posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:09 AM
Originally posted by bmck12
Yes there are two comets that are posing threats to our atmosphere..... Here is the link that will allow you to look at the orbit of each comet and
where is lines up with earth and when. I just found this when I was looking at Elenin and low and behold there was Honda... I have heard of Elenin
but just found out about Honda and the last thread was from 2006 or 2008 on ATS.... Check out the link and let me know what ya think..... Please be
gentle with your comments this is my first thread...
Good find, and perhaps we can assist in the hunt.
If one looks further into various threads posted on ATS, one might find that both
gringoboy and myself have included the appearance of Honda,
2005 YU55, Apophis and a few more than just the two you mentioned.
Puterman also has an excellent thread on Elenin, and there are a few other threads Elenin-related that have chimed in with additional
You are to be commended, as it is good to keep this subject alive with different angles coming in at various times and places, because the MSM sure as
heck isn't and IT is coming...although we are buying the "comet" story.
Juust exactly where did you get your dimensions from - L.E. said he estimated the size at 4-5 at discovery date?
Not to worry - [color=limegreen]all will be revealed in
COMETGATE - Part Two - Connecting the Dots.
Good luck on your quest - you're still a few items short on the "shopping list" of visitors in September, October, November, December - 2011. When
you create your own or add to our's, it is quite revealing of the MSM's blackout of relevant information - or is it merely oversight or omission by
ignorant morons - or worse?
These were all laid out in one of the previously alluded to posts - if one looks carefully, one might find such a list.
Let's see, where was it?
Cometgate? The Domino Effect? A good hunt awaits one, if one is interested...
In Peace & Light
Global Emergency & Disaster Info