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Michigan is screwed!

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posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by desert

(Maybe there was a conspiracy to get rid of the middle class starting 30 years ago?

More like a hundred years ago. It was called the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the income tax Amendment.

If you are interested, I do a series of post on "Traitors in the White House" in the thread Unions and the Truth by OLD HIPPY DUDE.

The situation is a heck of a lot more serious that most people understand and it was all carefully orchestrated.

History, HACCP and the Food Safety Con Job by Nicole Johnson, carefully documents a sixty-five year old plan to drive independent farmers off their land and into corporate factories.

...In its 1945 report "Agriculture in an Expanding Economy," CED complained that "the excess of human resources engaged in agriculture is probably the most important single factor in the "farm problem'" and describes how agricultural production can be better organized to fit to business needs.[2] A report published in 1962 entitled "An Adaptive Program for Agriculture"[3] is even more blunt in its objectives, leading Time Magazine to remark that CED had a plan for fixing the identified problem: "The essential fact to be faced, argues CED, is that with present high levels farm productivity, more labor is involved in agriculture production that the market demands -- in short, there are too may farmers. To solve that problem, CED offers a program with three main prongs."

Some of the report's authors would go on to work in government to implement CED's policy recommendations. Over the next five years, the political and economic establishment ensured the reduction of "excess human resources engaged in agriculture" by two million, or by 1/3 of their previous number....

CED members were influential in business, government, and agricultural colleges, and their outlook shaped both governmental policies and what farmers were taught. Farmers found themselves encouraged to give up on a farming system that employed minimal outsourced inputs and capital and get "efficient" by adopting instead a system that required they go into debt in order to purchase ever more costly inputs, like fossil-fuel based fertilizers, chemicals, seeds, feed grain, and machinery....

The human cost of CED's plans were exacting and enormous.

CED's plans resulted in widespread social upheaval throughout rural America, ripping apart the fabric of its society destroying its local economies. They also resulted in a massive migration to larger cities. The loss of a farm also means the loss of identity, and many farmers' lives ended in suicide....

The CED is the Committee for Economic Development (formed in 1942) is the sister organization to the Council on Foreign Relations. It is composed of chief executive officers and chairmen from the federal reserve, the banking industry, private equity firms, insurance companies, and other corporations and assisted by university economists. Note the economists come from university departments endowed by the big banking families, J.P Morgan, Rockefeller and also Carnegie.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:46 PM
One day in the future historians will wonder why Americans voted these mad dog Republicans, lackeys of the rich, in office.



Please don’t give me that crap about “ left\ right paradigm" nonsense,
It’s about issues!

The fact is that Democrats support issues that help the middle class and the poor, to an extent, and Republicans NEVER support issues that help the middle class and the poor.

Thy vote against controlling the excesses of Wall Street
They vote against having rules against outsourcing
They vote always to keep tax cuts for the rich
They vote against universal health care
They vote to keep subsidies for corporations
They vote always to increase the defense budget
Etc. etc and etc

And now all over the country these crazy Republican Governors are directly trying to destroy the midde class; the lower middle class and of course the poor

BTW I posted what this crazy Governor is doing a month ago

Wake up, sure Democrats aren’t angels or perfect by no stretch of the imagination, but I assure you that Republicans exist to destroy you. I am very serious about this. Vote them out or you will be sorry. It may be too late though.
If you want to talk about the NWO and conspiracy . . . well . . .for those types. . . . the left/right paradigm denouncers


Nothing subtle, or nuanced, they exist today . . . TO DESTROY YOU!
If you don’t wake up and fight them then you will be destroyed

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:06 PM
Michigan would make a nice state park. Lots of water and land, keep losing the jobs out if here and you'll have yourselves a wilderness. PTB playground.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by dawnstar

Who are your rich for the second time? As I said we can tax EvERYONE 100% and still not pay off what the government is spending. EVERYONE!!!! THE GOVERNMENT HAS TO STOP SPENDING MONEY. Programs have to be cut which ones would you recommend? Instead of crying about government handouts, start trying to find pork that your representatives voted to spend your money on that need to be cut. If you don't like the ones that they are cutting call with another recommendation. It is no longer about raising taxes. It simply cannot be done anymore. There are no more jobs. No more businesses. We have allowed them all to move out of the country. With no jobs and no business there is no one to taqx!

