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People from the US, I have a question about Ron Paul.

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posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by RicoMarston
reply to post by j-man

Mainstream America seems to either not know him or not take him seriously. He speaks to a small and growing group of TRUE Americans who realize that our nation has been heading down the wrong path for some time now.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by whatukno

When we do have somebody like that that may run that is just a normal person everybody rides her every time she makes a mistake because she don't know everything about everything and is not politically savy.

I wonder who I am talking about??

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by j-man

Here you go.

Here's some more information for you.

You do realize that is over the last 22 years... so what he was funded 4,000$ a year from the U.S army... doesn't sound like too much of a contribution to me

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by CoincidenceX

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by j-man

Here you go.

Here's some more information for you.

You do realize that is over the last 22 years... so what he was funded 4,000$ a year from the U.S army... doesn't sound like too much of a contribution to me

Also realize that there is an 'Individual' column and a PAC(Committee formed by a special-interest group to raise money for their favorite political candidates) column and that the top 5 'contributors' to his campaign were all funded by individuals with in the company and not the company itself.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by mayabong
reply to post by whatukno

How can you say he was giving lip service to the masses when the things he's been saying for the last couple decades have been very unpopular with the masses? But he still said em.

this is the truest statement i have heard regarding politics in some time.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:22 PM
On these charts WhatUKno has linked what I find interesting is the percentage of donations that is coming from individuals and NOT the PACs... If you include the post office and dept of defense, fully 36% of his contributions came from INDIVIDUALS that work for the government.

The other thing I notice is that while his FIRE contributors are his largest percentage, the biggest portion of that is the Credit Union National Association.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by RicoMarston
I reject your assertion that only the small group of Ron Paul followers are true Americans.Please explain to me then why I spent four years of my life serving America and the Constitution for which we stand if I am not a TRUE AMERICAN. The very essence of being an American is that we may respectfully disagree and may air those differences in a public forum and then deside which path is best via a "FREE AND OPEN ELECTION". One word in the last sentence that shouldn't be overlooked is "RESPECTFULLY" For you to disrect all those who may not agree with your narrow point of view is mean spirited and is an attempt to twart apposing views by intimidation. The very essence of "Democracy" requires open debate and that is the essence of what America is all about. Think about that my friend and next time you come to the forum to express your views try some respect.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:09 PM
He is clearly not funded by the corps and PAC's that run Washington. WhatU don't know could fill many books. The OP and everyone else for that matter, should read his books. Then, you will know who he is and what he stands for. He's one of the few good guys and virtually nobody knows who he is or what he stands for. Americans in general are morons who watch way too much TV and have no ambition to lead their fellow man or make changes to the status quo. That's all gonna change in the years to come though.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:11 PM
As a Republican, I have twice now placed my primary vote for Ron Paul.

Agreeing with him in 88 I was amazed to find his positions basically the same in 08.
In 88 I found his positions wistful. In 08 I found them imperative.

With the floppiness of many Republicans, his unwavering stances were testament to me of a man of virtue, something I found wanting in the vaster field running at the time,both Republican and Democrat.

Here is one more thought though. Many of the favorable things that are attributed to Paul also testify for a candidate who is a Democrat.
Here are some quotes from this thread that made me think we were talking about this Democrat.

He and Jessie Ventura are a few of the only politicians I respect. Our whole political systems is just one puppet following another pushing the international banking agendas. Ron Paul actually has the courage to call them out publicly. Look at the last political figure who seriously challenged the FED: JFK. He was killed along with his brother. Ron Paul is one of the few politicians whose end game is pushing the agenda of the american people, not some fat rich bankers trying to make money off of war and oil.

When I see someone actively disagreeing with the career politicians, frequently being the lone dissenting vote in the house on so many issues, and trying to shrink government and the military industrial complex, I get very interested. There are few points which I can find to take issue with him on.

He believes that The Constitution is the law of the land, not Bank of America, Chase, Wallstreet and the likes.

