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What if. . . Libya happened in America?

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posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:14 PM
Imagine that we had an unpopular leader, a group of protesters and another country coming in out of no where to bomb the snot out of our country to side with the protesters?

For me, it's easier to imagine, because of my Tea Party background.

But what if President Romney-Palin-Bachmann-Pick a name were in charge and it was the American socialist party protesting their "unpopular" leader and some country came to OUR shores to settle things?

I am no fan of Quadaffi, I'm no fan of the Al Qaeda factions (rebels) fighting. I have no "dog" in this fight. Bill Gates said the same damned thing.
I'm just speculating about what it would feel like if this situation came to our shores.


posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I would feel violated, disrespected, and ashamed of my inability to defend myself after relying my entire life on my country to defend me. Then I'd feel silly for leaving something as critical as my own survival up to a bunch of people who repeatedly defend profiteers but never the workers. Then I'd get a rifle and start shooting my way out. If I survived it, I'd spend the rest of my life plotting against the country or force which breached our border without being threatened by my country. Especially if they dismantled the government, took our oil, land and robbed me of my freedom.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:22 PM
According to Obama, for the international community to not get involved would "tear at the conscience" of the world. It would be their duty under the new doctrine to declare war and give the United States a "new beginning".

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:23 PM
Obviously people would form a resistance and rebel.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:24 PM
With thought, I've looked at our (American) past. Revolutionary War. Outcome: good. Civil War? Weren't the brits helping the south? It still came out good.

Would we look at these strange people as saviours or as meddlers? I know it all depends on whos side your on, but what would our country look like afterwards? Does ANY country have a right to interfere with another countrys' internal disputes?

Do we?

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by beezzer

It would suck! Just like it probably sucks for the people in Libya. But really the US shouldn't be there in the first place, "we're not the world police" say Obama, but here we are policing all these Oil filled countries. I guess we should get him to say "we're not the Oil bearing countries police." It's not right and I think most Americans feel that way but it's not like anyone can stop it. They do what they want and slap a label on it and create reasons to be there. There are people dying all over the world from the same type of dictators but they don't have Oil so the US doesn't police those countries.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:29 PM
should leave Libya alone. if they want to topple khadaffyduck it sup to them.

Saw it here in, my state ;Wi: "noodles&co" college campus idiot socialists bussed in from outside threatening to unleash hell upon our elected legislators.They are playing with fire.

And I can guarantee when/if we take the final steps under a "one world utopia" govt ( my "pet peeve" today) this will happen by do-gooders who think they have voted themselves the power to intervene in peoples lives from afar. The final steps will include trading gunfire; and I abhor "senseless" violence.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:30 PM
It wouldnt be far fetched since this mission seems to be about oil.....the US has plenty of oil reserves that it has consistently refused to tap into....especially in Alaska, and the Dakotas. Its just going to be a matter of time before we run out of money and become least i hope thats not the case but there are reports out there now that the Federal Reserve is now as ZERO dollars as of today.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by beezzer

The Brits sided with the South but when the South became their own country (CSA) then they could not offer no help.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:32 PM
To all whom have replied.
I've given great thought to this. My profession has a direct impact on the issues going on in Libya (Army). I'd have to say that I think we are making a mistake.
Lybia has not attacked America.
Libya is not an American "protectorate".
Libya has not been invaded by a foreign country and is asking for help.

I will continue to do my job. I will hope and pray that my leaders know what they are doing. MY personal opinion though, is that it is wrong. That the "world community" is making a mistake.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:33 PM
This situation is very likely to come to our shores, if we ever get politicians in office who stop playing ball with the corporate overlords.

If that happened, there would be a media reported "uprising" that is used to justify the overturning of our Constitution. In all likelihood they will say it is being "suspended," until things calm down, but it will end up being indefinite, much like the Patriot Act is.

No nation is going to come in and "help" us, because we will fall for the fake uprising. The only reason we need to "help" the people of Libya is because enough of the actual citizens ignored the fake rebellion and did not take to the streets to give credibility to the idea it was an actual uprising by the people.

So we had to FORCE uprising on them by bombing the crap out of them to make them turn on Gaddafi as a way to get us to stop. And now we are going to give weapons to the "rebels" and they will start killing the ctiizens until they agree to get rid of Gaddafi to make the killing stop.