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:38 PM
Gee, I thought Saul Alinsky was a left wing communist sympathizer. Better get your radicals lined up on the right side, if your going to make an argument. Oh wait, that's right forget the facts let's just go by what we feel.

The republicans are in office now, the democrats were in office before. It really doesn't matter. We have to fix the problem not pass around blame. We can blame someone after the wreck. Politicians will always vote to keep themselves in office. That means passing out more money. We have run out of money. It is our fault for allowing this to happen. We voted them into office and then demanded that they give us more stuff. We are paying out the nose for this stuff [ benefits ] and it now has to stop. The failure of democracy comes when the people realize that they can vote themselves the money. We have reached that point.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by reluctantpawn

it's not about taxing, or spending, it's about redesigning the way things are done!!!

we don't need jobs, we need jobs that will cover our bills!!! so, well, if the gov't is gonna hand out money as an incentive for these companies to create jobs...well, a string should be attached requiring something akin to a living wage. My son got a letter from him employer awhile back. Now, keep in mind, his full time job has turned more into a part time one, while they rotate the people one week on person works, the next another works....
well, they want him to fill out a paper, so that they can get a tax credit for the fact that they've employed him???
They want him to certify that he was unemployed or did not work for anyone for more than 40 hours total the two months before the company employed him.....
only with the job, he's lucky if he is getting 60 hours in a month's time!!!

and, well, ya, the non-working poor need to go find themselves a job, but well, a near minimum wage job is really gonna cost the gov't more money than if that person didn't find one, there should be some requirements put into place as far as how much that job should be paying.

Our gov't has cranked up the printing presses to high speed in their attempt to bail out the banks and protect the rich person's ass.....etts! They are using the policy of currency deflation as a method of keeping the value of those assetts from tanking! Well, I am sorry, but the poor in this country could really care less if the stock market tanked!! they are happy if they can just come up with the money to cover this month's bills. deflating the dollar like they are doing is only serving to ensure that those bills aren't covered! Wall street get's big bonuses....that will help cover the effects of the inflation, and thus it's the poor and middle class person that is left trying to stretch the dollars in an attempt to meet their basic needs!
How much of that debt would not exist if we left the gamblers to eat their loses???? I kind of think our budget problems would have been a bit easier to handle if they hadn't bailed them out! It's not the little people reaping the benefit of these bailouts, it's not the small business owners, it's the "oh,no, don't increase OUR taxes" rich.

should the handouts get cut, ya!! social security...NO!!!
Social security funds were investing in gov't bonds, so well, default on those bonds, you might as well default on all the debt since the message you will be sending is about the same! and yet, oh, ya, we all have no problem helping those who truly need the help!!! (keep welfare, medicaid, hud, food stamps, ect....chugging along!!!) but, slice the heck out of, do away with social security, ya!! those people are old, and disabled, and they are less likely to storm the streets in protest, right!!!
there ain't no foresight here at all...since well, cut granny's and mom's social security check, and well, who the heck do you think is gonna get stuck holding the tab?? oh ya, the young kids who see no reason why they money should have to go to social security!!!
do away with social security, do away with hud, do away with RS replace all these agencies that are working to help the poor.....if a family doesn't make x amount of money, the difference is distrubuted to them in a quarterly schedule. everyone is expected to work, dads and moms are expected to support their kids, and well.....EMPLOYMENT is the means that we expect them to get the money to support themselves and their kids.
Our wages on this end of the scale have been stagnant for about a decade or more!! and inflation has increased the price of everything on can't tax us more!!! and well, where's the money ended up at?? in the rich's and big corp's bank accounts, on the wall street casino's table, in off shore bank accounts nice and safe from uncle sam's taxes!!
the fact of the matter is, if you don't give the little cashiers, factory workers and the like the money they need to survive somehow, won't have the little cashiers and facotry workers around to exploit or to do your bidding.... so well, the money will come from somewhere!

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by inforeal

....Please don’t give me that crap about “ left\ right paradigm" nonsense,
It’s about issues!

The fact is that Democrats support issues that help the middle class and the poor, to an extent, and Republicans NEVER support issues that help the middle class and the poor......

And I call Bull POOP!
You are a perfect example of what you are railing against. You have swallowed the BANKSTERS lies, hook line and sinker. LOOK at What history tells us. It is not about going Rah-Rah for your team, because MOST of them are BOUGHT and PAID FOR by the Banksters!

