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Ancient Aliens and Stargate SG-1 have more in common then you think

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posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:03 PM
Now before i begin, I'm not stating anything. Just assuming. The following are just my thoughts. I'm not saying they are true fact I'm not evening saying that the show on the history channel "Ancient aliens" is based on credible sources but if they were, it would be truly amazing. So with that said, lets begin.

If you have watched the Television documentary series "Ancient Aliens" then you probably know that the show talks mostly about Ancient Extraterrestrials and how they tricked primitive man into thinking they were gods. Primitive man thought that their technology was almost like magic at the time.

Now if you have seen the Television show "Stargate SG-1" then you know that the main enemy is called the "Goaold". they are These little parasites that go into humans and take over their body's. The Goaold are an evil species and are in control of the galaxy. If you don't know the show, then ill give you a quick description of it.

The stargate system is a kind of like a telephone. A long time ago A race of people known as the "Ancients" build the stargate and there is one on almost every planet in the universe. All you do is punch in the correct coordinates to another planets gate and boom, you make a connection. The Goaold take advantage of primitive human planets by telling them that they are gods.

I know i may not be getting my point across to some people but what im trying to say is that both "Ancient Aliens" and "Stargate SG-1" deal with some more advanced race pretending to be gods which they are not.

I have also noticed that in season 2 of "Ancient Aliens" ( I think episode 1 or 2) it even talks about real life stargates. And how it theoretically its possible.

I don't think im trying to prove anything other then that, maybe the creators of "Stargate SG-1" got their idea from ancient astronaut theory's. If you watch both shows you will also notice alot of other similar aspects.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:07 PM
I'm sure Undo will be along shortly

ETA link to Undo's thread
edit on 31/3/11 by Versa because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:13 PM
THEN vs THAN and when to use the 2. More THAN, not moer THEN... are you referring to the past tense?
I never could get into Stargate SG1, Richard Dean Anderson and the black transvestite were as absurd as the Babylon 5 alien make up, it repels my interest, therefore my loss on the real life correlations that apply to SG1.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:14 PM
I think its SUPPOSED to correlate to each other, I think that was the premise

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by ckrules

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by ckrules
Now before i begin, I'm not stating anything. Just assuming. The following are just my thoughts. I'm not saying they are true fact I'm not evening saying that the show on the history channel "Ancient aliens" is based on credible sources but if they were, it would be truly amazing. So with that said, lets begin.

If you have watched the Television documentary series "Ancient Aliens" then you probably know that the show talks mostly about Ancient Extraterrestrials and how they tricked primitive man into thinking they were gods. Primitive man thought that their technology was almost like magic at the time.

Now if you have seen the Television show "Stargate SG-1" then you know that the main enemy is called the "Goaold". they are These little parasites that go into humans and take over their body's. The Goaold are an evil species and are in control of the galaxy. If you don't know the show, then ill give you a quick description of it.

The stargate system is a kind of like a telephone. A long time ago A race of people known as the "Ancients" build the stargate and there is one on almost every planet in the universe. All you do is punch in the correct coordinates to another planets gate and boom, you make a connection. The Goaold take advantage of primitive human planets by telling them that they are gods.

I know i may not be getting my point across to some people but what im trying to say is that both "Ancient Aliens" and "Stargate SG-1" deal with some more advanced race pretending to be gods which they are not.

I have also noticed that in season 2 of "Ancient Aliens" ( I think episode 1 or 2) it even talks about real life stargates. And how it theoretically its possible.

I don't think im trying to prove anything other then that, maybe the creators of "Stargate SG-1" got their idea from ancient astronaut theory's. If you watch both shows you will also notice alot of other similar aspects.

I remember watching a "documentary" i suppose where the producers and creators of Sg-1 talked about where they came up with the idea of the stargate, i believe it was called the truth behind the gate. They said that they came up with the idea actually from ancient cultures and stuff, according to them many speak of a Ring/road to another world. some even have pictures they are pretty cool. i wasn't able to find these pictures but if i do ill post them.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:18 PM
which then are you referring to?

Thats fine, but whether you like the show or not, doesn't really matter.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:22 PM
I think the big problem with the ancient alien theory is in fact the aliens themselves. It's a logic jump too far, and I think that if you watch the series, but ignore everything the narrator and that wild hair loon Georgio says, you'll have a better understanding.

Earth is old. Very old. And we've been about for the last few thousand years, but we stamp our feet and declare that we were here first, and the Earth just sat around waiting for us.

We see evidence all around us - ruins of cities that were old when we were young, so old that the ground they sit on has been covered in water for as long as we've been human. The Ancient Alien theory makes a jump too far, and insists that if it wasn't us who built them, then ergo it must be space aliens. I think that's why so many people balk at the theory, it's flaw is right there in it's name.

