posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 08:53 PM
Ladies, why is it when you realize you don't like what the media refers to as "chick flicks" you all say you must be wired wrong-there is nothing
wrong with your wiring. You like what you like, don't like what you don't like. What ever works as an enhancer of romance is just fine whether it
is "what women want or �Freddy vs. Jason�-ENJOY!
I have known some women that were tougher than most guys I know and I have known women that were very �girly� girls. You are who you are and for GODS
sack, don�t feel just because you don�t feel like what TV tells you, you should, you are wrong, bad, weird or wired wrong-EVER.
By the way ladies, this is a guy saying this!
[edit on 25-7-2004 by mrmonsoon]