posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 09:23 AM
The reason I offer my server space is that I have a deep and abiding interest in these "people." They can't be merely animals because they have
>SUCCESSFULLY< evaded men, cameras, dogs and curious onlookers for decades.
They must be telepathic, or at least empathic. Animals are neither. So, Bigfoot as a sentient branchoff from homo sapiens is an extremely
interesting--timid and meek especially for their large size--"culture."
About five years ago, I read the entire BF report database from all 50 states--the whole thing. And reports from nearly all the 50 states indicate the
smallest example [probably a juvenile] was only 5foot 6 but the largest was close to nine feet tall. Hundreds and hundreds of first-person reports,
written in plain uneducated English with all the mis-spellings and grammar intact. Wonderful stuff: honest.
The fact that men track these hairy, smelly, vocally-challenged "folks" like animals, label them as animals and seek to make trophies of them means
our culture still deserves to be avoided as far as physically possible--by the BF themselves. I hope they keep eluding us.
But if they don't, I'll put up the photos.