If you understand the proper flow of the TN you will see that none of this guys rantings matter very much. If flow and continuity matches you can
pretty much assume it's the same writer. All those books he claims was written by someone else are lesser books.
The main flow comes from understanding Matthew Mark Luke John and the ending of those books where Jesus tells his followers to go out and convert
others. The next book, the book of Acts shows where and how those followers carried out those commandments of Jesus. The rest of the books were
letters written to the churches to address certain issues each church was having at the time. They are by no means a definitive work on Christian
belief, only what was chosen by man to be included in the Bible.
Bart makes a big deal about how women was treated in 1 Timothy
~~~~~~~~~~~ QUOTE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Professor Ehrman also claims the author of the book of 1 Timothy claimed to be Paul but in actual fact was someone living after Paul had died.The
author then used the apostle's name to address a problem he saw in church, according to Professor Ehrman. 'Women were speaking out, exercising
authority and teaching men. That had to stop,' he writes.Oppression: Professor Erhman claims whoever wrote 1 Timothy was trying to put women in their
place and cited the garden of Eden as an example of what can happen when women are in charge
Agenda: Professor Erhman claims whoever wrote 1 Timothy was trying to put women in their place by citing the garden of Eden as an example of what can
happen when women are in charge 'The author told women to be silent and submissive, and reminded his readers about what happened the first time a
woman was allowed to exercise authority over a man, in that little incident in the garden of Eden. 'No, the author argued, if women wanted to be
saved, they were to have babies (1 Tim. 2:11-15).'
'And why does it matter? Because the passage is still used by church leaders today to oppress and silence women,' writes Professor Ehrman.
'Why are there no women priests in the Catholic Church? Why are women not allowed to preach in conservative evangelical churches? Why are there
churches today that do not allow women even to speak?
'In no small measure it is because Paul allegedly taught that women had to be silent, submissive and pregnant.
'Except that the person who taught this was not Paul, but someone lying about his identity so that his readers would think he was Paul.'
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END QUOTE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bart's assumptions here fall down with a little logic and research. Paul ( formally Saul a devout Jew) knew the teachings of the Old Testament. Paul
knew that those teachings were still valid - Christianity is Not a separate religion from the Hebrew Judaism, but an extension of it - Jesus
admonished his followers to study and know the old scriptures so they could know the mind of God and his teachings.
Women in the Old Testament were treated just as the writer of 1st Timothy suggests.
Unmarried women were not allowed to leave the home of their father without permission.
Married women were not allowed to leave the home of their husband, without permission.
They were normally restricted to roles of little or no authority.
They could not testify in court.
They could not appear in public venues.
They were not allowed to talk to strangers.
They had to be doubly veiled when they left their homes
~~~~~~~~END QUOTE~~~~~~~~~~
Source here with the biblical scriptures printed to back them up:
Paul would have certainly known these things. Paul was in a very good position to teach this to the new churches because many of the churches were
made up of gentiles who had no knowledge of these scriptures. Jesus's teachings were first for the Jews, then allowed to be for the gentiles.
Someone, The Christian Jews, Had to be the ones to teach these gentiles the scripture they had at the time - The Old Testament.
We have to remember also that these letters to the churches were responses FROM the Apostles TO the churches - We do not have the letters FROM the
churches TO the Apostles that explains the problems they had in detail. We have to try to infer the problems the churches were having from the
Apostles answers. At times this is not very clear.