Hi ATS! Some of you have probably seen me around the site randomly. I've been visiting for a few years and just joined a little over a year ago but
have only made very few replies. However, this is the first thread I have made.
My Brother and I have been watching the SOHO Movie theater lately. We have been looking at a possible connection that the solar flares and massive
coronal projections lately have had to the recent changes and disasters.
If you look at the SOHO footage from March 1st through March 5th this year, you will see a massive eruption that preceded the Japanese earthquake on
the 11th. Due to the amount of pictures during that time, we have opted out of posting pictures of that eruption and instead give you the link to the
SOHO theater. Just search 2011-03-01 through 2011-03-08 and you can draw your own conclusion.
Now, this thread is about two anomalies we found looking at this massive eruption that formed over the last week, starting on, or around, the 22nd.
We looked at the LASCO C2 footage for yesterday, the 28th, and we found one anomaly picture. Then, after creating this thread, we found another one
in the LASCO C3 footage just a few hours earlier on 3-27 around 11pm.
These are the screenshots from the LASCO C3 footage from 22:06, 22:18, and 22:30. The anomaly is in 22:18
The below are screenshots of the LASCO C2 footage from 2:24, 2:36, and 2:48am. The anomaly is in the 2:36.
Now, this can have an assortment of explanations, but anomalies none the less. They at least warranted to us to post them.
Enjoy! I can't wait to hear some opinions or explanations.
PS. We suspect some type of interference by a certain brown dwarf star, if this isn't some telescope error. Here's hoping not.
edit on 29-3-2011 by Lynexon because: adding 2nd anomaly pictures
edit on 29-3-2011 by Lynexon because: misc edit