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Planet size UFO seen passing by our sun.

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posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by boncho's certainly ithyphallic.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by boncho


That's A HUUUUUGE phallus!

'Put that thing away, you could poke an eye out!'

sorry, one more

...'that's what SHE said!'

oh yeah and if I see one more thread with this photo/type of photo I'm busting out my neon pink lightsaber and going on a glow-in-the-dark sodomy rampage.


peace and love

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by BRITWARRIOR
Listen to what Michio Kaku says about TYPE 1 2 & 3 civilizations

Michio Kaku is the one to carefully listen to if you'd ask me. If there is a scientist chosen to advice governments on ET-tec or that kind of matter he is the one.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 04:14 AM
I believe there are ufo's the size of our earth.

How would you build something that big?? thinking it would be a huge job.

here nassim harramein talking about it

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 04:18 AM
Isn't that the ship from Flesh Gordon (yes FLESH)..One for the oldies in here

But OT, the trouble with SOHO images is that they are prone to artifacts and issues like blooming (where the CCD is over loaded with light so creates a ball or streaks many times the size of the object).

Also people jump at any object they see and these almost all turn out to be planets or comets, Phage posted an image link showing where planets were in relation to the two SOHO satellites are making it easy to check where things are, perhaps he will kindly add that link to here?

As a believer I'm saying there COULD be craft in some images but I really can't be definite on it as I'm no expert.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by ltinycdancerg
reply to post by boncho

oh yeah and if I see one more thread with this photo/type of photo I'm busting out my neon pink lightsaber and going on a glow-in-the-dark sodomy rampage.


peace and love

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

yes but surely we can agree by it's shape its not a planet or comet,so it comes down to UFO or SOHO glitch.

and from the argument for it being a glitch is non existent at the moment...and after watching and reading up on nassim haramein and his singularity black hole structure theory for the sun,i'm falling towards this being a giant UFO of some sort.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by snapperski

I'm sorry love, did not mean to offend- nor am I 'disgusted' by the topic, it's just been beat/posted to death...If it's not the exact same picture- it's close. It's a glitch (apparently that's the consensus...don't shoot the messenger)

Here are just a few of the threads I was able to find using the ATS search function- took about 5 minutes.


Hope this helps

edit on 29-3-2011 by ltinycdancerg because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by ltinycdancerg

ok so the first link you posted is about the same subject,and after reading it,no one is none the wiser..if its a glitch or real.

the 2nd link is about a totally different object...but yet the same conclusion that no one knows for sure what it is.

the 3rd link,was INFACT posted AFTER my thread..

and the 4th link,has nothing to do with the subject at hand whats so you only really comfirmed my thoughs,that you though you jump on the bandwangon and try to riddle/cue me,when in reallity you haven't got a clue what it is,and i doubt you even watched the vid,or read the whole thread..thank you for your pointless comments.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by snapperski

I'm not, nor did I ever, claim this wasn't real/important/etc etc...
All I said was that it's been posted over and over and it's an issue that irritates ATS in general:
a small sample of links discussing this (these are just the VERY RECENT ONES)
Remember- ATS pays $$$ to the man for bandwidth.
Efficiency/Simplicity helps the ATS members and owners YAY FOR MUTUALLY SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIPS!

It took me less than 5 minutes to search, copy and post a response to you.
I just grabbed the first few links from my search.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by snapperski

I guess I'm just a little confused as to why a member, who has been here (well, a member that is- I've been following this site since late '05) longer than me, and this is even an issue?
Have you been MIA lately?
*and truly, I was in no way attacking you, your topic/post, and I apologize if that's how it came off (shortfall of online textual relations...)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by BRITWARRIOR

I'm getting kinda tired of glitches now

Yes, they are let downs for sure, but to be honest glitches don't give two cents if your tired of them and desperately (and sarcastically) desire them to be something else.

my mobile phone has been bashed around at work dropped 100 times had drinks over it and i can still take a picture with out perfectly geometrical shapes appearing in nearly every shot.

I had no idea you were using your phone in space too. The ignorance of comparing dropping your 2$ phone here on Earth and thinking that in ANY WAY corresponds to the mighty complex and super-sensitive equipment that is on board these craft,, being bombarded by rays that would kill your little cell phone in a few minutes is ludicrous and ignorant in the extreme. In this day and age where you can actually take a few google searches and actually learn about this stuff from very informative sources (and not some "conspiracy board) I would have thought people like you who are really interested in finding the truth would have looked nito how these crafts operate before jumping to absurd conclusions just because they sound good to you or fit some sort of ignorant desire you have to believe in anything you desire. Reality doesn't work that way, and reality doesn't care if you think it works that way either. Reality is what it is, with or without you.

ok space is a harsh environment but they have spent billions on there camera where as mine was just over £100, when ever something like this pops up its dust pixel or glitches, sure....

