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9Nania is a fraud.(Youtube girl claiming March 31 is next big one) her hoax revealed

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posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 08:47 PM
well there was a 3.1 in socal, near riverside. Maybe she thought it was going to be big but it was just a regular little quake, that happens all the time around the ring of fire.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by lcbjr1979
I was rewatching this girls latest video(found here) According to you tube it says she made the vid on March 27. She tells us that she can not make any more videos and is leaving for the mountains. She says to start living off the grid, which she clearly has not. So i decided to click on her profile on youtube. Scrool down and you can see that as of this writing she last logged in today. I guess she must have found an ethernet hookup in those mountains she was supposed to be running to. I am posting this because alot of people seem to be following this girl on here and I just wanted to point out that her credibility is now shot in my book. Anything she says now I will be considering a hoax. Her latest video was fearmongering. I think all the attention she got from her japan "earthqauke prediction" video went right to her head. Here is the link to her profile on youtube, you can check it for yourselves.
edit on 31-3-2011 by lcbjr1979 because: (no reason given)

Sorry, not convinced she is intentionally a hoaxer. Today you can tap online from anywhere, that's no big thing. And she said she felt, and that she was going to, and others should as well. Predicting things is a hard thing because we can believe such and such but then it might be next week instead. So I vote her not a hoax. Just not perfect.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 08:50 PM
Watch her video that i posted at the begining of the thread. Where she was going she said there would be no internet access.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by lcbjr1979
Watch her video that i posted at the begining of the thread. Where she was going she said there would be no internet access.

So what? She didn't expect to have internet access, and then was pleasantly surprised to find that her phone worked anyway.

That doesn't make her a hoaxer. Why is it important for you to attack her?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:07 PM
quote from last poster: That doesn't make her a hoaxer. Why is it important for you to attack her?

Have you heard of ego that humans carry?

"You are wrong, i am right, and water falls upwards if i say so" Right?
edit on 31/3/2011 by Nupster because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by lcbjr1979

That doesn't make her a hoaxer. Why is it important for you to attack her?

It must make him feel special and smart...

I can get internet on the middle of the Australian bush, with no one around me for kilometers, can`t be too hard to get Internet in such a rich and populous country such as the USA.

edit on 31-3-2011 by darkmaninperth because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-3-2011 by darkmaninperth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:20 PM
One thing tho, she based her prediction on an alignment, which by the way probably caused yesterdays solar flare. Even if she got the EQ wrong, she still predicted the effect of the alignment.

I feel bad for her to be honest, because I believe she had the right intention and will probably end up getting hate for it.
Here is an Idea. Instead of being disappointed that something didnt happen, why not just be grateful that you are alive and well?

Also, even meteorologists get things wrong when predicting where a hurricane is gonna hit. Because at the last second the hurricane can have an unexpected turn in the other direction.

So please give the girl a break. And be thankful that at least someone cares enough to warn you when clearly the government wont.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:21 PM
I wouldn't go so far as to call her a fraud. But, I'll admit I haven't bothered to investigate further, & I don't plan on it in the future either. I've seen a couple of her videos, & yeah, it seems she got lucky with the Japan prediction. But lately that's all anyone is posting about regarding her. Maybe I'm thinking of another lady, but I thought she was also predicting the geographic pole shift to rapidly take place on March 15th, & that did not happen. Was this her or someone else?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:27 PM
I'm not sure I agree with calling her out as a hoax at 6:00 am the morning of the prediction because she states in the video that she will be leaving town and heading to the mountains, then logs into Youtube the morning of. Not to mention the fact that the day barely even started, and as of this post has yet to end. As someone pointed out earlier in the thread, there's an app for Youtube available on Droid phones. I think the argument regarding internet availability in the mountains is pointless as well. For example, Big Bear and Arrowhead, small mountain towns outside of Los Angeles, have hotels etc. with internet connectivity. Note that she did not state exactly where she was going when she referred to the "mountains". In the video she also states that should would not have internet at her destination (cabin?), but recommends that others "get off the grid".

I'm not sure you can really classify this has hoax either, because she does seem sincere and truly believe in what she is saying. Albeit, she does get rather "whiny" and even states that she has gotten very upset because "people are not listening"...

Now, take into account in her other videos she claims that is visited by an angel who somehow relays this information to her, she doesn't get specific, but it seems like a vision possibly...

And here...

So what she appears to be doing is performing a "divine intervention" if you will for humanity's sake by posting warnings of the effects of the Comet Elenin. Crackpot, delusional....highly possible. I guess we shall see.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by woghd

It is important because there are people who will take her words to heart and fear for their lives. Why is it so important for you to defend her.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by lcbjr1979

I think that she should of stopped making predictions after she predicted the Japan quake. I also think that she should have at least made another youtube account instead of signing on after she said she was leaving and heading to some mountains.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by lcbjr1979
reply to post by woghd

It is important because there are people who will take her words to heart and fear for their lives. Why is it so important for you to defend her.

Because my dad is bigger than your dad.

That is how your argument sounded. People have the right express opinions and all opinions are valid. If people take her words to heart and have fear, that is their problem - not yours. But, thank you anyway for being the "people who will take her words to heart and fear for their lives" protector, you're doing a grand job.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by TSOM87

She has many claims that would give one the impression she would not want any sort of traceable connection wireless being one of the most easy to to pick up.
Would be very stupid of someone who's supposedly going through the things she's going through.

She just can't keep from wondering how many more hits shes getting on her youtube, worth risking your life for I suppose.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:44 PM
It's currently 7:45 pm. She has 4 hrs, 15 minutes for this to come true, Pacific Daylight Time.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by dwmjr1985
well there was a 3.1 in socal, near riverside. Maybe she thought it was going to be big but it was just a regular little quake, that happens all the time around the ring of fire.

A 3.1 isn't called an earthquake in California. It's called a bowel movement.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:48 PM
No one can know the future. Some have predicted some generalized events approximately by chance, but it's just that. 9Nania has lost her senses and is acting like a mentally ill person. A few events might occur during some alignments but that's just it.

Do your own research, trust your own gut and believe no one!!!

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by truthwilout

wonder what happened to all that martial law, road blockage, food rationing and curfew nonsense she had to predict?

I sincerely hope that nobody actually took her "get all of your money and buy land and as much food and supplies as you possibly can" nonsense to heart. I have supplies stored in the event of an emergency and think everyone should have that kind of preparedness but come on.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by darkmaninperth

be that as it may, that is far from "living off of the grid" as she so professes everyone should do.

face it, she's a phoney whos in it for the attention

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by onyx718
face it, she's a phoney whos in it for the attention

Bully for her, but people are basing hoax claims on internet connection. When that is pointed out people change the tactics on the attack. Are we not suppose yo 'Deny Ignorance'?

Also, what timezones do tectonic plates adhere to?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:11 PM
Oh don't mind me i'm just skimming through all the denial in this thread.

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