Here is a speech from a Congressman I would vote FOR any day of the week: (I am an independent)

"Mr. Chairman, we have in this Country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter called the Fed. The Fed has cheated the Government of these United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the Nation's debt. The depredations and iniquities of the Fed has cost enough money to pay the National debt several times over.

"This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of these United States, has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the defects of the law under which it operates, through the maladministration of that law by the Fed and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.

"Some people who think that the Federal Reserve Banks United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lender. In that dark crew of financial pirates there are those who would cut a man's throat to get a dollar out of his pocket; there are those who send money into states to buy votes to control our legislatures; there are those who maintain International propaganda for the purpose of deceiving us into granting of new concessions which will permit them to cover up their past misdeeds and set again in motion their gigantic train of crime.

"These twelve private credit monopolies were deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this Country by the bankers who came here from Europe and repaid us our hospitality by undermining our American institutions. Those bankers took money out of this Country to finance Japan in a war against Russia. They created a reign of terror in Russia with our money in order to help that war along. They instigated the separate peace between Germany and Russia, and thus drove a wedge between the allies in World War. They financed Trotsky's passage from New York to Russia so that he might assist in the destruction of the Russian Empire. They fomented and instigated the Russian Revolution, and placed a large fund of American dollars at Trotsky's disposal in one of their branch banks in Sweden so that through him Russian homes might be thoroughly broken up and Russian children flung far and wide from their natural protectors. They have since begun breaking up of American homes and the dispersal of American children. "Mr. Chairman, there should be no partisanship in matters concerning banking and currency affairs in this Country, and I do not speak with any....


He is saying American Bankers were Bankrolling the Bolshevik Revolution! Yes the Banksters ARE Socialists! CAPITALISM is their direct and most hated COMPETITOR. (Capitalism is about investing REAL WEALTH not bankster funny money.)

That Congressman was shot at twice and then poisoned for challenging the bankers. He was Louis T. McFadden (July 25, 1876 – October 1, 1936) a Republican!


In 1913, Congressman Charles Lindbergh a Republican, said: "When the President signs this bill; the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized…The day of reckoning is only a few years removed." Source

On February 12, 1917, Rep Charles Lindbergh (R) brought articles of impeachment against five members of the Federal Reserve Board.

On December 13, 1932 Congress McFadden (R) brought an Impeachment motion against Herbert Hoover Source

NOTE: Hoover is the Republican president who had Major George S. Patton attack the ten thousand US WWI veterans, called the BONUS ARMY, with tear gas, tanks, and a troop of saber-wielding cavalrymen.

On January 6, 1932 Congressman Patman, a Democrat, brought an Impeachment motion against Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon Source

On May 23, 1933, Congressman McFadden, brought charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The Controller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, CONSPIRACY, FRAUD, UNLAWFUL CONVERSION, AND TREASON. Source

On March 7, 1985, Rep. Henry Gonzalez, a Democrat, introduced an Impeachment resolution. against the Federal Reserve on three separate occasions.

I am counting two republicans and two democrats FOR the USA and AGAINST the Banksters.
McFadden was killed and Lindbergh had his grandbaby kidnapped.

Gonzales was an 18-term Democratic Congressman. Rep. Wright Patman who died at the ripe old age of 82, served from 1929–1976. He supported FDR's New Deal and introduced a bill (defeated) mandating immediate payment of the bonus to World War I veterans.

Here is just one of the TRAITORS in the WHITE HOUSE
The "great and much admired" FDR... May he rot in the ninth circle of Hades!

F.D.R. - My Exploited Father-in-Law
by Curtis B. Dall
Pg. 111:
Harry Hopkins, to aid the internationalists' program, was planted in the White House by the Advisors after Louis Howe's death. Thus, Harry Hopkins became a "second Colonel House", close to FDR. Hopkins operated far more openly as an internationalist puppet, pointing to one world government via a long range strategy route, operating right from the White House....

Harry Hopkins was known as FDR's Deputy President

Dall, who was married to Franklin Roosevelt's daughter Anna, spent many nights at the White House and often guided FDR around in his wheelchair. He was also a partner at a Wall Street brokerage....

could not avoid several disheartening conclusions in his book. He portrays the legendary president not as a leader but as a "quarterback" with little actual power. The "coaching staff" consisted of a coterie of handlers ("advisers" like Louis Howe, Bernard Baruch and Harry Hopkins) who represented the international banking cartel. For Dall, FDR ultimately was a traitor manipulated by "World Money" ....