To my mind, the archaeological "unexplained" evidence does point to a missing chapter in Earth's history, but to slapdash pronounce "space aliens" is a logical jump too far. Personally, I do believe that there's enough evidence for us to call the "official history" flawed, there just too much going on when our model says we were hunter gatherer cave dwellers, and too much that we still today with all our technology couldn't reproduce. There's something in our past that we don't know. The AA theory is the start of discovering what that may be, but it's not the end.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Asmodasis

Thank you, I'm really looking forward to that

I find they put alot can i say this...Easter eggs in that show sometimes. For example, There is an episode where someone makes a tv show based on their day-to-day lives going through the stargate on missions. I belive its called "Wormhole X-treme"

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:33 PM
Well it's coming out more and more, evidence that there were civilizations here long before our history books tell us that humans were capable of such. I'm hopeful of the ancient astronaut theory, but at the same time skeptical of some of the overly enthusiastic researchers on the History Channel show.

Look at Peru, Egypt, India. The gigantic stone monolith structures cannot have possibly be made by men with stone tools, and hoisted up to hundreds, sometimes thousands of feet from their source. And if they were made by man, without the assistance of "Gods" then we need to give credit to an earlier advanced civilization of humans that were capable of this technology.

Why do we need another thread about this? Aren't there tons of others?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by ckrules
reply to post by Asmodasis

Thank you, I'm really looking forward to that

I find they put alot can i say this...Easter eggs in that show sometimes. For example, There is an episode where someone makes a tv show based on their day-to-day lives going through the stargate on missions. I belive its called "Wormhole X-treme"


"As a matter of fact, it does say colonel on my uniform"

love that line in wormhole x-treme

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:02 PM

dont know rly where i have to post it...

This vid hit sites yesterday around the net then it suddenly vanished off the intertube.

some background: it was titled "the meaning of life" . The account has since been removed.

I grabbed it before it disappeared - simply cause of the song at the end.

did anyone else see this vid?

watch it before reading further

I went up into the hills last night and recorded audio More.. off the Shortwave. Its either a joke or there is something broadcasting On SW 1.1mhz & 3.3mhz and it sounds like that tune from 2001 space Odyssey

He's since put up another vid - but that too was gone within minutes,. his code word, "The lost keys" seems to be how to find it.

Whats weird is that it all ropes into what some kid is talking about and its about time travel.

Does this explain Egypt?

Just thought i'd share it, if anything happens to me... lol

just to put you in the picture, it takes alot of power to broadcast into SW, I couldn't even tell where it was coming from.

The second vid is intense but i just video's it

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by ckrules
I don't think im trying to prove anything other then that, maybe the creators of "Stargate SG-1" got their idea from ancient astronaut theory's.

There can be little doubt that Stargate and Stargate SG-1 are based not only on the Ancient Astronaut Theory, but several other conjunctive hypotheses and theories as well. The writers further researched, and are possibly proponents of, more current UFO and Conspiracy Theories as well as incorporated several alleged sightings and contemporary 'unusual' events into the story line. They touch upon alternate dimensions, time travel, the soul and ascension, etc., etc., etc.

This is, in my opinion, the single-most reason why SG-1 was one of the most popular recent SF series; indeed, to my way of thinking, one of the best ever.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:04 PM
There is another thread in the seldom visited research forum that is being worked on at the moment, which will discuss many of the things being talked about here.

Ancient Astronaut Theory – An ATS Research Project

As I said, its a work in progress. Keep an eye out for updates.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:10 PM
If you buy the most recent "remastered" version of the original Stargate movie, there is a extra on the DVD called "Is There a Stargate? Witch interviews Erich von Daniken, and I know how most of you people here dislike von Daniken, but I find his work interesting. I'm with the OP, I don't necessarily believe EVERYTHING about the AAT (Ancient Astronaut Theory), but I enjoy reading and learning about it. And have to keep an open mind that MAYBE most of this COULD POSSIBLY be true. After all, ALOT of what they say on Ancient Aliens makes sense if you think about it.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Juston
There is another thread in the seldom visited research forum that is being worked on at the moment, which will discuss many of the things being talked about here.

Ancient Astronaut Theory – An ATS Research Project

As I said, its a work in progress. Keep an eye out for updates.

Props for that thread you guys are doing!!!
VERY INTERESTING!!! KEEP IT GOING MAN!!!! Nice avatar too btw! Haha!!

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:26 PM
I remember reading the Von Daniken books when I was very young and even then thinking that while he was presenting quite a bit of evidence to indicate there was a technologically advanced civilization in our past, even at the age of twelve I noticed a decided lack of evidence that said civilization was not terrestrial. Still just a little kid but I could see no need to introduce 'aliens' into the equation.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Wonderer77

yes. I couldn't have said it better myself.

real or not, the information being given to us from "Ancient Aliens" is really interesting. And if you really think about it, most of it makes sense.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by ckrules

No it doesn't make sense because we have zero evidence to back up the wild claims of the "Ancient Astronaut" proponents. Linking it to a fictional TV show doesn't do anything to add to the credibility of this topic.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 10:37 AM

Ancient Aliens and Stargate SG-1 have more in common then you think...

This is undoubtedly true.

One of the main things they have in common, and the parallel is as exact as it can possibly be, is that they are both fiction.


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