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Real Alien Abduction Caught on Tape

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posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:15 AM

"The footage that you see here is of the original footage that is recorded off a TV screen because the original CCTV VVF file is encoded in such a way that cannot be transferred to the PC. We have personally searched for the appropriate software ourselves and to our knowledge, nothing exists. The problems linked with decoding such a file onto PC therefore pretty much discounts that the footage could have been manipulated with any sort of video editing software."

Our story begins on the 2nd of December 2010. Sonia (we have changed her name to protect her identity) says in her own words 'I couldn’t sleep the night it happened the first time, I felt very restless. So I got up to check on the kids and stretch my legs. That’s when I saw a bright light in the back of the neighbouring field. I watched as it got closer, seeming to just miss the trees. ' 'I felt as though it was watching me and remember clearly thinking that, but for some reason it didn’t bother me.' Sonia continues 'I turned to see if there were any lights behind me in the room to see if some reflection could be coming from that way, although I was in a totally dark room. There were no lights, no reflections. When I turned back around, The light was very close to my house and I could see it clearly as I watched it from the third floor window. It seemed to hover about 15 feet off the ground. Strangely I didn’t feel scared.’ During our interview she recalled that the object was oval shaped and elongated, and was approximately the length of 15 cars put end to end. It was very, very bright and it had an orangish-white colour to it. Strangely enough, she did not recall the UFO event until she was talking about her abduction experience a couple of days later to her Aunt on the telephone. She recalls that a few days previous to the UFO encounter, she had witnessed a black helicopter hovering over the adjacent field to her house (the same field where the UFO was spotted.) Sonia says ‘They were hovering at an even height with my house - looking into my third story living room’. She described the occupants as wearing dark suits, but what was most bizarre was the intense way that they stared at her through her window. In our opinion, this has the hallmarks of a classic MIB (Men In Black) encounter. Later during the night after the UFO encounter, Sonia was laying in bed still unable to sleep when her youngest daughter came in to her room and complained that something was pulling at her leg. Sonia told her daughter that it was perhaps the cat playing with her leg, and told her to go back and snuggle up with her older sister. It was shortly after that incident, whilst still awake, that Sonia suddenly recalls finding herself laying on her back on something flat in a different place than her room. Her older daughter was kneeling beside her, pushing the hair out of Sonia's face. She recalls her daughter saying 'It's your turn now mum, don't be scared, they won’t hurt you.' Sonia then felt herself being pulled by her heel, as if down a tunnel. And then found herself in yet another room which was criss-crossed with greenish yellow laser-like holographic grid lines, suspended in the air. She felt like she was floating, and also felt like something was poking or prodding her. She described to us as ‘hearing a strange rhythmic sound, which was similar to techno music, but more machine-like.’ She was subjected to several medical procedures and at times felt terrified, but each time she felt this fear Sonia says 'Something covered my brain and reassured me and calmed me down by indicating or was telephathically told ‘don’t be scared.’ Sonia, who has suffered from back problems for several years, was very anxious that her chronically bad back was going to be injured as her body was manipulated and her legs were being moved. She says she was ‘told’ that her back would not be hurt. Sonia says that she was aware of a holographic screen of some sort where she was able to see some of the medical procedures being done. Towards the end of the experience she recalls seeing a very tall ‘creature’, and because her son is so tall she thought it could be him, but was unsure as to why she would see him, or if it was really him. Under hypnosis she was able to see more clearly the creature and described the figure as being tall, skinny, with long arms and legs. It had a big head with large round eyes, which were dark, but appeared to be similar to humans. Strangely, the torso and legs didn't appear to go together, but rather meshed together as though it had no waist. At this point, near the end of her experience, Sonia feels as though there was some urgency for the procedures to end, and everything was done quite quickly from this point on, in a big rush. There are some very personal details of this experience that Sonia has requested that we leave out - suffice to say that they were not pleasant. Just as suddenly as Sonia found herself out of her room and in this strange place, she found herself back in her room, having been returned from wherever she had been. Sonia continues, 'It just seemed as though I was back in my room on my own bed with my husband beside me. It felt like I had left and returned. I was fully aware of what was going on - and was lying in a different position than when I had been taken - without any clothes on!’ 'I wasn’t scared... although again, I felt as though I should be, but I wasn’t. I felt a bit dazed, as I didn’t understand what was happening. I have to say once again, at no point did it feel like I was sleeping, but my rational mind wants me to think I was, as there is no other reasonable explanation that my mind can really fathom.'Once back in bed, Sonia felt dazed and woke her husband up by removing his CPAP mask (her husband suffers from sleep apnoea and uses an artificial respiratory device at night.) He was sweating and remarked on how warm it was in the bedroom. Sonia also states that she felt very hot, and agitated because of the heat-yet her skin was cold to touch. As a practising Muslim, Sonia was immediately conscious of her nakedness, and concerned about where her nightgown was, as she is not inclined to sleep without it. Strangely, at the time, Sonia did not feel anxious or upset about the encounter. She explained to her husband what had happened, and they were both concerned. After discussing it at length for quite some time they went to sleep. When waking up, Sonia recalls being somewhat scared of what happened, and in the days to follow she became increasingly scared to the point of being terrified to be on her own. She refused to be alone, to shower alone, or even use the toilet alone. She began tying a string to her wrist and to her husband’s wrist at night so that ‘whatever took me, could not take me again without waking up my husband’. On the fourth night after the initial encounter, her anxiety had built to sheer terror. She didn’t know how to cope with the fear, so her husband, who was becoming more and more concerned about her distress, and to assure Sonia that she wasn’t being taken, set up a CCTV camera in their bedroom to allay her fears. Nothing happened on the first night, but on the second night - 6 days after her first experience, Sonia was taken again, but this time it was as she slept. In the morning she recalled the events of being taken and told her husband - who showed Sonia how to view the CCTV footage, as he needed to go to work. He believed that the footage would show nothing more than them sleeping, which would reassure her.However, to her dismay, as she checked through the footage, she saw something that would change her life forever. She told us 'I was watching it, and then it came to a part where I seemed to have disappeared. My husband was at work, and my daughters were home as well as my son. I started to yell, because I didn’t know what else to do. It completely shocked me’. Both Sonia’s oldest daughter and son, who is by nature very sceptical, watched the video in shock (although at first Sonia’s daughter laughed and asked her how she made herself disappear. But when told it was from the camera footage, she was astonished).'I called my husband, totally freaked out by now, and he came home right away. He also watched it in shock. We operated somewhat in Zombie mode for weeks afterwards. My son, my husband and myself stayed awake until early morning every night, and then tried to cope throughout the day with little or no sleep.’ If you watch the footage, it appears to show Sonia and her husband soundly asleep in their bed. But suddenly, Sonia seems to 'melt' into the mattress and totally disappear. Nothing happens on the footage for another 13 minutes, (the tape on our site is fast forwarded to save time) until she appears to materialise back into the bed and pulls the sheet over herself. Her husband turns over and they return to sleep.

