posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 11:02 AM
The thread about people's compass's going crazy got me to go out and buy a compass.
Walking around our house we found our bird's cage is magnetized, steel filing cabinets are magnetized, the kids steel bunkbeds are magnetized...none
of them have magnets on them.
They are not connected to the houses electrical could they be magnetized??
The REBAR within the concrete in our floor is magnetized, at 2 feet off the floor in certain spots the compass goes crazy. The houses electrical
system isn't connected in any way to that.
So I got to looking into it more:
P-15 - Master Plan Phase II
"""Provide an electromagnetic radiation analysis to support the on-going Guam Joint Military Master Plan and EIS for the USMC relocation Okinawa to
Guam for new electromagnetic radiation emitting equipment."""
We have aluminum storm shutters over our glass sliding doors in the living room. A compass will point directly at the aluminum storm shutters...I walk
outside and check it from that side....aluminum storm shutters are the heck can that be???
note....I live right next to a big DOD radio tower array about a mile away.
So how on Earth do I de-gauss an entire HOUSE and block EMF from hitting us???!!!!
Anyone? Can I buy that microwave door honeycomb metal to block EMF?