posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:57 PM
Isn't it funny that at one time NWO was nothing but a conspiracy for people in tin foil hats to talk about while the general population laughed it
off, and now that it is openly discussed those same people who laughed it off, are actually in favor of it?
Isn't it funny that at one time if you talked about the government using your phone as a bug to listen to your conversations you would be laughed at
and labeled as paranoid, and now this technology is actually used in court cases...
Isn't it funny that people whole heartedly believe aliens must logically exist and that mathematically their are probably civilizations far superior
to that of our own, yet if somebody experiences something that they believe to be not of this planet they are ridiculed?
Isn't it funny that people preach about freedom yet are willing to beg to have it taken away in an effort to have a little false sense of security?
Isn't it funny that people from all over the world join this very website to open their minds to the paranormal and yet all they do is doubt and
ridicule 90% of what they hear? Yet they want others to believe their stories...
This is just a start... What makes you chuckle inside? What ignorance has you laughing to avoid insantity? Keep them coming!