Towards the end of our interview, Sonia described how she had experienced many paranormal and inexplicable events throughout her life and that she also has psychic abilities. Strangely, Sonia has very little memories of her childhood, but her earliest recollection as a child was of seeing a UFO with her father in the early 70's. Sonia states ‘I remember my father picking me up in his arms and we watched this intensely bright light in the fields. The next morning there were reporters taking pictures in the field because there was a huge circular burn on the ground.’Sonia also says that she has had several instances of missing time – some of which have happened within the last few months leading up to her recent encounters.

To this day, Sonia's strange encounters still continue. There are other strange events happening in the family home which all of the family members have witnessed. Strange ethereal wolves have been seen in the house, and loud cougar-like growling near the doors. Knocking on doors and banging on outside doors have also been heard. The family members attribute these odd things to 'Jinn.' Muslims believe that Jinn are a creation made from smokeless flame of fire, that live on a different plane/dimension and are not bound to space and time in the same way as humans- but like humans, they are created by God.

Although this all sounds quite incredible, the Cosmic Conspiracies team, after completing a 3 hour face to face interview with 'Sonia' and other family members, believe that she is a very genuine and forthright person who has been emotionally strained by these traumatic events. If this footage is genuine (and we believe that it is) it must merit as one of the most important pieces of film related to the UFO subject to surface for many years.

Many of the elements within 'Sonia's' story link well with other abduction cases, although, despite her previous UFO encounter when she was young, she has not studied the subject nor had any interest in it.

Sonia is not looking for fame or fortune, but rather for answers to what she has experienced.

Sonia says 'This has completely changed my life and has forced me to think beyond the limits that we sometimes create for ourselves. It has challenged my views on the Universe, and what I believed to be in it. It has caused me much discomfort, and a fear that I have never experienced in my life. And although I have met some wonderful people through this experience, I can honestly say that my life has been shattered and picking up the pieces has been one of the hardest things I have ever had to do’.

Also not related to the story above another Alien Abduction :

edit on 31-3-2011 by gooroo because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-3-2011 by gooroo because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-3-2011 by gooroo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by gooroo

You dont have to edit the video to pull this off, it could be a hoax, but I have no proof it is, so i'll leave it at that.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:25 AM
Lol. This is a video of somebody rolling over in bed?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by gooroo

Posting a whole lot of words from the quote with a 4 minute video of 10 seconds of a lump in the bed of a crappy quality video, disappearing/collapsing in on itself doesn't prove anything.

