posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:11 AM
I tried finding my previous post about European Revolution 3/26/11. it appears it was taken over by a few people who did sensless violence and
property distruction.
*Charlie put this video's online, thought it might bolster my analysis at the bottom.
overall, I suspect the powers that be, wanted to show up unprepared.... notice prevous police equip.
It was extremely difficult to follow the going ons in london, during "Loose Control of London"
agenda. I was able to get quite a few video's of the hooligans busting up the place -
I think, these people breaking windows and the like are all physically fit. short hair. and
a complete avoidance of military atire. in serveral video's I noted a gang type participation,
suggesting these people knew one another. notice the similarity of dress. suggesting a
uniform of the day memo. (highly edited video on TV is also noted).
Now, I'm not saying who these people are, just observing and noting what there is to note.
*** I was expecting Charlie Yesterday afternoon, *** he is either late, or something else is happening.
does anyone in England have any information?