Mainstream America seems to either not know him or not take him seriously. He speaks to a small and growing group of TRUE Americans who realize that our nation has been heading down the wrong path for some time now.

How can you say he was giving lip service to the masses when the things he's been saying for the last couple decades have been very unpopular with the masses? But he still said em.

I believe if we are serious about working to bring voices to the fore that constantly stand against the Status Quo we need to see that there are voices within the Democrat umbrella that speak out as does Ron Paul. Just as Paul ran to the very end against McCain speaking the truth as he sees it so did this Democrat run to the very end against Obama, speaking the truth as HE sees it.

In a nutshell...Ron Paul is the man who will never be president. They will NEVER let that happen.

We could replace the name Ron Paul, and say, Dennis Kuchinich is a man who will never be president. They will NEVER let that happen.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by j-man

You seem to have wanted a real answer without the spin and partisanship?

The first I heard of Ron Paul was a controversy over his authorship of some patently racist newsletters. Paid for and signed by him. That was many, many years ago.

He denied knowing about them, but I'm skeptical. I think he was just playing to his base to pander votes. Don't know, but doubt he was unaware of what he was signing, unless of course he is not to smart.

He is more or less ignored in Congress and his ideas don't come across well, as he is not good at debate or public speaking. The media tends to give him a pass due to that and his tiny following. He has nowhere near enough followers to even bother running for President. I doubt that will change.

Last time only FoxNews gave him coverage at debates ignored by the other TV News, which is not surprising as they all backed the other Party. He gets little coverage because of that and like I said, he is not good at debate or getting his idea's across.

He is very smart when it comes to fiscal matters, but that appears to be his only qualification. On social issues, he has no clear stance or credibility. He's like so many others over the years, he runs just for the influence and money it generates. I doubt he ever expects to win and he will likely never loose his seat in Congress.

Another odd thing is that some radical groups latched onto him last time. Groups like the Truthers and other fringe. He threw them under the bus when in public and on the camera he denounced them. For some strange reason they still think he is one of them. Nobody can figure that out. Then after the elections he is right back to pandering to the radical groups as if he had not rejected them publicly.

I think what I just mentioned explains the truth about the Racist letters he signed. Just like any other politician he will pander to anyone for a vote. In those days in his home area, being a Racist was a plus. He just does not have the courage to tell the truth or the following to survive it if he did.

Listen to some of his many speeches on video's and you will get the idea. His stuff is not very deep and he never shows the variety of knowledge and skills it would take to be a President. Most people don't really know where he stands on important issues beyond his constant speeches about the economy and the Federal Reserve. He stays fairly silent about most other issues and that does not help him.

You could be the best Fiscal Policy person on Earth and still be useless as an all around leader and I think that does him in. If it's not true, he needs to get better handlers and some good communications skills going. Then the media would pay attention to him. He found his niche and he is too comfortable in it.

I'm neither negative nor positive about Ron Paul. He just is. I think he would be similar to President Ford if he did somehow pull it off. Neither bad nor good. Just there.

*****Scurries off to hide before being assaulted by a Paul Supporter*****

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

*****Scurries off to hide before being assaulted by a Paul Supporter*****

If Ron Paul supporters are anything like his son's supporters, you do have a valid concern.

This is what I mean by the kinds of people that Ron Paul attracts.

Just look through this thread and you can see what kind of venom Ron Paul supporters spew if someone dares besmirch the name of the "Most Holy Paul".

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by whatukno

Read a few other of the threads that whatukno has trolled about Ron Paul. This is a paid professional smear campaigner so give him some respect.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by whatukno

Mainly I wanted to be careful to not sound like his opposition, as I'm not. He has lots of interesting things to say and I don't think he is a bad person. I just can't see him dealing with all the issues a President faces. Look at what we get from Obama. He's a brilliant speaker and likely a good teacher; he is not a leader though. I don't agree with his politics but at the same time I can be honest about his skills.

No doubt the best candidates for President out there will never run. You have to be Celebrity to run now. Sadly, Celebrities and other Narcissists make lousy leaders. They don't want to lead, they want to Dictate.

