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posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

Hey - you should try reading the entire article! The jets were no ordered because the plane lost contact. The argument stands. The conspiracy is debunked. It is not and never has been protocol.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:46 PM
The routine for ifr (indicated by the 11,000 foot altitude) lost-communications is for the pilot to continue his flight according to the filed flight plan. No big deal. Now if he diverted or lost the transponder then I could see making a big deal about it.
The controller got suspended because faa says the planes got too close. He didn't have to send that jet over to look at it. That's what he gets for being concerned. I've been too close to others as well, but the tower knew that I had a visual on the other plane. I can't remember if the the other planes had a visual on me though. A couple of times, I came up from behind, so I doubt if those others saw me.

Maybe I've missed something but since when is central Florida "the most guarded airspace in the world"?

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by wookiee
The routine for ifr (indicated by the 11,000 foot altitude) lost-communications is for the pilot to continue his flight according to the filed flight plan. No big deal. Now if he diverted or lost the transponder then I could see making a big deal about it.
The controller got suspended because faa says the planes got too close. He didn't have to send that jet over to look at it. That's what he gets for being concerned. I've been too close to others as well, but the tower knew that I had a visual on the other plane. I can't remember if the the other planes had a visual on me though. A couple of times, I came up from behind, so I doubt if those others saw me.

Maybe I've missed something but since when is central Florida "the most guarded airspace in the world"?

Florida is not, it is a comment on the oft-repeated mantra of truthers that insist that 9/11 was impossible becuase the USA is the most gaurded air space in the world and no plane can ever go astray or lose contact without the immeadiate scramble of squadrons of the latest and greatest military aircraft instantly giving pursuit. Here we have an incident wherein a plane is out of contact for an hour and the controller did not immeadiately notify NORAD but instead simply asked a nearby commercial flight to give a peek. Well, obviously too nearby as the poor guy is out of a job for the time being.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by hooper

Florida is not, it is a comment on the oft-repeated mantra of truthers that insist that 9/11 was impossible becuase the USA is the most gaurded air space in the world and no plane can ever go astray or lose contact without the immeadiate scramble of squadrons of the latest and greatest military aircraft instantly giving pursuit. Here we have an incident wherein a plane is out of contact for an hour and the controller did not immeadiately notify NORAD but instead simply asked a nearby commercial flight to give a peek. Well, obviously too nearby as the poor guy is out of a job for the time being.

Did this plane stray from it's logged flight plan?
Did it turn off it's transponder?
I don't see those details mentioned in your posts..

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal

Again, for those who may be a bit dense: military planes provided an emergency escort to the Learjet about 20 minutes after ground controllers lost contact.

This is simply incorrect. The planes didn't make contact with the Learjet until nearly an hour and a half after the last contact with the pilot. And then they only made the first contact because they happened to be nearby. They weren't scrambled specially to intercept.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal

Again, for those who may be a bit dense: military planes provided an emergency escort to the Learjet about 20 minutes after ground controllers lost contact.

This is simply incorrect. The planes didn't make contact with the Learjet until nearly an hour and a half after the last contact with the pilot. And then they only made the first contact because they happened to be nearby. They weren't scrambled specially to intercept.

UMMMM. I believe he is referring to Payne Stewarts aircraft with his comment.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Reheat

I was obviously being a smart ass ..... So you've shown that you have no sense of humor what so ever. I KNOW what a JSF is and I know the difference between Nato and Norad you ass. I also said in my post that there is nothing important in Florida, also jokingly. But it's obvious that you missed the whole real point in my post that the circumstances were a little different. And I don't feel the lady had the need to (let me correct myself for you) contact NORAD, to get a couple of F22 Raptors in the air to take down a 5 passenger plane. My point was simply after the North Tower was hit .... it was foolish not to scramble a couple Fighters together. Shut down the air space and destroy anything coming near new york. Do you want to know why they didn't do it? Because half of the fighters were on practice missions practicing basically the same exact thing that was going on the morning of 911. just another coincidence i suppose though. I'm new to this site I don't need a person correcting my obvious mistakes. What I do need is positive feed back helping me understand the topic.You should consult someone about your lack of humor, you need to smile in life once in a while. And to correct you the first JSF maiden flight was on December 15th 06'. Indeed not operational for battle. But they are out there.
edit on 4-4-2011 by DasGhost27 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by DasGhost27

My point was simply after the North Tower was hit .... it was foolish not to scramble a couple Fighters together. Shut down the air space and destroy anything coming near new york.

Really? Do you have any idea how many planes are in the air around or NYC at any given time? And you think they should have shot them all down because one plane crashed into a building? Thats really logical to you? And possible?

Do you want to know why they didn't do it? Because half of the fighters were on practice missions practicing basically the same exact thing that was going on the morning of 911. just another coincidence i suppose though.

