posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:45 AM
Let me explain the "bully who is not just approved of but often, demanded thanks to nut case religion" No . READ THIS and those of you who think
beating your kids; "ey buba, that ell, ash a em... lern em!. Thats the the kindest way I can best explain the "wise old bible and its non-sense"
and idiots who this is any less then bully crap we have heard about, are in serious need of a bible hitting them in the head or MUCH better at least a
thought; about schools, and parents and official child focused terror. And parents who like anyone who enjoys hurting others, most of all a child,
"oh do you have a special place in hell all for you, and well, why spoil the fun, you'll find out" My parents were the kind are the best anyone
ever could have for very special reasons.
The most is my best friend had a parent my buddy's so called "dad" who my parents got him locked up, don't know it was my friends bruises , and
welts that my Mom noticed (noticed one night when he stayed over, always wanted to and did so as much as I know he could and my parents welcomed him,
never any question or problem about that) one night he stayed over in fact I had come after seeing what I could not believe. Mom noticed when she
washed his clothing, he did want Her to. It seems many who suffer abuse are ashamed they are some how responsible. Ask any one who's been there. His
pants and shirt HAD BLOOD seeping into them, some of the welts were open lacerations, I saw him get some of them and said to his father something I
don't remember, but he stopped, and gave a look so creepy, somehow I knew this guy would not hesitate to kill me. I grabbed my friend and RAN like I
never ran, home. Oh good god... You know there are real monsters out there. My brother since adopted, never ever cried when hurt even when I was
playing with him, he was hit by a car and I saw his leg, heard it "SNAP! Christ I ball if I get a hang nail. But this night he cried, then stuffed
it, and he just Utterly Begged, PLEASE can your parents adopt me? I am so afraid to live anymore. He was 10 years old, I was 11 when he was
contemplating killing himself. He did not have to ask my parents (being smarter and observing everything) had started by then the adoption and very
quietly. I knew nothing. It was in the works when my best friend (and kind so far to this day more wiser and kinder, then anyone I could imagine) you
could not imagine my pain when in my sublime stupidity saw and then dawned on me what he was only to a small extent going through. Later at my house,
He whispered to me, afraid even to let the cat overhear him; "Would I get anyone mad if I asked your Mom and Dad to be your brother? But not if you
don't want to be my friend anymore, because then it's Ok, if you say no. Because being your friend, thats what's important" Wow for a 10 year old
kid, I was the one felt ashamed at often my child silly ness That made me cry, and like I never before I felt his pleading what nightmare his life
was. I only saw him get torn apart once by his bastard father, I went, dragging my friend at once to my Dad who said after the ONLY time he used the
f word in our house, ever "I want you to repeat this very slowly, and in font of your Mother( before this my Dad did not see my friend, he went
straight to my room) But then saw Dad him stubble into the bath room, and said to me; "I want to talk to you right now, and I want to know
EVERYTHING you know... And tell me the truth! Make sure all of it, and in as much detail as possible" My parents soon had him adopted, and I had my
best friend as my new brother. Don't anyone DARE call Jonny my half brother, he's my brother, in a way always was. The blessing, gift, some kind of
Golden Karma are my parents, and my life, and my brother. Both parents were very kind and wise, being aware of this poor kids nightmare. In case
anyone was wondering my Dad was actually quite strict, but never with J. he said and I had no trouble with him saying. "Of hell he has had a life
time of, on Earth, no more, no way. Now he's free" Dad did maybe twice yell a bit at him but it was like he was physically "wounded". He said he
was ashamed to disappoint my parents. (in all ways...) but this kids bio-nightmare dad was a beast. I do know someone did pay a visit and made sure
this guys dad-demon was not physically able to hurt anyone again. Always thought was my Dad who to use an old phrase, "dropped a dime" Many years
later I discovered Mom had dated the cousin of Sam Giancana before Dad. Never asked her about anything this this guy was at our house a few times, and
he of course knew Jonny, and his "living-death before life" So, you do the math? I know she would have never asked anyone for that creature to be,
rearranged. Mom is beyond the best, and the bottom line was both parents were very much caring and kind, and very smart. Sure now he's my brother he
argues with me, is bigger and now we do get into arguments, sometime's big ones, for a short time we don't even notice the other there, for an hour
or as much as two! Frankly he really sucks at poker... He's to honest. But kicks my ass at just about any sport, except judo. And we are near equal
at chess. I am patient and persistent, his patience? Is glacial.
He went into medicine, becoming an expert at PTSD, and remains an advocate/therapist for victims of torture, abuse and neglect. He's a champion of
civil rights and has been in areas of the world I don't have the balls to go with out an armed, and serious escort. I'm serious. He's fearless, and
has no anger towered anyone. Even the abomination that his bio-mutant father and "blind, deaf and dumb s**" mother was. I guess the so-called
father came close to decapitating his wife, who stayed by her man until she was put by him in a wheel chair. What is it with stupid, I'm no giga-mind
but god I'm not an oil slick for common sense either... Just don't get it. Anyway bro's still very active, in his work, now married and adopted two
kids. Both abused. And being handsome as hell my parents had to limit the calls and "oh just in the area and so dropped in" from I swear every girl
who could, tried to... and I know some did no I din't tell, he had some fun and games for free, God owned him that. And he could have got me killed
so many times but always managed to be not watching even when he would smile at it all. Thats just super class. Those bully's? Let them know fear, no
the horror. Let God say when they beg Oh shut up, you are so worthless, etc, for a minimum, Eternity. If there is a God then damn it, HE OWES IT TO
my brother!