But FDR advisers Henry Morgenthau and Harry Dexter White arranged for U.S. treasury printing plates to be sent to Russia so the Communists could print their own US money. They arranged $8 billion in lend lease aid to Russia after the war was over. Col. Dall personally confronted Louis Howe over Russian agents he saw meeting Howe in the White House. FDR Advisors as Wall Street Bankers were for supporting Communism...

Harry Dexter White was a soviet agent and a senior U.S. Treasury department official. He was the man behind the Bretton Woods Conference, that gave us of the World Bank and the IMF (International Monetary Fund). (This is where a lot of US tax payer money ends up including the "Bank Bailouts")

The world Bank and IMF strong arm third world countries and are the cause of much suffering by the people and profit for the bankers and corporations. (Think "Confessions of an Economic" Hitman" by Perkins)

Structural Adjustment Program:

Letter of resignation from IMF: 'To me, resignation is a priceless liberation, for with it I have taken the first big step to that place where I may hope to wash my hands of what in my mind's eye is the blood of millions of poor and starving peoples. Mr. Camdessus, the blood is so much, you know, it runs in rivers.'

FDR was the President responsible for the confiscation of US citizen gold which he gave to the bankers. Excerpts from Congressman McFadden's Speeches:

..."Some people who think that the Federal Reserve Banks United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers;...

"These twelve private credit monopolies were deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this Country by the bankers who came here from Europe and repaid us our hospitality by undermining our American institutions. Those bankers took money out of this Country to finance Japan in a war against Russia. They created a reign of terror in Russia with our money in order to help that war along. They instigated the separate peace between Germany and Russia, and thus drove a wedge between the allies in World War. They financed Trotsky's passage from New York to Russia so that he might assist in the destruction of the Russian Empire. They fomented and instigated the Russian Revolution, and placed a large fund of American dollars at Trotsky's disposal in one of their branch banks in Sweden so that through him Russian homes might be thoroughly broken up and Russian children flung far and wide from their natural protectors. They have since begun breaking up of American homes and the dispersal of American children. "Mr. Chairman, there should be no partisanship in matters concerning banking and currency affairs in this Country, and I do not speak with any....

"By his unlawful usurpation of power on the night of March 5, 1933, and by his proclamation, which in my opinion was in violation of the Constitution of the United States, Roosevelt divorced the currency of the United States from gold, and the United States currency is no longer protected by gold. It is therefore sheer dishonesty to say that the people's gold is needed to protect the currency.

"Roosevelt ordered the people to give their gold to private interests- that is, to banks, and he took control of the banks so that all the gold and gold values in them, or given into them, might be handed over to the predatory International Bankers who own and control the Fed.

"Roosevelt cast his lot with the usurers. "He agreed to save the corrupt and dishonest at the expense of the people of the United States.

"He took advantage of the people's confusion and weariness and spread the dragnet over the United States to capture everything of value that was left in it. He made a great haul for the International Bankers.

"The Prime Minister of England came here for money! He came here to collect cash!

"He came here with Fed Currency and other claims against the Fed which England had bought up in all parts of the world. And he has presented them for redemption in gold....

The Elite are not about to lose money as this shows:

In 1976 A typical American CEO earned 36 times as much as the average worker. By 2008 the average CEO pay increased to 369 times that of the average worker.

So what has happened to all the gold the citizen's gave to the US government???

The Great American Disaster: How Much Gold Remains In Fort Knox?

....The US dollar of August, 1971 is as of 2009 worth just over 18 cents, according to the Inflation Calculator. Thus, in purchasing power, the dollar has lost over 80% in the past 39 years.

The peak amount of gold held in Fort Knox reached 701 million ounces of gold... This amount equaled 69.9% of all the gold in the world...

The shocking admission Ft Knox holds very little good delivery gold was made to Mr. Durell by the chief official of the General Accounting Office (GAO). This happened a few months after the September 1974 tour.

In case you think I support the Republicans, I tear apart Pres. Reagan HERE

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by korath
Michigan would make a nice state park. Lots of water and land, keep losing the jobs out if here and you'll have yourselves a wilderness. PTB playground.

