posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:02 AM
When I arrived on this forum I was very skeptical, I thought there would be a bunch of Jones and Icke "parrots" here, then I thought "okay this
forum is allright" but now I'm skeptical again.
I've come to the conclusion that most of the conspiracy theories posted here are nothing more than somekind of "circles" which keep repeating
themselves. Also it is a bit sad to see that it looks like people are "stuck", stuck in their own conspiracy's. So instead of "denying ignorance"
and "connecting the dots" people are simply stuck in story's and reply's which make no sense at all. Sometimes the answer is much more simpler
than you might think, but some fail to see that.
Also, there is a continue amout of bashing on "mainstream media", "mainstream television" and "mainstream music", that it is rubbish and that it
is here to keep you distracted or dumb. But the same is happening here, instead of sitting the whole day behind a computer screen trying to blame
jews, freemasons and the government for all the misery in the world, you also could get of your ass and go outside and start enjoying the simple
things in life.
I only would like to say is "start living"