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FBI asks public for help breaking encrypted notes tied to 1999 murder

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posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:46 AM
wish there was an automated way to compare the pattern (if there's one), and/or the handwriting to a database of some sort. made me think of it cuz i was reading a CBS news link about the recent letters threatening mass #'s of remotely det'd nukes hidden in the U.S.. the handwriting in the news photo reminded me of the handwriting on these.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:02 AM
I completely agree with Pharaoh I think it is short hand for bets placed.
This is from page P1
I spaced it out
First purse (term for betting money) on DE 71 (horse name, dog name, sport teams name) and the number could be a money or spread of points, the last part could stand for a racetrack or as someone else suggested no money being exchanged.

(CDN SE PRSE ON ONS (unsure of scribble) 74 NCBE)
Second (SE could be customers initials) purse on (same theory as above)

Not sure on the PRTSE on this one, not sure if you can really get the word Third out of that or not. But use the same theory on rest of line as above.

If then (I really think that is a horse name loses tote (race, money) to wld (horse name) then bet on WLD then CBE

I think a lot of people are decoding PRSE wrong to PQSE and other letters. You can see PRSE is used a lot on this page.

What people should be check is for names of Horse Tracks and horse names in 1999. But is could be dogs or anything else you could possibly bet on.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:38 AM
Hi there, coming out of lurker status here! I was just watching a video on YouTube about Radiation and noticed something. The symbol for micro .. µ .. made me think of these notes the FBI need help decoding. Look at the "N's" I'm not sure if it will make a difference or not, but I'd thought I'd share.

I do think part of this set of notes is directions for him to get somewhere or about roadways. 71, 74, 75 are major highways. I94 makes me think Interstate 94. A few of the letters could be interpreted as the following: TFRNE = Take First Right North East, XL = Exit Left. I'm not sure it makes sense for some of the other close combinations though: TRFXL = Take Right First Exit Left?

Also I can't help but notice, the new madrid fault zone involves Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi. This guy was from Missouri/Illionois and died 12 years ago mysteriously. The notes he had in his pocket have been worked on all of this time, but now (not only does it seem strange anyway) the FBI asks for help? The letters (ALSM) were off to the right by themselves. Google that. Associated Land Surveying
& Mapping, Inc. Then seeing a similarity between what I think are his N's and the symbol for micro.

I've got to admit, a big part of my brain says this guy was a nobody with an unsolved case. His death may have been as simple as his own victim getting the best of him or a drug deal gone wrong. Then again, it seems so odd. The timing of all of this. I usually find myself teetering in the middle on these subjects. Never feeling too concrete to lean one way or the other. As of right now: I feel it's either jibberish, betting notes/drug deals, something he did as a hobby, possible he was kidnapped and managed to scribble these notes before he died, a puzzle he left behind holding truth to something bigger, or a strange way he kept track of things. There were other parts that were decoded, maybe a gist of what they said or the nature of their content would help.

I forgot SE = SouthEast or Seizmic Event?

edit on 3-4-2011 by ChaoticPeace because: Forgot something

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:43 AM

Not a cryptagram, a pictogram. To viewed diagonally from top to bottom. Like looking through a venetian blind,
edit on 023030p://am3002 by debris765nju because: to add photo

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posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by Rileylover76

I don't know if you read my theory on it ? I tried PRSE = Pure Race and then made it Pure Race Thouroughbred Winner...and it does match actually. And went on with Pharao's believing it is a bet aswell.

But drugs, I think is an even better match.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 03:12 AM
Sorry, I did read your post but forgot when I was posting to mention it. I thought just purse because I know that is exactly what it is called when you win on horse racing. I am stuck on betting because I did read somewhere that he was a bookie. Also, unfortunately I have been around a lot of druggies and none of those words or figures stick out as drug terms or amounts that I have ever heard of.

I also don't believe he was some kind of super genius that had some kind of top secret code he devised by himself. I really think it is a mixture of shorthand and initials.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 03:22 AM
I forgot to add I also read somewhere that WLD could mean Win Lose or Draw. Sure enough I looked up that term with horseracing and according to websites that is one of the ways to bet on horses. Something like you are not just counting on your horse to win first. You still when if they place or something like that. I didn't finish reading it yet. But all those WLD could actually be Win Lose or Draw for the horses. I just wish I could see a list of all the horses racing in 1999. lol.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 04:07 AM
What if the government is testing out a new encryption algorithm like in the movie mercury rising, and the person to solve it gets shot?

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 04:22 AM
I really ain't gonna exert any energy into this. (If I did, who knows...) Anyways, I must be some real psycho broad. Because the first time I even looked at this, a ton of stuff stood out. So what does this say about me?
A good tip for those who are working on this. Substitutions....

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by Rileylover76

We should try to get all the words of betting together then. Purse,Tote, WLD and so fort....

