posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:16 PM
Originally posted by JibbyJedi
The faster we collapse this corrupt system, the faster we get to a new solution to a broken system. The longer we keep this ridiculous budgeting
going, the more we waste time NOT working on a better way of running the economy, preferably putting human lives ahead of money.
Its not just about dismantling the rampant and blatant corruption in the department of defence .. we also need to dismantle our riduculous foreign
policies that have given our very corrupt leaders the RIGHT to kill innocent people around the world and destroy any country without any fear of
repurcussion ... without any guilt .. without any humanity or justification whatsoever ... this equates to pure murder ... such actions will one day
be revenged through the force of Karma without question .. and indirectly to us because we are all sitting idly while our names are used to blame
The millitary always has a blank check even if the people are suffering .. ? there is another place like that ... it's called North Korea ...
People who come to America expect to see how comfortably we live with healthcare .. money .. housing .. the american dream .. but thats not the case
any more ..
I have never seen so many American's living off dollar stores .. living on food that is of way infirior quality(discarded/expired food and other
items of inferior quality) .. thats what most of America has been reduced to ..
I can not comprehend the staggering amount of money that is simply wasted while a fraction of it could have taken care of reforming education ..
healthcare .. agriculture .. and infrastructure at home .. America is a country that should NOT have any poblems at home .. but all the priorities are
screwed up ..
Once an elected official gets into office .. he/she becomes untouchable for some reason no matter how bad they do ... they should all be made to sign
a contract with 'the people' .. if they ever do what Bush and Obama are doing .. they have to step down immediately .. or be tried for treason
against their own country ...
Until they are not help accountable .. they will ALL continue to plunder .. steal .. and advance their own political agenda for votes ...