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It's easy to defeat the Bankers and other dictators...all everyone has to do is...

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posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:00 AM
i agree, and something needs to be done. My only concern is that what will happen to all the people with special needs, and health care? of course some will be cared after by their families, but a lot of people that need help have no where else to turn. on the other hand i also agree that there are too many people on this planet. i just would rather see regular joes, and idiot americans die off instead of helpless individuals who never asked for the predicament they are in.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by DZAG Wright

The under the desk drills were for bombing and earthquakes not invasion, i actually remember them.
But hating communism has it's merits as well.
I would die for my children if it meant they could live comfortably, i know i almost did.
Some will work harder for their dreams to come true and some will not work at all or just what they have to in order to survive.
This is where communism sucks, but capitalism allows us to advance off the sweat off our backs, problem is it allows monopolies also.
Yes i know monopolies are illegal in the US, but tell that to comcast or opec or any of the other biggies that price fix.
There is a thin line that has to be walked and there is no easy solution.

We would have to teach people that this world is nothing but a stop. So we can cease trying to build our kingdom here. It's how the devil (just using the name) tricked us into servitude.

Capitalism, and what it has evolved into is the devil. We have basically sold our souls for comfort and technology.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Rekrul
i agree, and something needs to be done. My only concern is that what will happen to all the people with special needs, and health care? of course some will be cared after by their families, but a lot of people that need help have no where else to turn. on the other hand i also agree that there are too many people on this planet. i just would rather see regular joes, and idiot americans die off instead of helpless individuals who never asked for the predicament they are in.

It will actually help us get back on track to evolving. We've allowed technology to fork our evolution more toward a biological and technological path. When we die, that's only this physical body, our energy lives on.

Along time ago, people of power were made a promise that they would be allowed to find eternal life, here on this planet. This is what has made this planet go to hell. Evil spirits/aliens/what ever you want to call them, are attempting to help greedy people obtain immortality on this plane in the physical. Reason being, this realm is where evil and greedy entities can CONTROL others.

So applying this to your post, yes more people will die, but that isn't bad. Death isn't bad at all. We've been brainwashed into believing so.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:11 AM
What is more feasable is to refuse to accept FRN as payment for anything find another currancy and use the FRN for taxes and fees.

The other currancy (whatever it is) do not let the bankers get their hands on it.

Then the bankstrs and corrupt will wither and die on the vine.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by ..5..

Good thought but as long as we have currency there will always be problems.
Gold changers will pop up and you can hold it forever.
Produce and livestock are perisheable and barter just fine.
And you cannot truly "bank" perishables, but they are needed to live.
Gold is the bane of the greedy.
Note: the currency does not have to be gold, i just used it as an example because that's what all currencies fall back on.
Barter your goods and services, the Gumment can tax you on your income.
And 10% of nothing is nothing, that is what you owe the Gubbment.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:00 PM
The OP has mis-stated "simple" for "easy" in the title and has presented a simple plan - most posters have recognized the plan is plagued with difficulties. Like most social-redirection plans, the unstated yet underlying assumption is that somehow the human condition can be ignored - people like convenience; they like to take it easy; they would rather not worry about it; they can't be bothered with it right now; if they are to survive, they can't be allowed a choice in participation - and of course, that's where the whole idea falls apart in "reality".

OP is correct to the extent that solutions are best kept simple - simple and easy aren't the same thing.


posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:14 PM
I just saw this and found it interesting as it falls along with the topic.

Employees Are Ready to Quit

It may be possible that people are truly starting to become unhappy. While they may not be able to exactly put their finger on what and why they are feeling this way, but they may finally realize that things are not what they seem or being told that it is. I honestly do not think they would really be able to find anything better as the article suggests, but at least the people seem to be becoming a little restless and looking at other options, this could be our opportunity. These are the people that still need to be convinced of what is really going on. Some of the sheeple may be finally coming around, lets hope.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Skewed

I currently work in employment and we got news that McDonald's in my area is hiring 150 people asap because their previous workers got together and walked out.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

Yeah we all stop working, farmers, shop keepers, police, friefighters ... and we either starve within a week or are beaten to a pulp by roaming warlords.