Detroit is a big oozing sore on the land, but the rest of the lower peninsula is nice. Farming to the south and forests to the north. The upper peninsula is a wilderness already. They are going to have a problem though if they want to make me leave Michigan.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by reluctantpawn

.....Instead of crying about government handouts, start trying to find pork that your representatives voted to spend your money on that need to be cut. If you don't like the ones that they are cutting call with another recommendation. It is no longer about raising taxes. It simply cannot be done anymore. There are no more jobs. No more businesses. We have allowed them all to move out of the country. With no jobs and no business there is no one to tax!

Oh good someone who is actually thinking.

The Banksters have hidden behind "Social Welfare Programs" as a means of transferring more of America's wealth into their own pockets.

As their plans to SMASH the USA further ripen they will turn against "the poor" they bought and paid for with tax payer money.

When the bankruptcy of the USA is complete this is what is in store for us, It is why I laugh every time Obamacare is brought up, we will likely never really see it.:

A government defaulting on its loans gets "new loans" with lots of strings attached.

.....Structural Adjustment Policies are economic policies which countries must follow in order to qualify for new World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) loans...

SAPs are designed for individual countries but have common guiding principles and features...

SAPs generally require countries to devalue their currencies....

lift import and export restrictions;

balance their budgets and not overspend;

remove price controls and state subsidies

Devaluation makes their goods cheaper for foreigners to buy and theoretically makes foreign imports more expensive....

Balancing national budgets can be done by raising taxes, which the IMF frowns upon, or by cutting government spending, which it definitely recommends. As a result, SAPs often result in deep cuts in programmes like education, health and social care, and the removal of subsidies designed to control the price of basics such as food and milk. So SAPs hurt the poor most, because they depend heavily on these services and subsidies.

the immediate effect of a SAP is generally to hike prices up three or four times, increasing poverty to such an extent that riots are a frequent result.

This is the mechanism the Banksters use for transferring TAXPAYER WEALTH into their pockets in exchange for thin air via the numerous and costly "welfare programs" so beloved by those who congress critters intent on buying votes.

...I call it the "Mandrake Mechanism" named after that comic-book character of the 40s, Mandrake the Magician, who could create something out of nothing and then wave his cape and it was back into the void again. That's a pretty descriptive phrase for the way the Federal Reserve System does it.

Here's how it works. It starts with the government side of the partnership, it starts in Congress which is spending money like crazy. It spends far more money than it takes in. It is spending way beyond its income. How can it do that? Basically this is what happens. Let's say Congress needs an extra billion dollars today so it goes to the treasury and says "we want a billion dollars" and the treasury official says "you guys have got to be kidding, we don't have any money here, you spent it all a long time ago, everything that we've taken in taxes you fellows have spent by March."

....they print certificates and they're very fancy things with borders on the edge with an eagle across the top and a seal at the bottom and it says "US Government Bond"....People don't realize that they're putting themselves on the line, they're going to get their own money back minus a substantial handling fee....

Plenty of money is loaned to the government but never enough. Congress needs more money than that. They say not to worry. They go further down the street to the Federal Reserve building. The Fed has been waiting for them, that's one of the reasons it was created.... he's ready and he pulls out his checkbook and he writes a check to the US Treasury for one billion dollars or whatever the amount is that they need. He signs the check and gives it to the treasury official.

We need to stop here for a minute and ask a question. Where did they get a billion dollars to give to the treasury? who put that money into the account at the Federal Reserve System? The amazing answer is there is no money in the account at the Federal Reserve System. In fact, technically, there isn't even an account, there is only a checkbook. That's all. That billion dollars springs into being at precisely the instant the officer signs that check and that is called "monetizing the debt," that's the phrase they throw at you.

That means they just wrote a check, a big rubber check.

Today that big rubber check is worth about
The debt today is $ 14,218,146,039,821.66 or about $45,821.42 per citizen. click

The slice of the pied owed to the FED is about 40% or $5,687,258,415,928.66 or $18,328.57 per citizen. ALL of our tax money goes to pay the INTEREST on this debt. About 1/2 goes into the pockets of the Banksters EVERY YEAR!

A super good analysis of the US debt using inflation adjusted numbers is HERE I wish I could embed some of those charts (hint hint

The US Debt Clock with lots of information can be seen here:

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by dawnstar

...I kind of think our budget problems would have been a bit easier to handle if they hadn't bailed them out! It's not the little people reaping the benefit of these bailouts, it's not the small business owners,....

AHHH someone else who sees passed the media hype.

