posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 07:39 AM
The bulge under the plane is NOT a trick of light and shadows. Instead, it is a missile pod. Just before Flight 175 vanishes into the South Tower,
various videos reveal a flash of light. This is the missile being fired to weaken the impact area sufficiently for the plane to enter and explode
INSIDE the building. If it had not been fired, there was a chance that the plane would just have crumbled and exploded as it hit, without much
penetration. This would not have caused such a massive building to collapse. As this was the plan, sufficient damage had to be created inside the
skyscraper to be able to explain why the building subsequently collapsed. Without the softing up of the impact area by a missile, the complete entry
of the plane could not have been guaranteed and it would have been immediately realised that a superficial impact could not possibly have caused such
total collapse. There are some websites with video footage that show very clear differences in the underbelly shape of Flight 175 and similar planes
that cannot be just an optical illusion. The slight bulge of the fuselage shown in the Boeing 767 photos at the URLs posted by HowardRoark looks
nothing like that of Flight 175. Instead, it's a huge bubble that could not possibly be a trick of light reflecting off so relatively slight a
bulge!!! So get real, some of you. This plane is NOT the real Flight 175. That was diverted. The plane that hit the South Tower was a modifed plane
masqerading as the one carrying passengers and remotely piloted using SkyHawk technology.