You're not too bright, are you ?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by g146541

I was thinking more like a currancy based on a persons skills
(One hour of mechanical work for five gallons of fuel)
(One doctors call for five hours of yard work),
(One delivery of produce to market for five percent of the load)

Try to tax, ponzi, or bank any of the above. .

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:37 PM
So in essence the OP wants to effect change,although what the op says would be nice we know it wont happen,many many difficulties have been pointed out.

In order for us to effect change we do not need to quit our jobs, but if we did have global strike DAYS where say one day a month was chosen for a global strike,everyone stay at home and relax,then this would cost the ptb billions an hour globaly.
When they get hit in the pocket,only then will they listen.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

Not that I would care if McDonalds went under as they are not exactly part of the solution for the big picture at hand. However, I do not suppose that it matters where or how something like this starts, just that it does and for the right reasons. As long as the goal is reached, it does not really matter how it was accomplished.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 04:03 PM
Hey, it worked in prison...err, um, let me just put these glasses on and walk out of here.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:35 PM
What if everyone just agreed to stop making payments on their debt? I mean, those who have lend to those who don't so in a way the average joe has most of the money, it's just in the form of debt. Oh if it weren't for debt.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by iceblue20-12
So in essence the OP wants to effect change,although what the op says would be nice we know it wont happen,many many difficulties have been pointed out.

In order for us to effect change we do not need to quit our jobs, but if we did have global strike DAYS where say one day a month was chosen for a global strike,everyone stay at home and relax,then this would cost the ptb billions an hour globaly.
When they get hit in the pocket,only then will they listen.

Already happening. Search out UK Uncut and US Uncut

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:27 PM
My dad didn't raise a quitter.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:06 PM
Simply take all our money out of the banks and invest it elsewhere.

Pay cash for everything.

Without money the banks will close.

Cash transactions are mostly untraceable.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright
So applying this to your post, yes more people will die, but that isn't bad. Death isn't bad at all. We've been brainwashed into believing so.

It took you a while to come out with the truth. You want to depopulate the Earth because you think you will be one of the survivors?

You think people starve to death willingly for a misplaced ideology from a young inexperienced mind?

We did evolve normally for us. Everything we do is natural for us. The Ants build Cities, we build Cities. Bears defend themselves with their might and strength, we defend ourselves with our intelligence. It's all natural.

On any given day there is about a three day supply of food and goods in a City. By the end of the first month, all the Wildlife would be taken for food and gone. Cannibalism would start. The first winter the Forests would start to disappear and the sky would be a giant brown cloud from people burning wood. The killing and terror would be massive.

People simply do not roll over and die so the New Age crowd can have the planet to themselves.

You remind me of PETA who wants to kill all the Domesticated Animals and depopulate the Earth so they can have it for their own little playground. You clearly don't care nor are you concerned about all those who would die and suffer.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by H1ght3chHippie

Actually, your saying this shows how bright you are...

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

Originally posted by DZAG Wright
It took you a while to come out with the truth. You want to depopulate the Earth because you think you will be one of the survivors?

You think people starve to death willingly for a misplaced ideology from a young inexperienced mind?

We did evolve normally for us. Everything we do is natural for us. The Ants build Cities, we build Cities. Bears defend themselves with their might and strength, we defend ourselves with our intelligence. It's all natural.

On any given day there is about a three day supply of food and goods in a City. By the end of the first month, all the Wildlife would be taken for food and gone. Cannibalism would start. The first winter the Forests would start to disappear and the sky would be a giant brown cloud from people burning wood. The killing and terror would be massive.

People simply do not roll over and die so the New Age crowd can have the planet to themselves.

You remind me of PETA who wants to kill all the Domesticated Animals and depopulate the Earth so they can have it for their own little playground. You clearly don't care nor are you concerned about all those who would die and suffer.

Don't know what you mean by me wishing to depopulate the Earth...

People are more adaptable than you think, you'll never know unless you've been in some third world countries.

Actually...I don't know what your point was in this post?

I stated that for mankind to defeat the PTB all we have to do is stop participating in their artificial game (working). Sure there would be some adjustment to coming off the artificail tit...but it would work.

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