I agree that he was probably not a super genius but he maybe used some combinations as total different words. After all they say his family could not decipher it....and think of it, if you do that since years then you obviously get good at it.

The reason I'm also starting to doubt my own theory for betting but not speculation is that if you look at the structure without trying to decipher it but only trying to find a logic to it, then WLD appears to be the thing you want to obtain one way or the other by combining it and so the highest number or at it's best. I don't know enough about games though but I guess you only want the wins not the why WLD from NCBE ?

Now anyways I wonder why and how the notes are pretty clean compared to how he was found. They say his body had already started to wrotten....
And it was also said he could write, then why did they not post any of his regular writings ?

Isn't it that heroin and crack can be found in various forms ? Like clean, pure and so on ? Don't people work on fabricating that stuff ?

Something else but it might just be a coincidence:
On those three lines where you find 71,74,75 of P1 there is a linear progression of characters after "ON"
First you have 2, then 3, then 4 characters....also if you add 71+74+75 and 26 = number of letters in the alphabet = 194

Which is why I thought something has to do with somekind of progression. It's all very weird.....what would be the purpose of many WLD ?

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 04:58 AM
The purpose of many WLDs would be you have a better chance of winning money. If you do just a straight bet which I think the SEs may stand for you only have 1 shot at winning. It would be like buying multiple lottery tickets instead of just one. That is the closest example I can come up with at this hour.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by Rileylover76

Ok if this helps.... I found this site its a horse track that was very active in 99....also it is exactly 1/2 mile south of I 55/70- and I 255 junction, the 1/2 mile stood out to me when I went to the website and and clicked on directions .

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:02 AM
NCBE could be the initials of horse and jockey. Or is it possible it's betting for sports? Everytime I see the NC, I think North Carolina and WLD, I see Wildcard. Not sure about BE or SE. There is so much repetition, but at the same time changes made in a few of the repetitions. The one thing that makes me doubt any kind of betting, money transactions, or vin numbers is the lack in numbers. Sometimes I look at it and see someone's shorthand. Sometimes a cryptic message. Yesterday, I was working on figuring out if there was a code. I thought I was on to something when I got the word that and chart or chant. E=T R=H T=A F=C S=N ERTE now looks like it could be ER + E.

Someone said win, lose, or draw could be WLD. At one point it becomes plural. WLD's. So that would mean there isn't a code at all? LOL My head hurts again.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by davidgrouchy

I think the SE being a car model in this cypher is possible. However the article "Who killed the steam powered car?" was written in 2010 (11 years after Ricky's death) NCBE appears often as well as XL, but more than anything there seem to be a lot of E's

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 12:44 PM
Ok... I aint gonna be the one to crack this code but if anyone on this site is trying I want to help. IDK why the hell im so attracted to this story lol..... On another site someone mentioned this guy lived with Sandra Jones, now what better way to find out information on this guy than to find Sandra Jones and talk to her....sure it's a long shot, but so is cracking this so called CODE......The rest of the day im going to stop looking at the letter driving myself nuts. If i find Sandra Jones im going to call her ass lol!!!!! I will post any information i come up with, If anyone wants to help me search that would be helpful. There isnt much we know, but you can bet Sandra Jones knows where he worked if anywhere, What his hobbys were besides these damn notes, If she actually has an old one, If all this # about him writing cyphers is true, get where im going, We talk to Sandra Jones then the smart folks on here ( not me lol ) can have information to go on instead of guessing.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:47 PM
Hi all, 1st post

It is 4am here in Australia, I've been working on this for a few hours, and believe I have a plausible theory from a completely different angle. (to be sure, I read every post in this thread)

Firstly though
- I did not use any typed reproductions (though i was interested to read the developments from members here), I tried to work as much as i could from the original.
- I have been studying japanese for some time and for those who have had any exposure to japanese will know that direct translation english to japanese is 'mash it in and make it fit' at best. also in japanese, single characters can mean syllables, words or even whole phrases. Similar to his shorthand. (nb this is not japanese, though see below...) I think the shorthand is confusing people who are hoping for a letter to letter conversion. Step back in look at the forest. ;p
-I also looked at the style of notetaking, indentations, paragraphing etc.

My thinking would take many pages to expand, and more hours to type out, but here is the crux of it.

I believe:
- He served in the military, in Vietnam. Probably underage, late in the conflict.
- He may have some understanding of Vietnamese, and possibly served in a low ranking position in linguistics unit or as a whipboy for an intel unit.
- He recently had his first exposure to the internet, probably in the form of a guestbook page popular in the 90s. Probably accessed from a public library.
- He was using it to locate other serving vets. Someone who served three tours in Laos/Vietnam.
- He may be trying to come to terms with something that he/they saw, or something that happened there.
- He seems upset/angry about it though methodical in seeking closure on it.

