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Traces of Radioactive Iodine from Fukushima found in Glasgow/UK

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posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:06 AM
Breaking News on Sky that sensors have picked up traces of radioactive iodine found in the air in Glasgow - they are stressing it is of no threat to human health

Will post link when it comes up on the website

It is amazing how far this stuff has travelled - worried for people in the US and especially Japan

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:09 AM
I was about to post this in the Breaking News section but again, it's just a strip at the top of the Sky News site and no link.

At least it isn't potentially harmful (for now) but to have reached first the US in rainfall and now Glasgow makes you wonder how large the amount that was released into the atmosphere could be and where it will be found next.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by blackcat99

Should we be taking any measures over here in England then.?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:10 AM
Radiation spreading and there hasn't even been a meltdown yet.
Can you imagine what it would be like should a catastrophic meltdown happen on just one of the reactors?

Then imagine what would happen if they all meltdown... And it's likely that if one goes then they all will.

I'm sorry to scare anyone but it's the reality of the situation. What's got me absolutely beat is why it's just the Japanese and not the WHOLE WORLD collaborating on this and getting it under control...... I mean C'MON
edit on 29-3-2011 by Nomad451 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-3-2011 by Nomad451 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-3-2011 by Nomad451 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:13 AM
Grrr, this is right beside me! When will we actually get the truth of the matter here.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:16 AM
The other point for concern is why are the problems of the nuclear plants and the radiation links being downplayed in the news and hardly mentioned when this could have a greater impact on everyone that Libya.

I know many discount Clif High and the web bots but he did forecast a problem with radiation travelling round the world 9 times and causing many deaths/illness.

If these nucelar reactors are breached and it becomes so bad that workers cannot even get close to do anything to stop radiation leaking then it is possible that the amount of radiation in the atmosphere will increase and travel all aroiund the world.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:17 AM
Theres a few useful maps of where the fallout will end up in this thread, it looks as though the north east UK will get some at least.

With things looking really bad in Japan right now, i think we can only hope for the levels we're seeing here to stay safe.
edit on 29/3/2011 by Catch_a_Fire because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by blackcat99

Just reading this on the news now, kudos for getting it up on ATS so quickly. I saw it pop up on Sky news and literally a few minutes later I saw the thread here. But I really think It's important to stress one key point about this whole issue though, one mentioned in the OP of this thread too and It's this: "they are stressing it is of no threat to human health"

That's something we really shouldn't forget right now IMO. So, for all those who are getting worried about this reaching Scotland, there's no reason to be just yet..

edit on 29-3-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:21 AM
I am in Scotland about an hour away from Glasgow. I wasn't sure if it would get this far but now I have the answer. With everything going on imo I'm not sure I trust them saying it isn't harmful

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:24 AM

I'm not sure I trust them saying it isn't harmful

Using that logic (quoted above), If you don't believe them when they (Scottish Authorities) say that they found traces of radiation and It isn't harmful, why believe them at all when they say It's there in the first place?
edit on 29-3-2011 by Rising Against because: Clarification

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:26 AM
Yup a link here
Call me paranoid but I have already started taking precautions.
The thing is we already have too much circulating in our environment. Even a tiny amount is an amount too much. What do you think is responsible for some of the increase in cancers?
Read this
edit on 29-3-2011 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by YoungMind92

apparently not, thinking about it they will probably be more proactive here if we did need to do anything after all the NHS will pay for it if not (e.g the taxpayers) ummmm

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:31 AM
does anyone remember what we were told when the Chernobyl stuff came over us - I was only a kid then so wouldn't remember - was there a cover up then or not?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by blackcat99
reply to post by YoungMind92

apparently not, thinking about it they will probably be more proactive here if we did need to do anything after all the NHS will pay for it if not (e.g the taxpayers) ummmm

In all fairness there is a limited amount a country can do. They can only carry out a very limited 'damage limitation'. People will inevitably die as a result some years down the line. But you will probably not be able to pin the cause.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:34 AM
This isn't good

More info and a video now on Sky here:

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:36 AM
Apparently this has an 8 day half life and realistically it will disappear after a month - a nuclear physicist just said on Sky News - no link as live again

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:36 AM
I am from the Glasgow area and read recently that in some parts of Scotland lamb is still not allowed to enter the food chain due to fallout from Chernobyl, and that happened about 25 years ago

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:37 AM
I suppose at least we are being told -

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:37 AM
How are we sure that this isn't just natural radiation from rocks and stuff?
How can we be sure this is from Japan?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by starchild10

Out of interest what precautions are you taking

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