Info on the Bailout and the rest of the Economic Mess.

As I said before I Cover Pres. Reagan's contribution to the mess HERE Reagan's Administration was the Era of the Hostile Takeover aka Leverage buyouts that wiped out many American corporations and gave us todays Monopolistic Cartels.

We Start with the BRIBE:

Bill Clinton's Campaign Contributions:

Justice Department Investigation

• Overview: In late 1996, a Justice Department task force started investigating allegations of campaign fund-raising abuses by the Clinton reelection campaign. Critics accused Attorney General Janet Reno of botching the investigation and demanded that she appoint an independent counsel.....

Huang to Offer Guilty Plea
May 26, 1999
The Justice Department announced that John Huang has agreed to plead guilty to a single felony charge as part of an agreement that legal sources said promises that he will not be prosecuted in connection with his fund-raising for President Clinton.

Trie to Plead Guilty
May 22, 1999
Controversial fund-raiser Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie entered into a plea agreement with the Justice Department, winning leniency in exchange for telling all in an investigation of improper campaign contributions originating in China.

Not Chinese Agent, Chung Says
May 12, 1999
Former Democratic fund-raiser Johnny Chung told a congressional committee that he received $300,000 from a Chinese general interested in influencing the 1996 presidential election. But he insisted that he "never acted as an agent for the Chinese government."

You can read the rest HERE:

Clinton was the President who Ratified the North American Free Trade Agreement and the World Trade Organization Treaties and then got China admitted to the WTO. This set up the mass exodus of our jobs.

Gene Sperling (Clinton's head of the National Economic Council) and William Daley (Clinton's Sec of Commerce) worked on China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, an event which caused millions of manufacturing jobs in U.S. to be permanently lost. Currently General Electric CEO Jeffery Immelt has been tapped to lead a newly created Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. Obama is appointing this team of three TRAITORS to spearhead his economic policies. LINK

Next is the Banking fiasco. Clinton signed into law many of the "new improved" Banking Laws that lead to the Economic meltdown:

Consolidation of Mega Banks, AIG Bailout and Foreclosuregate: Quick list of Banking laws

After the Great Depression, several laws were put in place to prevent another depression. The 1933 and 1934 Security and Exchange laws, The McFadden Act of 1927, The Glass-Steagall Act or Banking Act of 1933. Also Bank Holding Company Act of 1956.

Clinton's laws Negating above: Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994 and Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999

More pro-banking Clinton laws:
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991: Allowed big banks to gobble up smaller banks more easily.

Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 and RTC Completion Act - Housing and business loans to minorities.

Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 - left CDSs unregulated and set up AIG bailout and Foreclosuregate.[/url] A Great article detailing the set up of the AIG bailout and Foreclosuregate.

BUSH- the AIG bailout and DOUBLING the money supply. (AIG, was 80% nationalized by the U.S. government)

Obama - Continue Bankrupting the American people.

Obama-Dodd financial bill would further enrich Goldman Sachs The "bill would reward the firm with potentially billions of dollars by instituting a so-called “resolution authority” that would, in practice, be a permanent bailout fund."

Obama loan modification program actually forces foreclosures:

Even though many homeowners are put into trial Making Home Affordable Programs, thousands of homeowners complain that a few months after making reduced monthly mortgage payments their banks avoid permanent loan modifications. By now, it's no secret that home loan servicers are making money on foreclosures rather than approving home loan modifications.

Although the article admits "Homeowners are tired of sending the same paperwork again and again and getting the runaround from their banks.." It neglects to say that after many months of drag the process out, the banks then hand the cash strapped homeowner a colossal bill for back payments, penalties, added interest AND LAWYERS FEES! You are given one month to make the payment or the bank forecloses. IF by some miracle you manage to scrap up the payment you get ANOTHER run around with the bank refusing to name the exact amount need to avoid foreclosure.

It took SIX MONTHS for my lawyer to pin the S.O.B.s down! Here is the reason why

“To ensure that the mortgage servicer pushes default instead of workout, the servicer is paid double (50 basis points versus 25 basis points) by the MBS to service a loan in default. Why do you think your servicer tells you that you must be in default before it will consider a mortgage modification, a practice known as invited default?

“Simply put,” says Parker, “the government bailout of AIG has actually encouraged foreclosures because the taxpayers continue to fill AIG’s coffers with enough cash to pay out insurance on defaulted home loans.”

