Young Jake is talking about the Lorentz factor.
g = 1 / sqrt(1- v^2 /c^2)
For the audience
A charged body is harder to set in motion than an uncharged body.
In english the formula above says gamma equals the inverse square root of one minus the square of the velocity divided by the square of the speed of
If one does the maths they find that the faster an object goes, the harder it is to make it go faster.
Or in terms everyone has heard, the faster an object is going the more fuel it takes to make it go any faster.
Reaching the speed of light is impossible because mass approaches infinite.
for Jake
You'll scare them even more when you say it slowly like you believe they understand what you are saying. Instead of saying it fast like you are
nervous you will get caught in public being smart.
Other questions
Q: But how does anything "vary" if it is traveling at the speed of light?
A: it varies relative to the observer making the measurment.
dt = observed time
dT = objects internal time
Q: You do suck at math. ".9 times LARGER"...meaning if something was 100 and it was then .9 times larger, it would then be 190.
A: It is obvious you have nothing to contribute. Here is your Troll T-shirt. Thank you for playing.
Q: Nassim Harameins amendment to Einstein's Field Equations incorporate torque and Coriolis effects in the plasma dynamics interacting with a
polarized geometric structured vacuum which produces a unified field theory in a Holofractographic Universe.
I mean geesh come on guys...duh!
A: while the factor _was_ worked out by Hendrik Lorentz in support of Ether Theory, explaining the extra mass of an electrostatic charge on a body as
"drag on the Ether" will not get young Jake any funding or admission to any college.
Q: "if gravity was dense"... uh? a new concept! The density of gravity!
A: The gravitational constant is 0.0000000000667428 or about 6.66x10^-11 wich is a slightly less dense version that was in use during Einsteins
Q: He is talking about, Quantum mechanics, he didn't disprove anything, He is asking his mom, about dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and
interaction of matter and energy he is actualy making a question. but he is mixing known phisics with quantum physics in a quantum universe. By the
question of light moving sideways is by the effect of gravity on light protons. Tachyons have a diferet type of mass to them because tachyon would be
constrained to the space-like portion of the energy-momentum graph, If tachyons were conventional, localized particles that could be used to send
signals faster than light, In theory. Not in real mechanics.
A: Correct.
A differential in velocity between two frame of references does not create a change in spacial density...
Furthermore... the Einstein equation in reference is analysis of mass, momentum, mass energy equivalence, energy emission and absorption for mass at
rest and mass in motion for Newtonian and Relativistic velocities...
Comparing the constant speed of light emitted from moving frames of reference to the momentum change of mass in motion...
A: Correct.
Q: brilliant kid, but people like him are the ones who go on killing sprees such as the unibomber.. they understand the world in a different
perspective that normal people like us just can't grasp..
A: I really wish mankind would let me tell them about math without having the room go to sleep, or worse, assume that I am mentaly special like the
rain man. This is pure hearsay popularized to sell cell phones that have calculators on them. It is not my fault they didn't teach you how to carry
the remainder in division and showed you how to "feel good" about "clusters" and "groupings" instead.
Q: Some of them make excellent idiot savants. Only some, like this kid. This means that they excel in only one field, normally
mathematically-oriented. Or, if you please, music.
As a sorry example, if you asked this kid what his thoughts were on a novel he had read, he wouldn't be able to dig deeper than your average five
year-old. What's more is that he's stuck at that level forever, while your normal five year-old will go on to high-school, then graduate to study
literature in University, and finally be able to expound Shakespeare with the best of 'em, say.
I think that one would be hard-pressed to find a literary giant who had asperger's.
So, the kid's actually more pitiable than he is admirable.
A: This is the stupidest most unsubstantiated thing I have heard in a long time. It is little better than a late night comedians attempt at character
assasination. And people wonder why we keep hearing the phrase "the dumbing down of America."
David Grouchy
edit on 29-3-2011 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)