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President Obama Planned New Middle-East War!! In 2009!!

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posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by ThePeopleParty
Sorry not sure how to embed so il just give another link down here to the video.
edit on 29-3-2011 by ThePeopleParty because: (no reason given)

You need to type
replacing the [] with [ and ]. The code is the code after v= on the YouTube url.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
reply to post by Annee

I agree with you. Obama did not plan this, anymore than Bush planned Afghanistan and Iraq. The OP does make a case for the "intervention" having been planned at least two years ago, though.

Fair enough.

But it is so much bigger then that.

In this context I agree with both of you .What the OP achieves here is a clear exposure of the lead up in step by step stages and makes a very good case .Very observent OP,well done .OP I also note your hint at the esoteric cult aspect ,pointing at the opperation name Odyssey Dawn .I would like to say that I don't believe it to be about a goddess .
The opperation takes it's name from Homer's epic Odysseus ,take a look at these summeraries and overlays to get a perspective .It show's the plan layout and exposes future events and planning in a strange series of syncronicities .

Firstly in Odysseus's journey his 3rd stop is in Libya = Libya 3rd war front in the Middle East .
Secondly Libya is the wife of the God Poseidon , they share a child together called Atlas .Atlas refering to the whole Globe .
So You have a 3rd war and global altogether in one title .I truely believe this is the intention .New friends and enemies are being formed as Libya is splitting the world view and tensions are building .I see many nations turning on each other .

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by ararisq

Great find ararisq !!

More and more evidence shows us this particular Prez obeys the same Masters as the one before him!

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:51 PM
I too believe this has been planned long ago. Obama and Harper have just been cooperating with their masters.

Libya had its own nationally-owned central bank. And now it's been taken over by the rebels.
How quick was that?
Rebels seized the Libyan central bank

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by 13th Zodiac
In this context I agree with both of you .What the OP achieves here is a clear exposure of the lead up in step by step stages and makes a very good case .

I have a question for you. Which might even be a separate thread.

Obviously any president is groomed for the position - - years prior to running. (except maybe Bush-Lite. It was his brother Neil who was supposed to be president - - but then he had all that scandal with the Savings and Loan - - and a nasty divorce).

How much do you think Obama knew before he was elected - - prior to his briefing? He looked like he aged a 100 years coming out of that first briefing.

I personally think he is a good guy - - but he is now "owned" and must be the puppet - - whether he agrees or not. And this stands for any person elected president - - no matter what party they represent.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by 13th Zodiac
In this context I agree with both of you .What the OP achieves here is a clear exposure of the lead up in step by step stages and makes a very good case .

I have a question for you. Which might even be a separate thread.

Obviously any president is groomed for the position - - years prior to running. (except maybe Bush-Lite. It was his brother Neil who was supposed to be president - - but then he had all that scandal with the Savings and Loan - - and a nasty divorce).

How much do you think Obama knew before he was elected - - prior to his briefing? He looked like he aged a 100 years coming out of that first briefing.

I personally think he is a good guy - - but he is now "owned" and must be the puppet - - whether he agrees or not. And this stands for any person elected president - - no matter what party they represent.

Hi Annee ,on the rare occassions that we cross paths I enjoy our little talks and that's why I put you on my friend list the first time round .I can't contribute too much to your question. Personally I feel Obama has been groomed most of his life .He has had some strange bedfellows through life .Without going down the Birther conspiracy line .
There are some huge blanks in his life story .I don't even believe in his mariage or family personally.I am implying renta family here , for my own reasons .Your comment about Obama made me smile as I shared some space with him at the G20 in Copenhagen .If you thought he looked like a hundred after his Presidential briefing ,then he looked a million after Copenhagen .I am not lying when I say he did not have a single black hair left on his head and I do mean not one .I came away not much better myself, took me about five months to feel like myself again . Their were some horrible vibes around this event .
To answer your question I believe he has be groomed for the better part of his life , in the begining education , secondly groomed , thirdly informed on a need to know basis.I sense now He has now come to relish the roll and is now more involved. Not in the discision making ,but the implimentation . Because lets say for want of a better word he has become overly compliant .Being compliant and trusted in the inner circle the information of the agenda's are quite freely flowing for him.I find him to be like a immature child seeking praise or a dog seeking a tummy rub from it's master .There are some serious maturity issues with this man .He seems lacking in life's experiences and social interactive graces.I find him lacking in emotion and compassion .Just odd .

I would like to dispell the myths of the Rothchilds, builderbergers and the like being the hidden hands of the World and say this .They are nothing but priviledged, the true hand that feeds is the host of the forementioned G20 .That nations former Priminister is at this very moment the head of NATO ,the timing of this is not by chance ! Workout the connection of this Nation and the red and white stripes of the American flag and you've got it !

Please excuse any typo's, no time to proof .Take care Annee .

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by 13th Zodiac
To answer your question I believe he has be groomed for the better part of his life , in the begining education , secondly groomed , thirdly informed on a need to know basis.

I agree, I think there is no doubt that he's a groomed candidate. The media coverage during the election highlighted this to the extreme. He never faced any tough questioning; quite the opposite with all of the Messiah talk. He promoted through school and then look at his elections before President, he never faced any challengers - they were all "removed" paving the way for his ascension.

If it weren't real it would be laughable because its the plot of move The Omen. Then look at how his bobs his head left to right while reading the teleprompters. There is very little real substance behind the facade - its like they roll him out of a closet to give speeches and then roll him back in when they're done. Maybe Biden's press minder is guarding him in the closet too.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by 13th Zodiac
Hi Annee, on the rare occassions that we cross paths I enjoy our little talks and that's why I put you on my friend list the first time round. I can't contribute too much to your question. Personally I feel Obama has been groomed most of his life .He has had some strange bedfellows through life. Without going down the Birther conspiracy line.