I'm looking into it further, still just a theory...

Think acronyms interspersed with Vietnamese place names and Units/Divisions...
USMC, USAF, 194th, Nang Tat, etc...

Example (name and contact redacted) (actual post from a vet locator circa '99)

Guest Name: E-mail at:
From: San Antonio, TX
Found 203 Locator By: A friend told me about it
Impressions/Reactions: First Visit Will Come Back Want To Hear From Others
My Background: Other USAFSS/USAF
I Was There In: Before 1967
Comments on 16-Mar-99 09:20 PM:

Found the site through Steve's note in the FTVA Newsletter. I was an MB at the 6988th and flew many droning missions in the GOT out of Bangkok and later Danang. I think you ought to add the 6988th to your list of units. We pulled TDY duty from 1965 to 1968 for linguists and maintenance troops for the C-130s. My crew seemd to have the luck of arriving just after or leaving just before the VC would lob rockets into Danang. I did two tours with the 88th and left for a remote in Korea shortly before the unit was deactivated at Yokota in 1972. Fortunately MGEN Larson had the foresight to reactivate the 6988th at RAF Mildenhall when he renamed the 6954th. I went on to a tour at Offutt with the 6949th and another remote at Osan before going to OTS in 1977-78 and trading MSgt stripes for gold bars.. Did my first commissioned tour at the 6990th which was my last airborne assignment. Finished my career at HQ ESC and HQ AFIC before retiring in Oct 1993. Spent thirty years and worked both the enlisted and officer career fields in the command.

edit on 3-4-2011 by therapy because: more info added

edit on 3-4-2011 by therapy because: clarity, example given

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by shannongoogle

ok guys come on... i tried to join the webseluths site too but for some reason couldnt , those guys are tryin. is anyone here still trying? they have some interesting ideas about the notes pertaining to nissan parts so if anyone here does or if anyone is reading both sites then maybe i can help. i work in parts at a dealership just not nissan, however i have a good buddy that does. if anyone can come up w/ a vin number i can have him put it in the catalog and see what kind of car it is, also dealerships have access to what we call DCS... you can enter a vin in DCS and it will tell you past owners of the vehicle, service history, and what dealership originally sold the vehicle.... I cant communicate w/ you guys on the other site but i hope you guys are reading this site as well b/c a few of us are still trying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 03:49 PM
Take this line from the second note "(MUNSAISTENMUNARSE)"

Follow this pattern - Use the second last letter 'S' then the second letter 'U' then the third last letter 'R' then the third letter 'N' then the fourth last letter 'A' then go back out to first letter 'M' then last letter 'E' . What have you got? 'SURNAME' With the remaining letters you can make 'UN INMATES' with I think is 'S' left over, or 'US INMATES' with the N left over. Basically US INMATES SURNAME (or something, I worked it out earlier and posted it somewhere else but nobodys obviously been interested enough to help so far. Or hasn't seen my posting.

Also, on the bottom of the second note it says D W M Y which could be Day Week Month Year. using the date could be a key to working other stuff in it out, who knows.

The coincidence for me was that there's a reference to a writer called Stephanie KENOSOLE mentioned in the same sentence as the word symbology on a myspace page. (KENOSOLE is in there if you look) Not to mention that keno or kenos is the start of some racehorse name, like KENOS OLE man (born 2002)

Yup, it's a puzzler... Anyway, going to keep at it..

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 04:06 PM
I posted where he had served 11 months on a three year sentence in St. Louis according to court records.
He also was charged for sexual assualt in Belleville, Illinois.

05/01/1991 1 - CRIMINAL SEXUAL ASSAULT 91CF0058001 (Class 1 Felony) 11134 - BELLEVILLE CLOSED - DISMISSED

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by shannongoogle

Excellent work. Whoever that guy is, he is working it through just like you guys here. I think whatever seems to be working here, mixed with the guy on the german site, you guys could come up with something.

I am no code breaker, and I admit, looking at this guys or girls (killers come in both flavors), makes my head hurt. But if it is a code, or invented luanguage, there must be some kind of pattern, either in rhythm, or out, either obvious or not. It is there somwhere. I tried counting the letters of each line, and cooralating it with a letter in the alphebet. But i am going off the english alphabet. If it is coorasponding with a different alphabraic system, i do not know.

Since, many of the lines go past twenty six letters, I don't believe sentence structure/ alphabet number exists, but maybe it overlaps.

Here is an example of what i mean.


Where are your -L -12 letters
Brains she said to -O -15 letters
Me as she picked the broken -V -22 letters
tulip -E -5 letters

It is an old poet cypher. I tried and failed in the FBI's example, but it could follow a different alphabet, or overlap, repeating in the alphabet.

Does anyone know how many letters are in the whole code?

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