I would check the factuality of that statement.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by hooper

All I can say is thank God none of these truthers were in charge on 911. As disorganized as the response was at least no one said lets just shoot down planes at random in case they might be hijacked. Do you idiots know how many hijacked planes have ever been shot down by the US, zero. Do you know how many passenger jets had been hijacked for the intent of crashing them into buildings prior to 911, 0. It had been over a decade since the last time they had a hijacking yet you expect them to be prepared to deal with four at once. There were thousands of planes in the air on 911, yet you expect them to be able to pick out a single plane. They had no idea how many planes might be hijacked and there are large buildings all over the United States. This wasn't during the cold war, we weren't expecting the russians to invade at any moment so why would we have hundred's of jets ready to be scrambled. Even if they had fighters over washington what would you expect them to do, just shoot down any plane coming near the pentagon. There is a major airport a mile away from the pentagon and given that all aircraft had been grounded a few minutes earlier an aircraft seen deviating from its flight path to approach an airport wouldn't be that unusual. Why is it so hard to believe that terrorists hijacked the planes? You would think you had never heard of terrorism before 911. Ever heard of the USS Cole, the African embassy bombings? What were those, false flags too? But then whats the point of arguing with a truther, if they had intercepted flight 77 they would all be talking about how suspicious it was that they got to it and not the two at the WTC. I mean I guess the real question is why the government didn't use its super secret space lasers to shoot down the planes

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by DasGhost27
reply to post by Reheat

I was obviously being a smart ass .....

I agree about the ass part, but you need to use the antonym of smart as the correct adjective.

Originally posted by DasGhost27So you've shown that you have no sense of humor what so ever.

Oh, but I do. Say something funny and I might laugh. Say something wrong and I'll correct it, just exactly like I did.

Originally posted by DasGhost27
I KNOW what a JSF is and I know the difference between Nato and Norad you ass.

Google makes everyone smart (after the fact).

Originally posted by DasGhost27
it was foolish not to scramble a couple Fighters together. Shut down the air space and destroy anything coming near new york. Do you want to know why they didn't do it? Because half of the fighters were on practice missions practicing basically the same exact thing that was going on the morning of 911.

False. If you say it again, it will be a LIE.

Originally posted by DasGhost27
I'm new to this site I don't need a person correcting my obvious mistakes.

It's not all about you, it's about others who read and don't know you're posting horse manure.

Originally posted by DasGhost27
And to correct you the first JSF maiden flight was on December 15th 06'.

In order for you to correct something I said, I need to have said it first. I said NOTHING at all about when the F-35 first flew. I said they would not be operational until about 2018. As of now that is correct.

Was that strawman you just built suppose to be funny too?

Originally posted by DasGhost27
Indeed not operational for battle. But they are out there.

If by "out there" you are implying any are in active service; that is false. There are undoubtedly some prototypes, but as far as I know there are NONE in actual production.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by DIDtm

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal

Again, for those who may be a bit dense: military planes provided an emergency escort to the Learjet about 20 minutes after ground controllers lost contact.

This is simply incorrect. The planes didn't make contact with the Learjet until nearly an hour and a half after the last contact with the pilot. And then they only made the first contact because they happened to be nearby. They weren't scrambled specially to intercept.

UMMMM. I believe he is referring to Payne Stewarts aircraft with his comment.

I know. So was I.

Check the record and you'll see that I'm correct.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by hooper

I don't know didn't they ground all commercial planes?

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by Reheat

Was there not practice missions going on the morning of that resembled what was going on that very day? This is a question that I'm asking you. I'm just trying to say (getting back to the article) that I doubt the woman thought the situation was as serious as 9/11. I just doubt that she thought she needed to take drastic measures because she thought a 5 passenger plane was on it's way to commit terrorist attacks. And Google had nothing to do with me knowing what JSF, NORAD, or Nato is. Your good at insulting others intelligence, but your better at missing the point.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by DasGhost27

No! There were no practice missions involving anything to do with hijacked aircraft of any type or in any way shape or form. As usual it appears to me that you just made up some **** to divert the issue.

Be more careful to verify information in the future and you won't have to be repeatedly corrected. Crap from a conspiracy site is not verification.....

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Reheat

I believe this breaks down the various exercises that may or may not have been happening that day..

training activities on 911

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Reheat

From the post above this, it looks like you may be wrong sir. But you believe what you want and I'll have my Right to believe what I want to. If you click her link and read the second yellow highlighted section it does raise some questions as to what was really going on that day when it comes to "War Games" and what not. This is off the subject of this thread. But I've debated my point on the article already to why I think she didn't scramble a couple of F-35's together to go hunt down this plane.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by DasGhost27
reply to post by Reheat

From the post above this, it looks like you may be wrong sir.

No, I'm not wrong. Much of that above is from CT sites and bears little semblance to reality. You read the CT parts and chose (not surprisingly) to buy those parts, not the only exercise that was actually planned to occur on 9/11. All of the other stuff there is just truther BS.

There was only one (1) training exercise scheduled to continue on 9/11/2001. That was Vigilant Guardian and it had not started on that particular day because the actual hijacks intervened and the exercise was canceled.

Northern Vigilance was not an exercise, but was an actual operational mission with aircraft deployed to FOL's in Canada and Alaska. The deployment of these aircraft DID NOT affect the number of aircraft on alert status.

Here's a summary of exercise Vigilant Guardian....

Indeed, you will undoubtedly continue to believe what you want. That's a given, but don't confuse that with reality. If you keep posting long enough, perhaps eventually you'll actually get something right.

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