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Conservative Dis-information Campaign Exposed

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posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 08:27 PM
This post cuts right to the heart of those who are conservative and claim to be for small limited government. It speaks huge volumes about the truth of what right wing conservative republicans and teaparty candidates are really striving to achieve - the video is an absolute MUST WATCH - I understand that many of you are vehemently opposed to Maddow - but what she presents here is clearly undeniable.

The original video is here


and youtube embedd here :-

Your thoughts.....

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 08:45 PM
In a very specific way I kinda agree with the governor of Michigan's plan. Not entirely mind you, but, seriously, Detroit needs a clean sweep, the people running that town need to be removed from power and the city council needs to be elected according to district and not how they do it now, which is council members are elected for the whole city and not specific areas.

But on the whole, conservatives aren't for small government, they are all for government intrusion into peoples lives all the time.

Gay Marriage
Rights of Religions other than Christianity
The Poor
Immigrants (legal or not, to conservatives they are all illegal if they speak Spanish)
Abortion Rights.

All of these, conservatives hate to the very core of their soul and want big government to intrude on these areas.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by whatukno

Exactly - the heart of the issue.

Australia, specifically Victoria, removed all councils and appointed commissioners as part of the Jeff Kennetts plan to force through change - it took years to restore democracy, but it was restored - to a degree. And this is the point - right wing conservatives of all nationalities will always scream debt, budget and waste in order to get people to comply with their beliefs. The last Australian election was fought over what was pushed as a massive government debt - Australia has the lowest government debt of any modern nation on earth - yet thats all anyone could talk about, how bad our debt was.

The truth is that cities are run down because social services are not maintained, because local districts sell off their assets and services to the private sector in the LIE that for profit is more efficient that government run - the biggest lie of all time.

All that happens is that prices go up (profit motive) and maintenance goes down (profit motive) - the truth is that governments are the most frugal as they are beholden to the public to account for costs. When they are no longer accountable (as in private sector) then they destroy infrastructure, circumnavigate safety, reduce jobs, price gouge, etc, etc - yet people simply can not get their heads around the simple notion that governments are able to run things vastly more efficiently that private sector.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 09:10 PM
I try and watch her show regularly, she is one of the few who actually has a brain...although I don't agree with everything she says...I think this is spot on. Conservatives, at least in this day and age, are okay with government intrusion so long as it is something they morally agree other words, they see it as being "okay" to push their morals on other people. I've heard often that they feel that the country is "one nation under GOD" and thus, everyone should follow "GODS rules"...despite the fact that this country was founded on secular values (i.e. separation of church and state)...Personally, I don't know how one cannot see the hypocrisy of "being for small government, limited government" and then also support all things like intrusions into women's health (abortion) and gay marriage (definition of marriage laws). Yeah, I just don't know. *bangs head on desk*

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 09:16 PM

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Aristophrenia

and the democratic track record need to growing government what about that?

the need for democratic interference in american lives is what? non existent?

and just how big has government grown the past two years eh just has their leadership and actions just what have they achieved?

gun control
healthcare forcing americans to get insurance and if they dont fine them thats pretty damn instrusive if you ask me
the clean air act they are now regulating the water you drink and the air you breath.
and the list goes on but eh why bother.

i am so sick of threads like this and yeah why bother whats the point threads like this is always the same just call one side out and condemn them but never once admit that the democrats have any faults

no wait i forgot that the liberals and democrats are perfect they never do any wrong.

if you people truly were liberal like the name you use you shouldn't care what anyone else does or even says.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by neo96

Except they don't CLAIM to be about small government now do they ?
While republicans do - hence the very core of the point - Republicans are liars.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by Aristophrenia

i have heard democrats claim alot of crap too must make them liars as well

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by neo96

gun control

What gun control? Fact of the matter is, since Obama has been in office, gun regulations across the country have eased, you can get assault weapons again, bring guns into national parks, it's easier than ever to get a CCW. Really, what gun control? Hell, the sales of guns since Obama has been elected have been higher than ever. If anything, Obama has been gun owners best friend!

healthcare forcing americans to get insurance and if they dont fine them thats pretty damn instrusive if you ask me

What was the Republican solution to this nations health care crisis? Oh yea, NOTHING! They wanted States to deal with the issue, but states WON'T deal with the issue, therefore the Federal Government had to take it up. The states had how long to fix health care in their states? They weren't going to do it.

