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Did Kerry Choose Edwards because he is cute?

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posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 08:37 AM
Do we live in such a shallow society that we pick our leaders on thier looks? There is much controversy surrounding Senator Edwards choice as VP on the Presidential ticket. Edwards has very limited polical experience, he is a one term senator from North Carolina and a lawyer to boot!Even President Bush got in the act this week . in a speech he referered to Cheney's tounge and cheek pick in People Sexy-ist men issue, then went on to extoll Cheney extensive poiltical record compared to Edwards. seems suspect to me. I have always wondered if Presidents such as Lincoln and Taft would have been elected in our modern media world. Where so much emphasis is based on looks.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 08:43 AM
I hope that was not the real reason although I guess it could play a factor considering some say Kerry is a bit stiff, maybe putting someone with more personality helps. I hope the main reason he picked Edwards is he will do well for the country and be able to step in should something happen to Kerry. Then again this is Hollywood/Washinton we are talking about.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 08:44 AM
Sure, that's what the GOP wants you to think. That's far too easy an answer, though.

I've seen him at (my) work. Women SWOON when he walks by. It's hilarious. I know he'll take Clinton's Chick vote, for sure.

That is not why he was picked, though. Kerry picked him because he ran the best campaign in the primaries and Edwards is who the majority of the party wanted as VP. That told me something about Kerry. He's willing to listen and he's willing to work with people.

Although I'm a Republican, I think it was an excellent choice and I applaud Kerry for it. Btw, there's no way in hell I would ever vote for Bush (again).

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 09:06 AM
Unfortunately in politics sometimes the physical presentation a candidate makes is seen as equally important to his stand on issues.

I've seen candidates get reactions like "Oh gosh he's to goofy looking to be the president of the united states."

Names like Forbes, Perot, and Kucinich come to mind as people who I've heard spoken about in that sense.

Is it wrong to let something like that influence a voters choice, yeah, I think so, but I don't know if that will change any time soon.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 09:13 AM
He does has good looks that is for sure, during the primaries I wanted him to win, I guess as any other women his good looks atracted me.

Clinton did have the women votes, bush did not, so I guess this time women votes will be something bush has to work with and sorry to say Cheney is not cute at all.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 09:13 AM
Think of who our most popular recent past presidents, Kennedy, Reagan, and Clinton all good looking men, and then look at the unpopular ones Nixon for example.and we all know how people felt about his looks. although history will most likely show him as one of our best Presidents especially in Foriegn Affairs.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 09:32 AM
I hate that looks plays any part. But it does. Edwards good looks are enhanced by his charisma.

Imagine if Abe Lincoln ran today. He'd probly lose bigTime.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
I hate that looks plays any part. But it does. Edwards good looks are enhanced by his charisma.

Imagine if Abe Lincoln ran today. He'd probly lose bigTime.

That would be so sad Lincoln perhaps are best president not getting elected because he was not a pretty boy. Wasnt old Abe not considered a good looking man back when he was elected? I was under the impression he grew his beard to get more votes so I guess even back then appearance played a role

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 10:10 AM
I believe yes, He is getting alot of swing votes from middle aged women. I would think that its very compex, its not the only reason, but a secret one.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 10:59 AM

That is not why he was picked, though. Kerry picked him because he ran the best campaign in the primaries and Edwards is who the majority of the party wanted as VP. That told me something about Kerry. He's willing to listen and he's willing to work with people.

Although I'm a Republican, I think it was an excellent choice and I applaud Kerry for it. Btw, there's no way in hell I would ever vote for Bush

My sentiments exactly, though I didn't vote for Shrub the first time either, hehe....

Edwards was a VP contender even back when Gore ran for pres, so yes, it makes perfect sense that Kerry chose him. In fact, without Edwards on the ticket, Kerry wouldn't have had a prayer. At least now he can give Dubya a run for the money...but I still think that Bush will hold onto power...and the totalitarian direction we're taking scares me more and more each day....

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