Again, demonstrating a complete lack of understand of how these things work, and at this point I have to say you are doing it on purpose to fit some sort of agenda. As I have said, the answers you seek can be found in numerous places, from numerous sources. Now, they will take a little bit of science and math to understand, but I'm betting those parts will just part your hair. Who knows, maybe you tried to understand, couldn't and just gave up falling back on ignorant nonsense because it was easier to understand and a lot more fun the boring old reality.

ATS needs a new slogan. Deny Ignorance actually attracts it in droves.

In other news Fukushimas nuclear power plant is 100% safe

Why bother saying something so stupid? Do you think it makes you look more enlightened from an educated member such as myself, or (more correctly) does idiotic statements like this endear you to the legions of ignorance you are pandering to in an effort to bolster your own misguided beliefs. You sir, are a cancer, doing whatever you can to feed and spread your cancer. That is the main problem with Ufology. Yet, folks like you seem to revel it in. I don't understand, why not learn as much as you can rather than go off half-cocked and look like an ignoramus? Of course, I hear ya, to the majority of folks interested in this subject, you come across as anything by an ignorant person, but rather someone who is "fighting the man" and sticking it to them evil "skeptics".

In 20-30 years, how silly will you feel when nothing in this subject has changed, nothing new is learned and yet folks like you are running around screaming the sky is falling every chance you get? Give it a rest, go get educated and help the rest of us get this subject on the right track. Your wet dreams may indeed be fulfilled, but not the way your going about it I assure you. As long as tptb understand we are filled with WILLFUL ignorance, we stand no chance of ever carrying enough weight to make a difference. Thanks for understanding.
edit on 29-3-2011 by MainLineThis because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:04 AM
The guy in the video is saying the Sun grew 1000x its normal size?

I could not continue to watch the video after such utter nonsense.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by prizim
The guy in the video is saying the Sun grew 1000x its normal size?

I could not continue to watch the video after such utter nonsense.

Yes, it will one day turn into a real gas giant but its certainly NOT growing to 1000X its size...

We would be cooked frazzles...

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by prizim

Yeah that's all I bothered to watch.
I'm not listening to any nonsense from someone who thinks the sun is 1000x bigger than normal.....

If that was the case we'd all be dead and crispy by now.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by ltinycdancerg

Damn it! You beat me to it!

edit on 29-3-2011 by dodgygeeza because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:09 AM
That sillhouette against the sun could be the ISS - remember it would be passing closer to the satellite taking the photo and appear to be a much larger ship. I remember seing it on

ISS = International Space Station

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by BadMagician
That sillhouette against the sun could be the ISS - remember it would be passing closer to the satellite taking the photo and appear to be a much larger ship. I remember seing it on

ISS = International Space Station

now this is the kind of answer i was looking this is more then likely the case..

and i agree..when he says the sun is growing a 1000x it kinda kills his credibility,but it wasnt his outrageous comment about the sun i was intrested was the odd shape that appears by the sun,that intrigues me.

plus no offense to australians ..but his voice in the vid i posted is really annoying.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by ltinycdancerg
reply to post by snapperski

I guess I'm just a little confused as to why a member, who has been here (well, a member that is- I've been following this site since late '05) longer than me, and this is even an issue?
Have you been MIA lately?
*and truly, I was in no way attacking you, your topic/post, and I apologize if that's how it came off (shortfall of online textual relations...)

well i'm affraid i can't always be online,as my job takes me away for mths on forgive me for not being up to date on a particular field,hence the reason for my questions.

and to be fair ltinycdancerg like a couple of others who posted here,you were just being sarcastic and not actually giveing any construtive answers..anyway..done with and thank you for apologizing..

as i've stated many times..i'm only looking for answers..and i said right from the start..i'm very skeptical about it.

end of the day the only reason any of us are here is to find answers..just because the answers you have found satisfy you,it don't mean its end of the subject..especially as no one can give a convincing argument on what this actually is..

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:59 AM
I fail to understand just "why" that "needs" to be a massive object. Afterall you have no gauge of distance. Coul that no be a much smaller object, much closer?

Many seem to think this is a glitch or something. As one who has worked with that kind of technology over the past 4 years, I see no glitch. A possible malfunction of the CCD array used for imageing, and a rather "different" one at that. As far as the technology goes, it would seem that SOHO may have quite a number of "dead cells" in the image array. The problem with that idea is that this malfunction does not comply with Murphy's Law . . . all of the dead cels are in a normally "unviewable" area . . . rather unlikely. Far more probable that it is actually a solid object.

Here is something to consider:

The ship on the right, is a 3D model of an Andromd Starship; it is 3km in length.

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