For all i know this could be a *Real manifested black hole swallowing human whole in sleep tape*
Or even.. *Real proof that people can make a fake "Real alien abduction caught on tape" tape*

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:30 AM
I was looking for that video earlier today, they showed it on TMZ and I was curious to see it in it's entirety online.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:30 AM
Those "words" are the girls story for those that are interested.

I'm not saying this is real and I'm not saying its a hoax either, to me it seems quite interesting nonetheless. That being said there is also another video posted you could watch aswell..
edit on 31-3-2011 by gooroo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:39 AM
Very...very...interesting...but the part about not being able to covert the VHS seems a bit suspicious, I'm pretty sure that's possible? That's definitely what needs to be done...because the quality will be a lot better.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:40 AM
Ok, let's have a sense of humor here.
It's probably gas.
Lots of gas.
Most likely the husband.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:45 AM
I am somehow not convinced by this video.Sorry!
Are you sure that this video is not tampered?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:53 AM
I'm not sure.. are you guys even watching it in full screen? Just curious because if you don't it looks like nothing almost lol.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:56 AM

Does anybody have a link to any ATS threads about that case?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 03:04 AM
Well although I dont have any VVF files to test with, there appears to be a few coverters out there, there is also plenty of players, so even if you cant convert it, we can still play the VVF format.

Worse case scenario it cant be converted, you simply play it using the player & capture it using screen capture software such as fraps this would have minimal effect on quality, well a lot less than "camming" it off a TV screen. (I literally spent 2 mins searching, wasnt hard to find)

What are the chances you can provide the original file in VVF format? (personally I'm thinking, ZERO chance.)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 03:06 AM
Step by step :

1.- A covered balloon or a plastic bag full of air.
2.- The "husband" releases the air in it.
3.- Same guy open a valve under his pillow to refill the balloon or bag.

I would advice the OP to change the title since it's 100% debunkable.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by Trueman

When she "disappears" it does look like something deflating.

But it could just as easily be a hole in the bed that someone is lowering themselves into.

The whole "video can't be converted" story is rubbish, it would be easy to copy it using a TV capture card.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 03:35 AM
Very much inspired by the movie "Paranormal Activity".

Like aliens would be stupid enough to do this on camera...


posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by WhizPhiz

I beleive the most logical explaination for that was a lightning strike. It has been discussed though.

There is actually a tonne of threads about it.
Result s
edit on 31-3-2011 by pazcat because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by gooroo

if u look at it in full screen, just after the "deflating", at the top right hand corner of the bed you can see movement of the duvet as if someone is taking their arm back out from under it. like someone had their arm in under to release the inflatable whatever. definitely looks like a hoax. also she's either got the biggest arse in the world or theres way too much air pumped into the inflatable.....hoax

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 04:27 AM
What !! No little grey men seen fleeing from the scene, I gotta say, im very disapointed at not seeing these little bugers reach through the window to grab their prey. They obviously knew the camera was there, so they had to do the old, "Suck them through bed" routine whilst maintaining invisibilty mode.

God damn what a bummer

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 04:36 AM
I think it is interesting. The hypothesis of a balloon being deflated sounds possible, though the positioning of the body make that less likely than if, for example, her position had stayed lying flat instead of on her side, where we can see her leg positioning (any sex shop would have provided the perfect balloon for lying flat

I see comments about the disappearence, but what about the appearence?
What do you make out of that? I'm not sure how one would create that effect.

I find it interesting.....
Me and my family went through abduction type experiences (I say type because no matter how real things seemed and all the evidence, I refuse to accept it as such).
Now, in trying to find explanations, I went to a psychiatrist, thinking he would make sense of it and confirm I am psychotic or something, but he couldn't.
So I look into other hypotheses, and there are many I've come up with. But in any case, there are elements that do not completely support the perception we had of having beings walking into the room and all that as we remember. (though we never filmed).

One of those being that one night, during which I remembered having conversations with beings, my husband had woken up in he night and sat up to watch tiny lights swirling a few inches right above my face. He said he watched them for a while, until they just disappeared.

This made me wonder if there isn't something else at work with these experiences. IF this video is geniune, it would further support the idea that things are more complicated then physical aliens kidnapping people.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by DarthPhobos
What !! No little grey men seen fleeing from the scene, I gotta say, im very disapointed at not seeing these little bugers reach through the window to grab their prey. They obviously knew the camera was there, so they had to do the old, "Suck them through bed" routine whilst maintaining invisibilty mode.

God damn what a bummer
My thoughts exactly, if this was an alien abduction, where are the bloody aliens?

For all I know it was an abduction through a hole in the floor by their downstairs neighbors, but it's probably a hoax.

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