posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:26 AM
Hi, I am a long time lurker on the forum, like many others. I first came across ATS (also like many others I suspect) when searching the web for more
info on the 2012 phenomea which had me really concerned at the time. I must have visited literally hundreds of sites trying to piece together whatever
I could about this meme. The only site I found however, that was handing out any modicum of well reasoned common sense backed up by research, was ATS.
Everywhere else was just sheer hysterical rambling and blatant doommongering. I continued to check in with ATS throughout the Gulf Of Mexico crisis
(funny how we lurch from one crisis to the next lately) and more recently the Japan disaster, the outcome of which we cannot yet began to estimate.
I have drifted more away from the 2012 forum now as the whole affair just seems to attract the crazies who like to scaremonger, but thanks to the
coverage of real and current issues on ATS I have found plenty of things that are more concerning and are happening right now. I visit ATS daily now
and have decided to join so that I may contribute my opinions, how ever insignificant they may be.
I remain however, an Annonymous Lurker