...CDS premium revenue is not restricted to those who might have actual losses or real assets to protect. You can bet as much as you want and create as many CDS as you want....

50% of the US labor force work for small business. Obamacare makes a change in the tax law governing 1099's that is going to be a NIGHTMARE for ALL businesses and force many small businesses to close their doors. Worse it will greatly impede the start of new small businesses.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:35 AM
Thanks for all the (passionate) replies. God, how I love ATS!

I'm in a hurry right now, but will try to reply to more of you folks when I get back from work.

In the meantime, here is a follow-up courtesy of dealing directly with my original post...

In this clip, Rachel Maddow naturally uses left-right political labeling to explain the situation. Beyond this, however, the situation in Michigan is truly as alarming as she states. The cronyism is on full display as Governor Rick Snyder will raise taxes on the backs of seniors and the poor by eliminating tax breaks, as well as income tax deductions for such things as donations to public universities. The $1.7 billion that is projected to be saved will immediately be given over to corporations as a $1.8 billion tax break, resulting in a less-than-zero benefit to the state of Michigan.

Now, please check out this other posting on ATS:

More from

Even worse, in the case of "financial emergency" (which Snyder himself can create by cutting funding to cities and towns) the Governor becomes a de facto dictator of the state with the power to unilaterally choose his own local governments by employing financial overseers to determine fiscal health, then offer the remedy. It would be a perfect microcosm of Problem-Reaction-Solution except for the fact that there will be no need for even a reaction; it's just straight from problem to solution with the Governor of Michigan as the creator of both -- the essence of a dictatorial policy.

Be you left/right, liberal/conservative or just plain Democrat/Republican this is so not cool!


posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by jjkenobi

I live well below the poverty level and always pay my taxes. I do not get refunds because I am a 1099 employee. And I am not on public assistance. Not every one who is poor is sucking the system dry. Not everyone who is rich is a tax cheat. But there are SOME poor folks who do play the system just like there are SOME rich folks who do the same.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by inforeal

Beware of Democrats and Republicans!! They are all PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS. Millionaires and lawyers looking out for themselves and their kin while screwing the average American. Americans can never be free until they rid themselves of CRIMINAL GANGSTERS who have to band together in bands called parties which are no better than MS13, The Latin Kings, or any other number of illegal criminal enterprises that prey on the weak and unwary.

[color=#FFFFFF]Americans need to elect CITIZEN STATESMEN who are not beholding to criminal gangsters who give them backing and financing.

CITIZEN STATESMEN who are not PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS and who love America more than they love power and money.

[color=#3366FF]CITIZEN STATESMEN who will represent us instead of Lobbyists for corporations who ply them with under the table cash and benefits.

CITIZEN STATESMEN who will represent us instead of RULING OVER US.

Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin. It is a dirty, soiled currency backed by graft and greed that will no longer purchase honest representation for the American voter and taxpayer.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by Hessling

It just never ends, does it?

Good catch.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Thank you for a quick concise breakdown of the fall of America. Sometimes I feel as if I am beating my head against the wall. The citizens of the Us just cannot comprehend the situation we are in, and the boat is sinking fast. Ther is nothing the average citizen can do now but be prepared.

No one wants to see the underpriveledged suffer, but historically they are the first to go. We will not be an exception. The US has been at the pinnacle of financial wealth for a very long time, it will be a hard fall. Millions may well starve in the new economy. Jobs will disappear even more so than now. Riots will run in the streets and the cities may well fall under martial law.

This is not some desperate plea of a doom and gloom prophet. It is the realization of historical fact. The US economy is about to fall. It will hit most like the tsunami hit Japan. Our lifestyle will just disappear, along with any wealth that might have been saved. If you are not out of debt now it may be too late. Hyperinflation is around the corner and running full bore. Regular inflation has been hidden by the housing crisis. The government is trying to hide it from the people as long as they can while all the time preparing to abandon ship.

We may well be relegated to third world status within the next ten years. Our citizens just have no idea the repurcussions that await. May God have mercy on us.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 12:56 PM
"Compassionate" Conservatism?

I'm sorry, I'm neither Democrat nor Republican but this Governor Snyder is truly making me sick.

Yet another blow by his majesty aimed at hard-working Americans...

Now he's threatening Michigan Teachers with revoking their licenses if they strike. Man, this is getting really, really bad. We are peasants, and they are our lords and they are going to make damn sure we know it!

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