Guess that Alan Grayson was right, the GOP Health Care Plan: Don't Get Sick, and if you do get sick, Die Quickly.

the clean air act they are now regulating the water you drink and the air you breath.

Oh because corporations are so good at that?

So, this is the kind of water you want to drink? Is that acceptable to you? Must be, you must like ignitable drinking water.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by whatukno

what gun control? are you serious? every single person in this country knows who thinks not owning a gun is a great idea.

everyone also knows who in this country is afraid of what a gun looks like we all knows who limited how many rounds a gun can hold we also know who limited how many rounds can come out of the end of a gun at any given time.

you know damn well who.

healthcare crisis you know damn well who set the regulations for healthcare who limited the doctors on what they can or cant do and who favors the lawyers,

the healthcare crisis like every other so called crisis was created by your favorite party to create more control over the average citizen in this country.

so dont even try that crap for over 20 years i have never had any problem getting healthcare any every single job i have ever had and if healthcare is so important to you and others then pay for it out of your own pocket.

but wait for it thats what healthcare reform was if you didnt have it you now have to get it and pay for it and guess what here comes the irs to enforce that so called crisis

really job well done pat yourselves on the back for bankrupting millions of americans.
edit on 30-3-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by whatukno

Immigrants (legal or not, to conservatives they are all illegal if they speak Spanish)

What a completely ignorant,offensive, and uninformed statement to make- I am a conservative and I have no problem with immigration as long as you do it legally-and quite frankly i don't care if you speak Spanish,Swedish,Eskimo,German,French,Martian-if you follow the law and come here the right way-come on in!
Pulling out the "race card" is tired,old, and boring-yawn......

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by Skippy1138

It's not ignorant, it's the absolute truth, conservatives don't actually care if a Latino has come here legally or not, they believe that every single Latino in this country is here illegally by virtue of just being Latino. Hell, they have tried to pass unconstitutional laws stripping these people's 4th Amendment rights so that they can harass them.

It's just like that conservatives believe that every Muslim is a terrorist, they even held McCarthy style hearings in congress accusing the entire Muslim community in the United States of being terrorists.

So, using the conservative idea that if you don't speak out against it at all times every day, then you must be for it, every conservative in the United States believes that every Latino is here illegally. Just using the "Fair and Balanced" logic of conservatives here.
edit on 3/30/2011 by whatukno because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by whatukno

But on the whole, conservatives aren't for small government, they are all for government intrusion into peoples lives all the time.

As opposed to Liberals telling me:

-What kind of car I have to drive
-What kind of light bulbs I have to use in my own home
- What kind of food I can or cannot eat
- What words I can or cannot use

Stop the hypocrisy and get your head out of the sand-please...............

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by Skippy1138

It's not ignorant, it's the absolute truth, conservatives don't actually care if a Latino has come here legally or not, they believe that every single Latino in this country is here illegally by virtue of just being Latino. Hell, they have tried to pass unconstitutional laws stripping these people's 4th Amendment rights so that they can harass them.

It's just like that conservatives believe that every Muslim is a terrorist, they even held McCarthy style hearings in congress accusing the entire Muslim community in the United States of being terrorists.

So, using the conservative idea that if you don't speak out against it at all times every day, then you must be for it, every conservative in the United States believes that every Latino is here illegally. Just using the "Fair and Balanced" logic of conservatives here.
edit on 3/30/2011 by whatukno because: (no reason given)

You are joking,right? I mean this is a joke post,correct? So you have met personally and spoken to every conservative in the entire United States of America, to verify that every conservative feels this way,right?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by Aristophrenia

i have heard democrats claim a lot of crap too must make them liars as well

When is everyone going to grow up and realize BOTH parties are lying, thieving, murders

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by Skippy1138

You are joking,right? I mean this is a joke post,correct? So you have met personally and spoken to every conservative in the entire United States of America, to verify that every conservative feels this way,right?

I could ask Peter King the same question, did he ask every single Muslim in the United States if they were a terrorist before condemning the entire religion as radical?

