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Decoding Shroud Process Revealed For ATS Members Scientists

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posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:24 PM
Thankyou for your interest in my research. Am saddened that I was not able to find at this stage a scientist or organisation to verify my work so now I will reveal the process as best as possible because I have faith this is now the right thing to do. The first part of the process is the correct negative to use. Secondo Pia's was to grainy and the 1979/1988 were to high resolution. Use Guiseppe Enrie's 1931 image. Click on link to my youtube page it's called The Key. To see my discoveries search youtube Vincenzo Ruello or click on channel name in link below vinnypop to enter my channel thankyou

This is the only negative scan that works. It is the perfect resolution, there are many on net but will produce poor results. No need to pause the clip just film as directed.
To verify my work you must film as in all my clips the exact area I have filmed. Each discovery I have made is based on a portion of the Guiseppe Enrie negative. If you go out of my paramaters the actual section and size I am filming you will not get results as good as mine.So look at the portion I am filming and stick to that. Each section must be focussed as sharp as possible. As in 3D filming left and right which reveals depth in this process we film in angles which unlocks the skin and hair and other secrets. Each clip I created requires 2 - 4 angular filmings. My system when applying a third and fourth stage converts to a deep xray device (unexplainable) I used the 3rd and 4th angular filmings for the feet (4th stage to reveal left foot imges) the spear wound puncture hole and the carved stones on the eyes. Please note if working on eyes face will distort at 3rd to fourth stage filming but objects reveal themselves. I use 12.1 video cam pixal camera lower may produce poor results.
We will do the face image now if you have problems message me film exact area in close up as per my clips
1. Get close up of head and tilt LCD screen back about 15 degrees. This tilting begins to reduce glare and unlocks hidden encoded images. Film as sharp as possible steady hand
2. Reload what you have filmed and tilt screen again about 10 - 15 degrees refilm. We have done 2 stages and skin should have appeared on the face as well as real images of hair. Do not tilt back too much as you will lose the encoded charatcteristics which exist on Shroud.
The spear wound, feet. eyes require a third and 4th stage but this time a tilt in 3rd 4th stages of around 35 - 45 % LCD screen is required. The accentuated tilting converts the 2nd stage filmings to reveal more 3D characteristics and hidden secrets objects. I stress to get my results stick to the actual areas I have already filmed in my clips.
I am now writing my book and this process as in all my dated clips is Copyright (C) March 2011 Vincenzo Ruello
No publication in any media ebooks ,hard copy books any media is allowed except for you to release your clips on social media sites with the link to my vinnypop youtube channel and a note stating '' From the filming process discovered and developed by Vincenzo Ruello 2011 '' Any transfusion of my process into any other programme without mentioning my name and process also will open you to legal action from myself. Failure to mention the links and myself will render you open to deletion of clips and possible legal action. Lets now get down to work for those of you who wish to assist the world in revealing THE TRUTH. Godspeed to all of you. PS report back here on this thread with results or any problems, you should be able to exactly reproduce my results, I will help you thanks Vincenzo Ruello
edit on 28-3-2011 by shroudnews77 because: how to enter youtube channel Vincenzo Ruello

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:49 PM

(CONNECT=74) A=1 B=2 C=3...


posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:30 PM
Boy, am I enlightened now! THAT really de-mystified the whole matter....

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Ex_CT2

This thread has been created as some members want to assist me in my research and verify and quantify my findings. Eventually this evidence by other members here will form part of world wide evidence. From now on I have not got time to answer all replies unless it is a member who needs some assistance in my research

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 04:13 AM
The most complicated part of this filming process is the feet. Depending on the zoom quality of your camera you may need to film in close up the feet area as per normal filming with clarity and sharpness and then download this clip doesnt need to be long about 10 - 20 seconds onto a windows movie maker or the like similar to then take a snap shot which you can then enlarge. The severed toes and feet are small. Then apply the first 2 stages of filming as I described. To reveal the missing data of the left foot toes From the second stage filming do a close up of the whole right foot and film with a tilt of about 35-40% degrees LCD screen. A fourth stage film tilt should achieve results exactly as on my youtube clip of the feet and severed toes.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by shroudnews77
The most complicated part of this filming process is the feet. Depending on the zoom quality of your camera you may need to film in close up the feet area as per normal filming with clarity and sharpness and then download this clip doesnt need to be long about 10 - 20 seconds onto a windows movie maker or the like similar to then take a snap shot which you can then enlarge. The severed toes and feet are small. Then apply the first 2 stages of filming as I described. To reveal the missing data of the left foot toes From the second stage filming do a close up of the whole right foot and film with a tilt of about 35-40% degrees LCD screen. A fourth stage film tilt should achieve results exactly as on my youtube clip of the feet and severed toes.


What are we filming?

I do believe you have been beaten to the punch....

"Turin Shroud 3-D Hologram - Face And Body - Dr. Petrus Soons"

google that, is this not what you are on about?

Also, I'd like you to know -- you have no legal ground to get any video pulled from youtube... you made your information publically available and didn't make contracts with the individuals you share your know how with... hence not claiming any legal stake in the information -- as far as a court is concerned... how would they know you were the originator of said "technique?"