There are some huge blanks in his life story. I don't even believe in his marriage or family personally. I am implying renta family here , for my own reasons .

Thank you.

Power/Political marriages have been around since the beginning of time. I have no problem accepting renta family.

The rest of your assessment is quite acceptable and plausible. I have no issue with it.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:39 PM
Here is more evidence. The title of the speech in Cairo (not sure why it needed a title) was: New Beginning. From the London Daily Telegraph, Cameron today called for a 'New Beginning' for Libya at London summit.

"Today I believe should be about a new beginning for Libya - a future in which the people of Libya can determine their own destiny, free from violence and oppression."

The interesting thing is all of the articles I'm finding - the authors at least see the similarities because they aren't just putting the above in quotes they are highlighting the use of the words "New Beginning". They know where it comes from - back in June of 2009 (or earlier).

Additional Source
edit on 3/29/2011 by ararisq because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Annee

Thankyou Annee , also note that this Nation is the only one that he has visited twice in an official capacity and within the same year.The reason for the first visit , is most unusual .Since when does the leader of the Free World go to a tiny nation to grovel for Olympic games ? Never in history, just doesn't smell right .

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by 13th Zodiac
reply to post by Annee

Thankyou Annee , also note that this Nation is the only one that he has visited twice in an official capacity and within the same year.The reason for the first visit , is most unusual .Since when does the leader of the Free World go to a tiny nation to grovel for Olympic games ? Never in history, just doesn't smell right .

Well honestly - - nothing smells right these days. But - - nothing smelled right under Bush either.

Nothing is as it seems. IMO
edit on 29-3-2011 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by 13th Zodiac
reply to post by Annee

Thankyou Annee , also note that this Nation is the only one that he has visited twice in an official capacity and within the same year.The reason for the first visit , is most unusual .Since when does the leader of the Free World go to a tiny nation to grovel for Olympic games ? Never in history, just doesn't smell right .

Well honestly - - nothing smells right these days. But - - nothing smelled right under Bush either.

Nothing is as it seems. IMO
edit on 29-3-2011 by Annee because: (no reason given)

Actually speaking of Bush , this Nation hosted a birthday party for him at the Palace .Special trip .This is like the leader of the Free World accepting a birthday invitation from New Zealand ! (No offence kiwi's I'm speaking of the politic stage ) .And speaking of New Zealand , just guess where the Old Zealand is ? Yes you guessed it .The connections just don't stop .Have you worked out the red and white stripes Annee ? It's even hidden in car badges for crying out loud and no nothing smelled right under Bush either .Just two wings of the same bird .Smell's like sulphur !
edit on 30-3-2011 by 13th Zodiac because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by ararisq

Thanks, Its a little different to the way iv done it on another site.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 04:45 AM
Meet the new boss same as the old boss.People are utterly blind to the fact that we have not had a real President since JFK! we have had a series of sock puppets or perhaps it's denial."The Obama Doctrine." Brought to you all by the PANC,

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 09:07 AM
I couldn't sleep last night because of this - not because of Libya itself but because these connections are so out in the open for everyone to see - that Obama which was a near opposite vision of Bush is continuing to conduct the War on Terrorism - is in effect, continuing the crusades and no reporter calls him on it? The connections with Odyssey Dawn, "New Beginning", and March 19th and no one dares bring it up? It makes me physically ill.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 12:22 PM
In the 2009 speech Obama said to (to the Nobel committee) that to not go to war to protect civilians in the midst of civil war would "tear at the conscience".

Yesterday, March 29th, Obama said he had to take military action in Libya to avert a massacre of civilians that would have “stained the conscience of the world.”

Its out in the open people. This war has been planned and the foundation for the justification of it (the Obama Doctrine) laid years prior.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 12:31 PM
Further evidence - is that while he was giving his speech in Cairo in 2009 and six months later when he gave his speech to the Nobel committee - Iran was involved in the [url=]Iranian Election Protests - the Green Wave.

Did Obama intervene, at all? Remember, Obama being criticized for not even speaking out for the protests? When asked Obama said that while he is "deeply troubled" by the violence in Iran, the United States "respect[s] Iranian sovereignty" and believes Iranians should be left to determine their own leadership.

The president added that people are "rightfully troubled" by images of violence against peaceful protesters and that "it would be wrong to stay silent" about the protests.

To the people in Iran upset by the election results, Mr. Obama said "the world is watching and inspired by the participation."

The president said the situation did not change his intention to negotiate without precondition with the Iranian leader.

The two faces of Obama - while planning to justify wars based upon internal violence within nations he idly sits back and watches internal violence at the hands of the Iranians.

I believe that those behind Obama have in control of Iran whom they want - a religious fanatic. In Libya, Egypt, and other middle-east nations they have had a status quo for 40 years or more without any evidence of intent to attack Israel. The purpose therefore behind the Obama Doctrine is to replace the old guard with new blood - new fanatical blood which will engage in a war with Israel.

I think these countries are the Roman dogs sent in to battle first - they don't want the new Roman Empire to engage Israel directly for fear of the result - they want their dogs to do it for them and test the waters.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Annee
WOW! Talk about reaching to bash Obama.

If you want to know who planned the Iraq war - - - go here: PNAC

Nice! This site is EXACTLY what I was thinking about when reading the OP. Thanks for mentioning it.
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