I could ask Sheriff Joe Arpaio the same question. But he is trying at least, he just arrests them first whether they have committed a crime or not.

I guess at least Glenn Beck is asking, slowly.

"Prove to me that you aren't working with our enemies."
edit on 3/31/2011 by whatukno because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Ah, we meet again, on the fields of battle!

For Great Justice! Move ZiG!

But on the whole, conservatives aren't for small government, they are all for government intrusion into peoples lives all the time.

This is where political and moral conservatism conflict, in many respects. It's an issue I've highlighted, before. The political conservative is against bans on abortion and gay marriage, for example. The moral conservative is opposed to abortion and gay marriage. The two are not mutually exclusive - but a lot of people lack control and the ability to think logically, and therefor allow a dislike of one thing or another govern their political agendas.


Typical of you. You left your brain back on the index page.

While this is a hot-button issue recently, the issue has been public-sector unions - Unions that represent government workers who, effectively, enter into a contract with the people represented by that government employing them. This is a critical difference between public-sector and private unions. These unions organize for wages and benefits that come at the tax-payer expense without representation ("taxation without representation" ... sound familiar?). They also fund campaigns and hire lobbyists. This, in effect, turns public sector unions into a cartel funded by the tax payer but sheltered from actions by the tax-payers' representatives.

That is considerably different from a private sector union.

Now, you can talk about the issue of right-to-work versus non right-to-work... and there are considerably different views on it that don't break up too evenly along ideological divides. It really depends upon whether you intend to protect the right of the individual (I should not be forced to join a union - nor should large unions be able to force smaller businesses into various agreements that favor the union over the business) - or the right of business (a business should not be restricted from forming employment agreements with unions).

The Libertarian Party, notably, has been divided on the topic.

Personally, I'm more of the opinion that the laws should be written to protect the right of the worker and small businesses but only so as to provide an expedite for filing suit against a union (as a worker or small business) for 'strong arm' tactics and make such intimidating tactics illegal.

Rights of Religions other than Christianity

I'm not sure where you pulled this from.

The Poor

What about them? I don't believe in providing someone a standard of living. That would be -not- giving them money simply because they don't have an arbitrarily established income.... not interfering in their life. I'm not completely opposed to government aid programs - but for productive things (like grants for schooling - a hell of a lot better than paying people more money for popping out another kid when they can't afford the ones they already have).

Immigrants (legal or not, to conservatives they are all illegal if they speak Spanish)

Hablamos Engles en los Estados Unidos.

That said - my family has a lot of Germanic roots. Mine, in particular, came over back in the early 1900s and set up a hardware store and sheet-metal shop. They even did some work for the St. Louis arch, back when it was constructed.

Nothing wrong with immigrants.

However, my ancestors didn't get to complain that all of the legal documents were in English. Nor did they get to collect a check from their mailbox because they miraculously (here legally or not) qualified for some "free money" from the government. They also didn't get to drop into the hospital for various treatments and procedures while skipping out on payment.

Doesn't matter if you're a legal immigrant or your ancestors sat down at the "first thanksgiving" to welcome the new faces to the land - that stuff just ain't right.

If anything, Obama has been gun owners best friend!

I think you've horribly misread the data.

Obama has continually supported restrictions on firearms. This is a very publicly known fact, and was a point during his campaign. When he came to office, he was a member of the Democrat party. This party is notorious for supporting firearm regulations and restrictions, and also had control of both the House and Senate.

It was feared that legislation would be put forward and signed into law that would make firearms and/or ammunition far more restricted. It's much like how the stores around here were devoid of de-icing spray and snow shovels as the "2011 Snowpocalypse" bore down on this area.

When you think you may just have to use something, you tend to be far more willing to buy it.

What was the Republican solution to this nations health care crisis? Oh yea, NOTHING! They wanted States to deal with the issue,

This is, actually, a sensible solution that the Constitution mandates. The current system of federalized welfare funding is unconstitutional and those involved in prolonging it are guilty of treason and subject to execution.

but states WON'T deal with the issue,

No, they have dealt with the issue. They do not have the revenue to make it happen, and the federal government can no longer provide the funding necessary to continue (though this is due to critical budgetary deficits rather than issues of constitutional law).

