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The animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has long advocated for dogs and cats to be spayed or neutered. Now, it's extending the campaign to humans.
The Norfolk, Va.-based group is offering a free vasectomy to the winner of its "Why should PETA neuter you?" campaign. Applicants enter the contest by getting their cat or dog spayed or neutered and submitting an essay to PETA.
The group says human overpopulation contributes to animal suffering by draining water and land resources and causing pollution.
The contest runs through April 27.
It's a two-fer: Get your animal companion fixed, and get yourself fixed too! Human overpopulation is crowding out animal life on the planet, and dog and cat overpopulation is creating a euthanasia crisis that is a crying shame. Disappearing wilderness, vanishing water resources, and pollution is the price that future generations will pay for more human births, while losing their lives is the price that millions of homeless dogs and cats pay when guardians neglect to "fix" their companion animals.
Every year in the U.S., an estimated 6 to 8 million lost, abandoned, or unwanted dogs and cats enter animal shelters. The best way to combat the companion-animal overpopulation crisis is to have your cat or dog neutered. And with a global population of almost 7 billion humans, more of our species could use a (voluntary) snip too.
One eligible winner will be selected, based on his level of creativity and persuasiveness in arguing why he deserves to win and how his sterilization will most benefit both humans and animals. The winner agrees to have his name, city, state, and likeness appear on any PETA materials.
Originally posted by chiefsmom
Sorry, but anyone who actually enters this contest, should be neutered for the gene pool anyway. PETA may have started with good intentions, but they have become extremists.
Originally posted by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe
Frankly i find this competition disgusting.
They should stick to animals, and leave the humanitarian work to humans.
This is sickening.
Originally posted by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep
reply to post by DrumsRfun
I am aware of the superman suit underneath, and the humour does not elude me. But i do find it a bit disturbing.