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$600 million dollars....IN ONE WEEK!!!!?????

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posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:29 PM
We have debt bigger then ever before. Millions of people out of work living on food stamps. Our social security is running dry. There are people living on the street and charitys lossing there funding more and more every year. Our Gov is running week to week because there is no money for them to keep working how they have been. Mail is most likely going to be stoped on saturdays but we can spend $600,000,000 in a WEEK????!!!!! How arte we going to pay for THIS one?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:34 PM
Well when you look at the bigger picture - OIL - then that amount of money is nothing to obtain that product! The OIL there is worth MUCH MORE than they will and have spent!

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:35 PM
The faster we collapse this corrupt system, the faster we get to a new solution to a broken system. The longer we keep this ridiculous budgeting going, the more we waste time NOT working on a better way of running the economy, preferably putting human lives ahead of money.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:37 PM
To me it just looks like all the spending cuts etc. in UK & USA were basically to save up enough money to go to War Again!

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by faryjay

I havn't even thought about that. That would piss me off even more if that were the case.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:41 PM
please use the head lines.
"Cost of Libya Intervention $600 Million for First Week, Pentagon Says"
you did not say it was the spending to attack Libya.

its a lye any way.
if they where Not fighting.
would it cost zero$ to keep the ships,planes and troops?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:41 PM
You want to truly learn what is really going about debts in USA? Go to this link and listen to the video. Yes it is long yet so significative and the guys knows what he is talking about.

The thruth about US debts

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
The faster we collapse this corrupt system, the faster we get to a new solution to a broken system. The longer we keep this ridiculous budgeting going, the more we waste time NOT working on a better way of running the economy, preferably putting human lives ahead of money.

Couple of things here

1. Why should we work towards collapsing a broken system, as opposed to fixing a broken system, where no collapse is necessary?

2. If money is not a motivator, what do you suggest is? Plain and simple, unless in a facist society, people will not work if there is no motivator, and there is no better motivator than money at this current time.

3. Be careful what you wish for. I know the thought of chaos is just so intoxicating to some of the doomtards Ive seen post here and on other sites, but what you fail to realize is, when SHTF for real, you are not gonna be excluded from the chaos. Ever pissed someone off and they remember it? You better hope you have a gun and they dont, or at least youre a better aim. You have something that I need for MY family? You better hope that youre a better shot than I am, and I whole heartedly doubt that you are, because I will take your life with not a second thought if it came down to taking from you, to give to mine.. Essentially, you look rediculous begging for doom to come when you dont fully grasp the reality of what it would bring, and what type of person would survive.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:49 PM
Seeing how we are paying our soldiers and weapons made in the us, that 600 million is coming back to the american economy, atleast some of it. With that said its still crap since of all the other places that the money could be used

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:57 PM
It was money already spent on missiles dude. Relax.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:58 PM
600 million between 300 million people is only $2 per person. Not that much really.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by CanadianDream420
It was money already spent on missiles dude. Relax.

True! However, won't they need to replace these used missiles??? Will that not be classed as a cost?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by boncho
600 million between 300 million people is only $2 per person. Not that much really.

It's not about that, it's about the money being spent elsewhere! I'm sure in this day and age the money is required other places to help the economies etc.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by badgerman24

That's not even close to how much we owe China. We (the United States) need to cut down on our spending...That's like 1.3 mill a day?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

The problem being that the collapse that is being witnessed, is most likely an engineered collapse,
where the 'solution' will be you and your pet dog moving into a comfortable 1 room apartment where
the interior decoration has been done over FEMA style.

[ And no thats not the Federal Emergency Metrosexual Agency unfortunately]

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
The faster we collapse this corrupt system, the faster we get to a new solution to a broken system. The longer we keep this ridiculous budgeting going, the more we waste time NOT working on a better way of running the economy, preferably putting human lives ahead of money.

Its not just about dismantling the rampant and blatant corruption in the department of defence .. we also need to dismantle our riduculous foreign policies that have given our very corrupt leaders the RIGHT to kill innocent people around the world and destroy any country without any fear of repurcussion ... without any guilt .. without any humanity or justification whatsoever ... this equates to pure murder ... such actions will one day be revenged through the force of Karma without question .. and indirectly to us because we are all sitting idly while our names are used to blame ..

The millitary always has a blank check even if the people are suffering .. ? there is another place like that ... it's called North Korea ...

People who come to America expect to see how comfortably we live with healthcare .. money .. housing .. the american dream .. but thats not the case any more ..

I have never seen so many American's living off dollar stores .. living on food that is of way infirior quality(discarded/expired food and other items of inferior quality) .. thats what most of America has been reduced to ..

I can not comprehend the staggering amount of money that is simply wasted while a fraction of it could have taken care of reforming education .. healthcare .. agriculture .. and infrastructure at home .. America is a country that should NOT have any poblems at home .. but all the priorities are screwed up ..

Once an elected official gets into office .. he/she becomes untouchable for some reason no matter how bad they do ... they should all be made to sign a contract with 'the people' .. if they ever do what Bush and Obama are doing .. they have to step down immediately .. or be tried for treason against their own country ...
Until they are not help accountable .. they will ALL continue to plunder .. steal .. and advance their own political agenda for votes ...

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:18 PM
That's only a day and a half of the spending of the Iraq war. Not a drop in the bucket yet... We've spent 1,500 times that already.

Notice how there's always money for war, but when the public wants peaceful things done they always say "sorry, budget concerns."

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by 30_seconds

Things will not change until people give up potato chips and tv. Real change comes from sacrifice. Most people don't want give up anything. It is the way that people are.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:26 PM
Ok, I'm not going to talk to the guy on top. I'm talking to the guy that cuts the grass at the white house nad Parlement Hill. The men and women who take care of the estates of those who are on top. Take a good long hard look inside yourself. I know you have to put food on your tables and need a roofs over your heads but the well being of the US and Canada rests on us, the true keepers of our beatifull countries. WE make our countries run. WE are the ones that make the cars they drive in. WE make the dishwashers they clean their dishes in. WE are the ones that deliver the gas at gas stations and if we wanted...IMAGINE, if we REALY wanted to change the way our government works, the way they think of us. The benefits that would ensue. We have to fight fire with fire. Let's stop our countries from providing for our corupt leaders. Show them that they were put there by the people for the people NOT the other way around. Look at what is happening...WE are letting the corporations run the country; yes WE are letting them. WE run those corporations. People like you and me. Can't you see. WE ARE THE ONES WITH THE POWER. We are everywere, but they would have us think that we are powerless. Read my signature It paraphrases this "None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free. -Goethe With out us they are nothing

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by XLR8R

The corporations got major backing from the supreme court not long ago. The whole system has to change.
You need to have some idea to fix things. Voting will not work. Laws must bind high and low or they are not laws at all. Do you have a solution? Let me know.

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