I'm not prone to attack the Tea Party either. I know that most of them are just good people who want a voice. I'm fairly sick of and disappointed in those who spread lies and hate due to partisanship. Even those calling them Racists know Racists exist in all groups and that they are lying when they label them. They don't care because winning is all they care about, not how low they go to win. Partisans both Right and Left are the problem. liars and phonies all.

What I'm waiting for will never surface. An honest person to run for President without selling their soul to the Devil. A genuine leader who can work with everyone to accomplish good things. Sadly they are running businesses and go unnoticed their whole lives. Only the controversial ones gain enough Celebrity to run for national office and by the time they make President, they are so corrupt, they can't even trust themselves.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:44 PM
I love Ron Paul. As a man and a politician. I went to the Iowa straw poll 4 years ago and marched with his fans and supported him throughout the caucuses ( that is what we have in Iowa ). I saw how he was very popular in the "sticks" out where I live and virtually non-existent with the suburbanites. He took 2nd place in our polling place just barely behind Huckachoo,. It was like 1 or 2 votes. I recorded it on camera. Then, he came in 6th with the state. He came in 6th with the straw poll too but I know in my heart it was falsified.

If we are sincere, we recognize that his policies, as wonderful as they may sound, just seem like they would be great 100 years ago. The man is correct on so many levels and I will vote for him again but if he doesn't win, so be it. I am in a weird category. I have been alive since 75 and I am a republican, yet my favorite president is Clinton, and in many ways Obama is creeping up that list too.

Guess I don't really have a point other than keep your collective minds open.

Peace to all!


posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by whatukno
if you look at the statiscs, it says it was not made by the actual companies but by the employees of said companys. Read the bottom of the graphs and it says it.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by agentblue

if you look at the statiscs, it says it was not made by the actual companies but by the employees of said companys. Read the bottom of the graphs and it says it.

Yea, that's because companies can only bribe so much to a politician.

So, in order to go around this, the PAC or Corporation has individuals send in donations and by proxy are able to bribe the politician with much more than the Corporation or PAC could individually.

It's still a bribe people, many of these individuals are just proxy donating for a PAC, just because it's the most holy Paul (I know, how dare I blaspheme his name! Probably will be burned at the stake for being a heretic by the cult of the Paul for daring to speak against the holy one.), doesn't mean he isn't bribed like the rest of them.
edit on 3/30/2011 by whatukno because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Really? You just ignored my earlier post? I posted it just for the people like you and I You and I. The people that don't fit in with these guys on this thread very well. Please go back and read it. I'd hate to think you are just "left" just to be "left". I'd like to think you are the way you are because you have a mind of your own.

I'd hate to think I've been respecting a robot.

edit on 30-3-2011 by Cuervo because: Because we all say things we don't mean...

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:25 AM
Thanks again everyone! What I really appreciate about this site is that no matter what the topic is, you always get two sides of the story... I'm always intrigued by American politics since it affects the rest of the world so much more then other foreign governments.

So I'm glad I've found a platform where more than one ideology is presented.

Now I'm going to let everything sink in


posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by Cuervo

I understand your point of view, and I agree to an extent that federal government does tend to overextend it's power on the states, however, as this country has painfully found out, giving states too much power causes problems. We already have a group of people that want a return of slavery, they hide it in the phrase "The solution to 1984 is 1776" and that's something that I am not willing to compromise on.

I do agree that the military should have a defensive role and not an empire building role as it does today.

I disagree with voting for a president if their objective when they get into office is to do as little as possible, I certainly wouldn't want an employee who felt that way, and I don't think the leader of our nation should have that attitude either.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by whatukno

Those are all very valid concerns. Thank you for giving me the perspective check as it might explain other peoples' apprehension about the guy. I'll still support him based on the "shake-up" factor, if nothing else. Right now we are a big etch-n-sketch where somebody tried to draw boobs but made them funky looking but that guy wouldn't let you try again for hundreds of years. We need to shake the crap outta that thing.

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