No funding - no program. That's how the issue has been dealt with. The population and industry cannot support the necessary tax rate to fund such hideously contrived programs, and states are already spending into their own deficits.

therefore the Federal Government had to take it up.

No, it really didn't. This country got along quite well before things like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.

Guess that Alan Grayson was right, the GOP Health Care Plan: Don't Get Sick, and if you do get sick, Die Quickly.

God Forbid you join a group plan through your place of employment or prioritize your spending so as to be able to seek other options (group policies are also available through local representatives not affiliated with any company).

Oh because corporations are so good at that?

When the government can figure out how to run something so simple as a pay system, I'll open the floor to a discussion about the competency of government regulation. Until then, DFAS needs to figure out that we don't play musical ranks - I don't go from being payed as an E-5 one month to an E-3 the next and an E-7 the following.

Examples of government regulation: As heavily regulated as the auto industry is in America - it took government investigators nearly a year to investigate claims of "unintended acceleration." Isn't regulation supposed to prevent such industry oversights and defects? If it isn't, then how is it any more effective at regulating businesses than the power of citizens to file class-action lawsuits in the event of negligence?

So, this is the kind of water you want to drink? Is that acceptable to you? Must be, you must like ignitable drinking water.

Try getting some facts, first.

When Benjamin Grumbles was assistant administrator for water at the Environmental Protection Agency in the George W. Bush administration, he oversaw the release of a 2004 EPA report that determined that hydraulic fracturing was safe for drinking water. Then he watched as Congress used those findings to bolster the case for passing a law that prohibited the EPA from regulating fracking under the Safe Drinking Water Act.

The career employees reviewing the report were quite comfortable with the integrity and product of that commissioned report. So, they recommended to me that hydraulic fracturing was not the type of threat that should be as high a priority as other types of threats to drinking water supplies. They took great offense to some of the other accusations that were made that the commission was biased in some way.

It wasn't meant to be a bill of health saying 'well, this practice is fine. Exempt it in all respects from any regulation.' I'm sure that wasn't the intent of the panel of experts, and EPA never viewed it that way. That's one reason why we were urging Congress to say 'look, if you are going to issue an exemption, ensure that it is not perpetual.'

In the process of doing anything - there are risks. You, generally, don't learn just how unsafe something is or can be until something horrible happens beyond what you expect as a reasonable hazard. While some things are common-sense (fast moving cars will probably hurt people if they happen to get hit... gasoline is highly flammable... that sort of stuff), others are part of complex or nearly impossible to foresee mishaps.

When you encounter such events - that's when you stop and reconsider what you are doing and how to prevent it from happening again. It's part of life. There are risks in everything, and sometimes you under-estimate the risk posed.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by Aim64C

Rights of Religions other than Christianity

I'm not sure where you pulled this from.

You're not sure? How many mosques have been protested against? Conservatives using their 1st Amendment rights to try and oppress the 1st Amendment religious rights of others. How about Peter King's little McCarthyesque "hearings" where he basically said that all Muslims were terrorists bent on destroying the United States. Meanwhile conservative candidates tout their Christianness and use terminology and policies trying to turn this country into a Christian theocracy. The fact is, as long as there are federal hollidays recognizing only Christian holidays the federal government is in violation of the establishment clause of the 1st Amendment. If Conservatives had their way, we would have witch burnings in central park every Sunday.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
But on the whole, liberals aren't for small government, they are all for government intrusion into peoples lives all the time.

Gay Marriage
Rights of Religions other than Christianity
The Poor
Immigrants (legal or not, to liberals they are all legal if they speak Spanish)
Abortion Rights.

All of these, liberals love to the very core of their soul and want big government to intrude on these areas.

Fixed that for you. You're welcome.

edit on 31-3-2011 by The Old American because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by lastrebel

When is everyone going to grow up and realize BOTH parties are lying, thieving, murders

The same day everyone decides it doesn't matter who wins a football match -- which is to say, never. I'm with you, though, all the way. This bickering is exactly what they work to achieve. So it has always been and so it shall remain: the only ones who benefit when the peasants turn against each other are the aristocracy, because it means they don't have to sleep with one eye open. We have a common enemy and it has convinced most of us to disarm ourselves against it by wasting our weapons on each other.

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