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Conservative Dis-information Campaign Exposed

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posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by whatukno

But conservatives are doing precisely that.

You're not known for making a sensible analysis of situations.

Why are several states trying to pass anti sharia laws?

Because Sharia is not the law of the U.S. anymore than Abrahamic law is.

We can eat pork here and look at women walking about scantly dressed because there is no state, local, or federal law prohibiting such.

I can't stone you in the street for being a prostitute and then say: "but it's the law of my religion, and she was part of my religion, too!" and be acquitted of the obvious crime.

You know, like anti gay marriage bills, and anti abortion bills.

... This is the second time you've done this today. I really do not like repeating myself. I may like to hear myself speak in a narcissist manner, but it is quite insulting to have a floozy spouting nonsense regarding my character when I've already addressed the issue.

"That said - I will cede the point that religious conservatives (often lumped in with political conservatives, because the two side together on many other issues) tend to be far too willing to enact progressive legislation that restricts behavior based on moral concerns. Examples would include prohibition, prostitution bans, 'sin' taxes, etc. This would also include more macroscopic and hot-button issues such as bans on homosexual marriage and abortion."

So basically you are saying here that too bad for those of us that don't believe in Christ, we must be forced into a Christian Theocracy?

Christ... now I know why you don't bother reading half of what people say... it doesn't really get enough attention between the ears to make it worth the effort.

Do you understand what a Theocracy is? What a silly question, of course you think you do.

There's a difference between a theocracy and a Constitutional Republic seated by elected officials. The Constitution limits the powers of the government and establishes rights of its citizens.

This is going to be continued in parallel with your other replies... try and keep up.

But why should we be forced to live under barbaric Cannon Law?

Well, I don't know about you - but when my girlfriend cheated on me, I drug her kicking and screaming out into the town square and caved her skull in with a rock, soon to be joined by a few dozen other men and women.

We won't even discuss what I did to the guy she cheated on me with.

No, I really didn't do such a thing. Nor is such a thing taught or even endorsed by any religious institution I have ever personally been involved with. That said - there are a number of common moral values held by this religious affiliation.

When the majority of people hold certain moral and ethical values considering what is right and wrong, it is to be expected that the legislation their representative government produces will reflect these morals and values, regardless of their source. In other words - it is not "The bible says this, so it should be law" it is "this view is very common, and it is agreed that it should be law." I do, generally, not agree with legislating morality - for the obvious problems it creates.

For example - you would agree that "loan sharks" are bad. However, what is wrong with two people agreeing to the clearly stated terms of a contract and being held to those terms? Why should we suddenly decide to get involved in busting up loan-sharking?

Or, for that matter, what is wrong with an adult going into a private establishment where there are nude performers consenting to various hired services? Apparently, something, because our state recently passed a law that pretty much bans such institutions following a popular vote.

Until the Conservative movement marginalizes their radical Christian element, I can't see my way into endorsing any of their ideals. As long as Conservatives allow the Radical Christian element to rule them like they do, there can be no trusting them.

I think you're a few rumors short of a conspiracy, there, buddy. Time to turn off the computer, get some sleep, and try going out amongst real people. Because you're about to get your own personal fan club that only you can year, at this rate.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by neo96

Pointing out criticisms of conservatives does not exclude one from also having criticisms of democrats. You generalize "liberals" as giving Obama a pass on certain other issues, however, just because the OP and others points this out, does not mean that they are blind to Obama's faults, mistakes, and bad policy. I happen to be one of these people who share this criticism of conservatives, with regard to the small government hypocrisy, but also am very critical of the current administration, this the health care bill is a big fail in my eyes, especially the mandate I think is unconstitutional, and I do not support tighter gun control as per the example you gave. I pointed out on another thread, to a person who I felt was downplaying certain things that Obama did, but yet was being critical of those same policies when it was a republican administration (Bush). I pointed out that in many cases Obama has been even worse than Bush on issues of civil liberties, war-making, and gov't transparency (and provided evidence with links)...and of course this person accused me of being a "blinded tea bagger", despite me being nothing of the sort. I find it funny that in some threads I get accused of being a "crazy tea bagger" and in others I also get called a "blind commie liberal" (not saying you called me this things, just pointing out that others have)...all for being consistent in my criticism of policy regardless of whether it's a Republican or Democrat. (I also happen to be one of those independents that didn't vote for either Bush or Obama, that feels strongly the D's and R's are essentially the same corporately controlled party, lol, so I guess maybe I'm in the minority in that I think "taking sides" and perpetuating this "left v. right" paradigm is exactly how TPTB maintain this illusion of a democratic society where "every vote counts"
...when in my opinion, I do believe that there is a corporate controlled, global elite run, shadow government at play here, and "divide and conquer" is exactly how they play the public.)

Anyway, my point it, please don't make generalizations assuming that just because a person makes a criticism about A, that this excludes them from also criticizing B. I happen to think both the OP and your comments make valid points.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 04:29 PM
really now? and just what is the title of this thread now and the title of any other thread on ats.

its always the evil inhuman republican party.

i am so freaking sick of the anticorporate bs on this site for the simple fact CORPORATIONS DO NOT RIGHT THE LAWS your congressman do and the president which ever party signs it into law.

and yet this isnt really directed at you per say but threads like this on only calls out one side and the everyone jumps on the bandwagon to flame them.

republicans aren't perfect i have no illusions but they are not as bad as everyone says however liberals and democrats are way worse.

i respect your opinion more so that most on this site because you can at least call BOTH sides out

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 05:24 PM
Asking me to watch Maddow is like asking me to give up a testicle.

Lemme guess, she points out the inherent contradictions to "small government" conservatives while grouping all small or no government people into the same, monolithic camp.

Pointing out the fact that conservatives are contradicting themselves when they promote libertarian ideas does not discredit the ideas, just the jacka**es saying them.

Lets break down the right and the left.

Conservatives want to be left alone themselves while unleashing the violence of the state against abstract and some times imaginary "enemies" (gays, terrrrrrists, muslims, liberals, manbearpig).

Liberals want to micromanage the lives of people and give just enough social freedoms to ensure that they seem to be benevolent while instilling enough fear of abstract and some times imaginary "enemies" (trrrrrrists, neo-cons, manbearpig, the uneducated) to maintain the layers of control.

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