prove it or lets just drop it. I thought I would join this site and have some intelligent conversations. Guess I was wrong. Thuban was True North then is my point, Which proves the earth did shift. If the Earth was back on it's correct Axis, Thuban would be True North again.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by stereologist
I don't even know what you are talking about 1 degree every 72 years. What is that about. I never said it move in jumps and starts. I wrote a book about 7 asteroids that hit the earth in 2354 BC, NASA astronomers verified 4 of my impact sites. Since the Pyramids were built in 2500 BC aligned to their north star at that time Thuban, then in even before 1700 Polaris became the pole star, that proves my theory that the earth was knocked off of it's axis between 2500BC and 1700 BC therefore what is to happen over 26000 years happened in 1,800 years. Therefore something very big happened, Astroarchaeology has shown that ancient sites and temples were aligned to Thuban[2500BC], then were destroyed and new temples were built right on top of the old ones with a new alignment 23.7 degrees off of the old alignment [1700BC]
You have been off the subject since you came on this thread, it is not about me or you have you even read what to OP presented why don't you comment on that. Go back to looking for Elenin and Nibiru.

OP, I apologize I know how arguments can derail a thread, Thank you for the Link, and I am still reading, The fact that the seals show Draco over the sun, star [comet or earth] and the moon, gives me a new direction.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by coolottie

All you want to do is argue, but evidently you have not read anything I posted or went to any of the links. This is not my thread and I am not going to keep responding to someone that can't except that a female might be smart.

Please don't play the gender card with me. That has nothing to do with your confusion on some of these issues.

I gave you site that are by astronomers and physics if you are not going to read them then I am pushing my "ignor button"./quote]
I read the sites and I already knew the material in them. The issue is not what is in the links, but your interpretation of the material.

If you think I am wrong prove it or lets just drop it. I thought I would join this site and have some intelligent conversations. Guess I was wrong. Thuban was True North then is my point, Which proves the earth did shift. If the Earth was back on it's correct Axis, Thuban would be True North again.

The crux of matter is you not understanding the material you've read. let's see if I can clear this up with an example.

Imagine being inside of a silo. You are handed a compass. The compass allows you to determine North. Suppose you decide to mark a spot on the silo wall to be North. You figure that way you can always know North without having to get out your compass. Suppose that you live in the silo. For whatever reason you decide to align your bed with north.

So now we have you inside of a silo with a dot on the wall and a bed aligned with north. You wake up after a good nights sleep and you see that the bed is no longer aligned with the dot. You get out the compass and check and sure enough the compass is no longer pointing at the dot. You go to the wall and place a new dot on the silo wall, but leave your bed in place. The next morning you wake up and find the same issue. You place a new dot and leave the bed alone.

After a bit you realize that the silo is turning. Not only that, but a measurement of the dots shows that the process is a smooth and even turn being the same amount each day.

This is what is happening on the Earth. The Earth has a wobble. The wobble is slow and takes 26,000 years to complete. Divide that by 360 and you get 72 years. So the wobble moves 360 degrees in 26000 years or 1 degree in 72 years.

At one time the star close to true North was Thuban. Now it is Polaris. Regardless of which star is close to true NOrth, true North has not changed much since the time of Thuban. That is why the pyramids are still aligned to true North even if the star close to true North changes.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by coolottie

NASA astronomers verified 4 of my impact sites

NASA dated 4 impact sites to 2354BC?

that proves my theory that the earth was knocked off of it's axis between 2500BC and 1700 BC

No it does not. It simply means that the drift of true North across the celestial sphere came closer to Polaris than Thuban during that time period.

Therefore something very big happened, Astroarchaeology has shown that ancient sites and temples were aligned to Thuban[2500BC], then were destroyed and new temples were built right on top of the old ones with a new alignment 23.7 degrees off of the old alignment [1700BC]

Nothing was aligned to Thuban. Things were aligned to true North.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 07:20 AM
the OP is right, Sitchin is just plain WRONG.
scientifically proven false.


those Niburu/ PlanetX stuff is just crap..

dont get distracted by this BS.

edit on 27-4-2011 by anti72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by coolottie

I was just reading something along those same lines stitchen being a 33deg mason and his ties to lord Rothchild in England rite before he moved to the u.s and published his first book the 12th planet basically setting the stage for the false flag alien invasion by the Illuminati.

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