I can only hope my people keep their heads as well as the people of Libya did, and I can only pray our military does not turn on us.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by napayshni57

Thank you for the clarifiction. I was unsure of the dynamics of that relationship.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

I would have thought that the idea of a foreign country on our shores insane, a few years ago.

Now? The dynamics of our standing in the world community, the growth of China, the sabre-rattling of smaller counries has me concerned.
It has me thinking things that I've never even speculated before.

edit on 30-3-2011 by beezzer because: Bush's fault

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:39 PM
I wouldn't want their help. If you did win with their help they are going to come in and try to tell you how they want you to function. So you change one dictator for another they just claim they are making your life better. As I look around at this country I'm not sure thats what I'd want brought into mine. Who knows though we might find out as our people are getting tired of our own government and the unpopular leaders we have now. Especially Obama and his thinking he is above the constitution.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by napayshni57
Who knows though we might find out as our people are getting tired of our own government and the unpopular leaders we have now. Especially Obama and his thinking he is above the constitution.

That's what I'm afraid of.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by beezzer

So you view a dictator and admitted terrorist, holding control of a country by force, even utilizing mercenaries, the same as an elected leader in a democratic country? Just trying to understand clearly your point?

I'm also not sure we should have gone in, but I think your question here is clearly trying to mix oil and water. We have the option to elect new people every few years. In Libya they are literal prisoners of a madman with tanks, fighters and heavy artillery who clearly stated to the world he will slaughter them and started to do exactly that. Tens if not hundreds of thousands were about to die. We know he has a stockpile of things like Mustard Gas. I'd post a photo of the Kurd's after Saddam hit them with Mustard Gas, but a Mod would take it down.

Real protest here are done on election days with votes. We can even impeach or recall our leaders if enough of us agree. There simply is no way to compare one to the other. We live in a free, civilized society ruled by laws.

Like I said, I'm not sure we are doing the right thing and if left up to me I would probably have not interfered. I can understand the pressure to stop the slaughter that was happening though. As far as Qaddafi though, taking him out is not only what should happen, it should have happened long ago. Anyone that would support him is mad as a hatter and as evil as he is. After Lockerbie he should have been quietly removed. Every so often a person comes along where the Law fails to protect us and then, and only then, there needs to be a covert effort to eliminate them for humanities sake.

The Western World is experiencing riots by adolescents demanding more candy from the government, who do not understand that the candy jar is empty. Mostly future Inmates of the world. You simply can't equate that with people in the Middle East fighting for basic freedoms we already have and fighting for their very lives. That is nothing like out of control 18 to 20 year old Anarchists demanding the world hand over everything they want for free, paid for with others labor and money. The people in the Middle East are not throwing a childish temper tantrum for attention.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:52 PM
I have to go to bed soon, apologies, it's a Europe thing, but before I go, is there anyone that thinks it'd be a good idea? Just curious.

Thanks to all that have replied.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

I equate this to having an unpopular leader and a movement to get rid of said leader. The finer points are different, agreed. But situations are rapidly changing not just elsewhere, but in the States as well. I have a more personal stake in current world issues than many do. So I try to look at a situation from a variety of viewpoints, it helps me to understand the situation on a deeper level.
My thread is a mental exercise in looking at the situation from THEIR viewpoint. Noit as the rampaging world police that we have become.

I don't like "sitting on the fence" when it comes to opinions, I try to develop my opinions based on learning as much as I can with as much information that I can get.

I do appreciate the input, however.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 03:01 PM
looks like
not if
according to some astute pundits...
It is only a matter of time
before the rebound

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by MonkeyWrench30
It wouldnt be far fetched since this mission seems to be about oil.....the US has plenty of oil reserves that it has consistently refused to tap into....especially in Alaska, and the Dakotas. Its just going to be a matter of time before we run out of money and become least i hope thats not the case but there are reports out there now that the Federal Reserve is now as ZERO dollars as of today.

I'm not really buying the oil argument here. Libya is important to other countries for oil, but not us. It's far more important to China, Russia and Europe where their oil goes. China and Russia will play both sides of the fence like they always do. I think Obama caved to pressure from Europe and the Saudi's, not to mention the UAE.

If anything the Saudi's should have been the ones to take care of this themselves as it does pose a threat to them, same as Iraq did and Iran does. There is not a doubt in my mind that behind the scenes the Saudi's are asking us to take out out Iran which poses a huge threat to them.

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