All a bit to silly... eh?
edit on 29-3-2011 by Laokin because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by Laokin

Firstly Dr Petrus Soons did not decode the Shroud he simply photographed the negative and created a 3D image of the negative. I have decoded the Shroud revealing skin and hair on face and body this is a world first and solved many secrets totally different to Dr Soons work. And lastly I do own Copyright of my technique and filming process as my work has been published on the internet with times and dates. And only give permission for people to download images with my technique if they mention me.. that is as per say my charge for using my work. Enough said we are here for members to get involved as many are interested thankyou

This is a world first filming process where I have decoded the Holy Shroud revealing skin and hair on the face and body as well as many secrets hidden for hundreds of years. This filming process technique is done not with fancy computer generated programmes but with 1 digital video camera simplicity is pure genious.

edit on 29-3-2011 by shroudnews77 because: additional information

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by shroudnews77

Good work Vincenzo!

I hope someone steps up to the plate and can verify your discovery.

S&F for your commitment to ATS in finding a member who can help you.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by Faith2011

Jesus 74 Messiah 74 Cross 74 The Key 74 who discovered this its mathematically impossible to calculate the odds on this truly miraculous who was it if you can tell me thanks and Godbless you

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

Thankyou fox pleasure mate

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by shroudnews77
reply to post by Laokin

Firstly Dr Petrus Soons did not decode the Shroud he simply photographed the negative and created a 3D image of the negative. I have decoded the Shroud revealing skin and hair on face and body this is a world first and solved many secrets totally different to Dr Soons work. And lastly I do own Copyright of my technique and filming process as my work has been published on the internet with times and dates. And only give permission for people to download images with my technique if they mention me.. that is as per say my charge for using my work. Enough said we are here for members to get involved as many are interested thankyou

This is a world first filming process where I have decoded the Holy Shroud revealing skin and hair on the face and body as well as many secrets hidden for hundreds of years. This filming process technique is done not with fancy computer generated programmes but with 1 digital video camera simplicity is pure genious.

edit on 29-3-2011 by shroudnews77 because: additional information

How about you show the rest of ATS what is so unique about your work -- instead of just making statements... no?

Everything I seen on your youtube page, is exactly Dr Soons work. Show me the skin and hair that I don't see in Dr Soons Hologram.

Also, copyright ceases to be effective when you hand it out to the public domain, in order to keep a copyright you have to "protect" a copyright, and that does not include handing it out to the public.

Mmmmkay. Now just show me your revelation so I can see it with my own eyes.

Bet you can't.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 04:58 PM
Dr Swoon uses a 3D computer programme. His image is just an exact copy of the grey /black shroud there is no skin tones it just looks exactly like the Shroud. He hasnt revealed ripped toes off the left foot he hasnt revealed carved round and square stones on eyes he hasnt revealed the actual puncture image under the breast . My work is far superior to Dr Swoon or any one in our generation. You must be a really stupid ignorant person if you cant tell the diffierence between my work photographic 2D images and DR Swoons 3D images. I use 1 video camera He used a powerful 3D computer generator is that clear enough you moron

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Laokin

Stupid ignorant people threatening to steal my filming technique go for it I will sue your ass and find you. The idiot doesnt even know the difference between public domain and copyright law. Just because something is in public domain does not mean you can steal it the owner creator always has ownership. I am a songwriter musician and know what copyright and public domain means and have copyrwritten all my discoveries you must be so envious of me to even try to get my blood boiled Ill take it that your green with jeolousy now # off and stay away from mt thread before I have you blocked and dont upset me
edit on 29-3-2011 by shroudnews77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by shroudnews77


(TRUE=64) (FOCUS=64) (IS REAL=64)


posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Faith2011

I love your gematria numbers they inspire my mind in total awe how a 26 letter alphabet produces the same additions in religious words but the best ones I like are
Jesus 74 Messiah 74 Cross 74 The Key 74 Jewish 74 Menorah 74 I read the masons also use the number 74 in various types of diagrams and architectural structures Godbless you faith2011 your a good friend and I apollogise to members here for my anger which the previous poster caused

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:33 PM
It seems you put a lot of work into this already.
I wish I had a skill set that would help here, but I am excited to see where this goes!

Thanks for your efforts thus far.
Not many folks put such work into things they are curious about.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:39 PM
To end this controversy regarding the work and images of Dr Petrus Soons and myself Vincenzo Ruello I will post the link to his discovery which was created with a 3d computer programme and below his and my link created with 1 video camera working in various angles.
Dr Soons
Vincenzo Ruello

Dr Soons has done a great job in using a 3d programme and photographing the face hundreds of times to create a 3d image using a 3d programme but it is still a black and white exact negative copy in 3d form. Where as in my face which you can now compare it is a totally different image where I have revealed true encoded skin tones in the face and true soft hair images. This was done with 1 12.1 pixal digital camera in various angles. I rest my case. The only similarity Dr Soons and myself have is that we are both revealing the Shroud. I consider my face image more advanced than his as I have revealed the true face with skin tones ( I use no photoshop or CGI ) My 3d encoded images are revealed when combining the overlays of the different angles of filming.
edit on 29-3-2011 by shroudnews77 because: grammar additions

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

Thankyou my friend

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 04:37 AM
This is the link showing the evidence of ripped toes from left foot
edit on 31-3-2011 by shroudnews77 because: grammar

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 05:24 AM
we must first discount the fact or idea that the 'shroud' is a contrived 'relic'..


What is the theory that the images were created by Leonardo da Vinci - Comprehensive Shroud of Turin FAQ - Cached

the pro crowd is more vociferous than the con crowd at this moment in time....


This is the link showing the evidence of ripped toes from left foot

well now we are getting closer to just what may actually be the 'holy grail'...the missing toes
as sacred relics instead of a mary magdellan with child tale
edit on 31-3-2011 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

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