Why Parables?
I. Jesus also turned the water into wine at the wedding.
A. Details about the Wedding
1. Jesus and His disciples invited
2. Some things we don't know about the wedding.
a. Don't know who was getting married.
b. Don't know any details about them.
3. Speculation concerning the marriage.
a. Probably some relative of Mary or Joseph.
b. Mary's prominence indicates a family wedding.
4. It is interesting to see how closely Jesus is associated with His disciples.
a. An invitation to Jesus included His disciples.
b. Others should know that Jesus goes where we go.
B. What did it mean to us?
1. Think about it, Jesus was ready to begin his public ministry, yet he took the time to attend a wedding.
2. I believe Christ's presence at this wedding reveals to us His heart.
3. It reminds us that He truly cares about ordinary people like you and me, and that He is concerned about the everyday issues of our lives.
4. Regardless of who you are or what your circumstances are, Jesus cares about you. That's a fact.
II. Jesus Is Able To Meet Our Need
A. The Need at the Wedding.
1. They ran out of wine.
2. That may seem to be trivial to us, but in Jesus' time wedding celebrations very important.
3. Weddings are great places for problems.
B. Mary handles the problem.
1. She takes the problem to Jesus
2. This is a good example for us when problems come, we need to take them to the Lord.
3. Mary's instructions to the servants, "Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it"
4. We should always be ready to do what Jesus wants us to do.
C. Mary knew who Jesus Christ really was.
1. Perhaps she was anxious for Jesus Christ to do something to demonstrate to the people who He was.
2. That He was no ordinary son, but that He was the Son of God Himself.
3. Jesus responds to her with a gentle rebuke.
Note: (Jesus is not being disrespectful here.)
b. Several times in the gospel of John, the Bible says his hour was not yet come.
c. But the night before the cross in prayer, according to John 17, He looks up to the Father and he says , Father, the hour is come that the Son
of man should be glorified.
d. So Jesus is saying to his mother...it is not my miracles that people need to see, it is the sheding of my blood on the cross of Calvary.
e. It is not the miracle of Cana that saves you and me today and meets our greatest need, it is the miracle of Calvary.
III. What We Can Learn from this Miracle.
A. The Thirsty Crowd:
1. This is a picture of those who are without Christ in their lives.
a. They are looking for satisfaction in this world, but only Jesus can satisfy our souls!
b. The Word of God invites thirsty sinners to come to Christ.
c. "...If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink." (John 7:37)
B. The Empty Waterpots.
1. This is a picture of the human heart.
2. It is hard and empty, things may appear to look good on the outside, but inside there is only emptiness.
3. The Bible tells us that man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks upon the heart.
C. Filled with water.
1. Water is a picture of the Word of God.
2. The job of the servants was to fill the pots with water, not to try to change the water into wine!
3. If we will do our part, sharing the Word of God with those who are thirsting, He will do the miracle!
D. The Miracle: Water into wine!
1. When a sinner's heart has been filled with the Word of God, then Christ performs a great miracle.
2. The miracle of salvation takes a lost sinner, and fills him with joy as he becomes a part of the family of God.
3. The wine is a picture of that joy and gladness!
4. Note the example of Phillip and the Ethiopian in Acts 8:27-39
a. Phillip gave him the Word.
b. God performed the miracle of salvation.
c. The eunuch went on his way rejoicing!
[Edited on 3-26-03 by pacman]