First of all I want to give a these brave workers in the Japan nuclear power plant a label of HERO'S.
Think about this people, these people are risking their lives, knowing they will probably die from radiation exposure, yet still work trying to keep
this contained!! Unreal, you never really meet too many Hero's in your life, but we are seeing them act every day in Japan.
Thanks everyone in Japan for being the real hero's. If anyone would like to add anything containing the heroic acts of the workers in Japan, please
do so. I would like for people to be able to recognize what these people have done so far.
Star and Flag if you are interested in following this thread.
This is a very interesting read about some of the feats these people are enduring now.
The first site is about the workers using wet wipes to bathe and more.
Another story different from the first. About Japan employees trying to keep radioactive water from the ocean.
edit on 3/29/2011 by Chrisfishenstein because:
another web site adding
edit on 3/29/2011 by Chrisfishenstein because: (no reason given)
Read the last 2 paragraphs in this article.....Unreal!!! This is copied and pasted for anyone not wanting to go to the website.
Huddling at the plant's 'quake-resistant' tower, resting workers lie on lead matting to prevent exposure to radiation which can rise up to 10
micro-sieverts an hour in that part of the complex.
'Workers sleep in conference rooms, hallways or near bathrooms. Each person is given one blanket, everyone sleeps on the floor in rows,' said Kazuma
Yokota, a nuclear safety agency inspector stationed at the plant. 'We want to avoid staying too long as much as we can, because we are exposed to
radiation every day. I've been exposed to 883 micro-sieverts in the past five days,' the exhausted-looking 39-year-old confided to broadcaster NHK. --
This website is an amazing read, just to get a glimpse of what they are dealing with.
Worries over husband, home at Japan evacuation center
Family of nuclear plant worker doesn't know if they'll ever go home
Can you imagine this being a headline?? "Do not know if they'll ever go home", but still working to help people....
There is also a video on this website.
Keep checking back to here, as I find more sources I will be adding them to the list for everyone.
edit on 3/29/2011 by Chrisfishenstein
because: (no reason given)
edit on 3/29/2011 by Chrisfishenstein because: (no reason given)
edit on 3/29/2011 by
Chrisfishenstein because: (no reason given)
edit on 3/29/2011 by Chrisfishenstein because: (no reason given)